Much manyTalía AcuñaThe document provides information on using quantifiers like "some", "any", "much", "many", and "a lot of" with countable and uncountable nouns. It explains that "much" and "many" are used in negative and interrogative sentences with uncountable and countable nouns respectively. "Some" is used in affirmative sentences, and "any" is used in negative and interrogative sentences. Two activities are included for practice identifying the correct quantifiers in different sentences.
Brasil.02 (1)rpereira2012Brazil is home to a vast amount of the world's animal species and has over 8000 kilometers of beaches. The Amazon river contains thousands of tributaries and flows through forest areas with hotels. Brazil has a large population, especially near rivers, and is known for its carnival celebrations, samba dancers, poets, writers, loving mothers, humorous culture, and religious faith along its many beaches and cities like Fortaleza.
Pasos de un_programa-4_im8Laura MendozaEste documento describe los pasos para realizar un programa, incluyendo definir la actividad, analizar la realidad, fundamentar la necesidad, establecer objetivos generales y específicos, identificar destinatarios, desarrollar una metodología, definir contenidos y cronograma, determinar el lugar y recursos humanos y materiales, y diseñar un proceso de evaluación.
collisiondetectionNiraj BharambeThe document describes a program for detecting collisions between 2D objects using the min-max test or bounding box test. The min-max test detects collisions by comparing the minimum and maximum x and y coordinates of two objects' bounding boxes. If the minimum x of one object is greater than the maximum x of the other (or vice versa for y), no collision is possible. The C code provided implements these collision detection algorithms by finding the min-max coordinates of rectangles and testing if a moving line intersects any rectangles.
Xml 150323102007-conversion-gate01Niraj BharambeThis document provides an introduction and overview of XML. It defines XML, explains how it is used to transport and store data, and compares it to HTML. It provides examples of XML code and documents. It describes XML syntax rules including requirements for closing tags, nesting, and attributes. It explains how XML documents form a tree structure and defines key XML concepts like elements, attributes, comments and naming conventions.
Prueba de septiembreTalía AcuñaThis document contains exercises and activities for an English 4th grade class focusing on the vocabulary "must-mustn't" and "should-shouldn't". It includes definitions and examples of these terms, as well as three activities - circling the correct term in sentences, matching vocabulary words to definitions, and writing sentences using "should/shouldn't" about people in an image. The objective is to review content for an upcoming September evaluation through related activities testing these grammatical concepts.
Htmlcolorcodes 150323101937-conversion-gate01Niraj BharambeThe document discusses color values in HTML. It explains that colors are created by combining levels of red, green, and blue light, which can be represented using hexadecimal notation. With 256 possible values for each color component, there are over 16 million possible colors that can be generated. Examples of common color values in hexadecimal and RGB notation are provided.
Samsung VS Apple Qatar Museums Authority (QMA)This document provides an overview of Apple Inc., including its history, products, financial performance, competitors and corporate social responsibility efforts. It notes that Apple was founded in 1976 and released the Macintosh in 1984. Key facts highlighted include that Apple has become the largest publicly traded company in the world by market capitalization, generating over $74 billion in revenue in 2014. The document also summarizes Apple's mission to provide innovative technology products, main competitor Samsung, sources of revenue, and commitment to environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing.
Аналитика для тех, кто и так все знаетiMetricsАндрей Суховой, OWOX
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Pasos de un_programa-4_im8Laura MendozaEste documento describe los pasos para realizar un programa, incluyendo definir la actividad, analizar la realidad, fundamentar la necesidad, establecer objetivos generales y específicos, identificar destinatarios, desarrollar una metodología, definir contenidos y cronograma, determinar el lugar y recursos humanos y materiales, y diseñar un proceso de evaluación.
collisiondetectionNiraj BharambeThe document describes a program for detecting collisions between 2D objects using the min-max test or bounding box test. The min-max test detects collisions by comparing the minimum and maximum x and y coordinates of two objects' bounding boxes. If the minimum x of one object is greater than the maximum x of the other (or vice versa for y), no collision is possible. The C code provided implements these collision detection algorithms by finding the min-max coordinates of rectangles and testing if a moving line intersects any rectangles.
