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Este documento presenta varios lugares emblemáticos del centro de ?msterdam como el Centro de Gobierno, el Parlamento, el Palacio y fuente de Binnenhof, el Ridderzaal o Sala de los Caballeros, la iglesia Westerkerk, la casa de Ana Frank, la Iglesia de San Nicolás, la Torre de la Moneda, el Palacio Real, la Iglesia Nueva, el antiguo edificio de correos ahora centro comercial, el Museo y fábrica de diamantes y los bonitos canales, acompa?ado
Este poema reflete sobre a jornada de aprender a aceitar as pessoas com suas falhas e imperfei??es, escutar além das aparências, perdoar e amar incondicionalmente. O autor descreve como é difícil mas está aprendendo gradualmente a ver o valor interior de cada pessoa e a amá-las como Deus os ama.
This document contains 26 images showing amazing natural and man-made locations around the world. Some of the highlights include a mountaintop house in Greece, a natural swimming pool in Mexico, icebergs in Antarctica, a giant crystal cave in Mexico, a recently discovered massive cave in Vietnam, amazing waterfalls in India and Oregon, and sky-bridges in Malaysia and the Netherlands offering beautiful views. The document serves to showcase the diversity of beautiful and unusual places found across the globe.
This document is a presentation by Nubia from Nubia Group. It provides contact information for Nubia, including an email address of Nubiagroup@yahoo.fr and a blog URL of http://Nubiagroup-powerpoint-collection.blogspot.com/ that may contain additional presentations.
Jamaica is an island country located in the Caribbean Sea. It has a population of 2.8 million people, making it the third most populous English-speaking country in the Americas after the United States and Canada. The capital and largest city is Kingston. Jamaica's economy relies on agriculture including sugarcane, coffee, and bananas, as well as bauxite mining and tourism. Jamaican culture is known for its music genres like reggae and artists such as Bob Marley, who popularized Rastafarian culture symbols worldwide.
Londres es la capital de Inglaterra y del Reino Unido, situada a orillas del río Támesis. Fue fundada por los romanos en el siglo I d.C. y actualmente es una gran metrópoli con más de 14 millones de habitantes. La ciudad ha crecido considerablemente desde la Revolución Industrial del siglo XIX, cuando se convirtió en el centro financiero y económico más importante del mundo. Londres está dividida administrativamente en la Ciudad de Londres y 32 distritos municipales.
Este documento proporciona información sobre varios lugares y monumentos importantes de Londres, incluyendo Big Ben, el London Eye, Chinatown, el Palacio de Buckingham, el Palacio de Westminster, el Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, el Ayuntamiento de Londres y el Museo Británico. Londres es la capital de Inglaterra y del Reino Unido, situada a orillas del río Támesis en el sureste de Gran Breta?a, y fue fundada por los romanos hace más de dos milenios.
Este documento fornece um resumo sobre a cidade de Londres, incluindo sua popula??o, pontos turísticos principais como o Big Ben e a London Eye, esportes populares como futebol, e sua história como sede dos Jogos Olímpicos três vezes.
Yups, everyone has its own journey... However, in the ways to our destinies, we at least meet each other for a while...
No matter how long we can enjoy our time, it's very nice to meet, to listen, to share, to hug, to cry...
Hoping that while we leave, we can say goodbye with much blessings peacefully to each other...
Yvonne :)
Este documento presenta varios lugares emblemáticos del centro de ?msterdam como el Centro de Gobierno, el Parlamento, el Palacio y fuente de Binnenhof, el Ridderzaal o Sala de los Caballeros, la iglesia Westerkerk, la casa de Ana Frank, la Iglesia de San Nicolás, la Torre de la Moneda, el Palacio Real, la Iglesia Nueva, el antiguo edificio de correos ahora centro comercial, el Museo y fábrica de diamantes y los bonitos canales, acompa?ado
Este poema reflete sobre a jornada de aprender a aceitar as pessoas com suas falhas e imperfei??es, escutar além das aparências, perdoar e amar incondicionalmente. O autor descreve como é difícil mas está aprendendo gradualmente a ver o valor interior de cada pessoa e a amá-las como Deus os ama.
This document contains 26 images showing amazing natural and man-made locations around the world. Some of the highlights include a mountaintop house in Greece, a natural swimming pool in Mexico, icebergs in Antarctica, a giant crystal cave in Mexico, a recently discovered massive cave in Vietnam, amazing waterfalls in India and Oregon, and sky-bridges in Malaysia and the Netherlands offering beautiful views. The document serves to showcase the diversity of beautiful and unusual places found across the globe.
This document is a presentation by Nubia from Nubia Group. It provides contact information for Nubia, including an email address of Nubiagroup@yahoo.fr and a blog URL of http://Nubiagroup-powerpoint-collection.blogspot.com/ that may contain additional presentations.
Jamaica is an island country located in the Caribbean Sea. It has a population of 2.8 million people, making it the third most populous English-speaking country in the Americas after the United States and Canada. The capital and largest city is Kingston. Jamaica's economy relies on agriculture including sugarcane, coffee, and bananas, as well as bauxite mining and tourism. Jamaican culture is known for its music genres like reggae and artists such as Bob Marley, who popularized Rastafarian culture symbols worldwide.
Londres es la capital de Inglaterra y del Reino Unido, situada a orillas del río Támesis. Fue fundada por los romanos en el siglo I d.C. y actualmente es una gran metrópoli con más de 14 millones de habitantes. La ciudad ha crecido considerablemente desde la Revolución Industrial del siglo XIX, cuando se convirtió en el centro financiero y económico más importante del mundo. Londres está dividida administrativamente en la Ciudad de Londres y 32 distritos municipales.
Este documento proporciona información sobre varios lugares y monumentos importantes de Londres, incluyendo Big Ben, el London Eye, Chinatown, el Palacio de Buckingham, el Palacio de Westminster, el Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, el Ayuntamiento de Londres y el Museo Británico. Londres es la capital de Inglaterra y del Reino Unido, situada a orillas del río Támesis en el sureste de Gran Breta?a, y fue fundada por los romanos hace más de dos milenios.
Este documento fornece um resumo sobre a cidade de Londres, incluindo sua popula??o, pontos turísticos principais como o Big Ben e a London Eye, esportes populares como futebol, e sua história como sede dos Jogos Olímpicos três vezes.
Yups, everyone has its own journey... However, in the ways to our destinies, we at least meet each other for a while...
No matter how long we can enjoy our time, it's very nice to meet, to listen, to share, to hug, to cry...
Hoping that while we leave, we can say goodbye with much blessings peacefully to each other...
Yvonne :)
According to neuroscientist Richard Davidson's research:
1. Meditating Buddhist monks showed much greater brain activation and better organized neural connections in the prefrontal cortex compared to student volunteers.
2. This