Xml 150323102007-conversion-gate01Niraj BharambeThis document provides an introduction and overview of XML. It defines XML, explains how it is used to transport and store data, and compares it to HTML. It provides examples of XML code and documents. It describes XML syntax rules including requirements for closing tags, nesting, and attributes. It explains how XML documents form a tree structure and defines key XML concepts like elements, attributes, comments and naming conventions.
Prueba de septiembreTalía AcuñaThis document contains exercises and activities for an English 4th grade class focusing on the vocabulary "must-mustn't" and "should-shouldn't". It includes definitions and examples of these terms, as well as three activities - circling the correct term in sentences, matching vocabulary words to definitions, and writing sentences using "should/shouldn't" about people in an image. The objective is to review content for an upcoming September evaluation through related activities testing these grammatical concepts.
Htmlcolorcodes 150323101937-conversion-gate01Niraj BharambeThe document discusses color values in HTML. It explains that colors are created by combining levels of red, green, and blue light, which can be represented using hexadecimal notation. With 256 possible values for each color component, there are over 16 million possible colors that can be generated. Examples of common color values in hexadecimal and RGB notation are provided.
Samsung VS Apple Qatar Museums Authority (QMA)This document provides an overview of Apple Inc., including its history, products, financial performance, competitors and corporate social responsibility efforts. It notes that Apple was founded in 1976 and released the Macintosh in 1984. Key facts highlighted include that Apple has become the largest publicly traded company in the world by market capitalization, generating over $74 billion in revenue in 2014. The document also summarizes Apple's mission to provide innovative technology products, main competitor Samsung, sources of revenue, and commitment to environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing.
2. Проблемы веб-аналитики
1. Отслеживаем сессии, а не посетителей
2. Считаем, что у одного посетителя - один
3. Отслеживаем не качество рекламы, а
последний источник
5. Оффлайн живет отдельно от онлайна
Sunday, November 4, 12
7. Посещения и посетители
В автомобильной тематике сразу нужны
Визит 1 Визит 2 Визит 3
Sunday, November 4, 12
8. Проблема
Посещения Посетители
Google Analytics
Sunday, November 4, 12
9. Проблема
Мы никогда не свяжем
разные посещения, если
посетитель сам не сделает
нам подсказку
Sunday, November 4, 12
10. Подсказки
1. Использование виджетов соц. сетей
2. Вход на сайт
3. Идентификация сторонним образом (e-
mail для комментария)
4. Паттерн поведения
Sunday, November 4, 12
17. Что делать?
1. Считать только часть звонков
2. Добавить на сайт кнопку
«показать номер телефона»
3. Придумать что-то еще
Sunday, November 4, 12
18. Промо-коды
• Полумера, но зачастую работает
• Сейлзы забывают спрашивать коды
• Приходится придумывать стимул для
звонящего, чтобы он их называл.
Sunday, November 4, 12
19. Промо-коды: howto
1. Берем любой счетчик статитики (напр.
Google Analytics)
2. Смотрим ему в cookie, что там написано
про текущую сессию
3. Показываем соответствующий промо-
Sunday, November 4, 12
20. Виртуальные номера
• Не отвлекает посетителя
• Меньше шансов, что кто-то совершит
• Стоит денег
Sunday, November 4, 12
21. Виртуальные номера: howto
1. Берем любой счетчик статитики (напр.
Google Analytics)
2. Смотрим ему в cookie, что там написано
про текущую сессию
3. Показываем соответствующий номер
Sunday, November 4, 12
25. Два типа опросников
Page-level Session-level
Спрашивает о странице, Спрашивает о визите
на которой находится посетителя
На каждой странице Опросник дается в
может быть свой
целом по сайту
Для оценки того, что Для оценки того, что
делать со страницей делать с сайтом
Sunday, November 4, 12
29. Сколько стоит?
Два лучших бесплатных инструмента:
§ Qualaroo – от $0 до $50
§ 4Q – от $0 до $400
§ iPerceptions WebValidator
§ Keynote
Sunday, November 4, 12
30. Александр Иванов
Sunday, November 4, 12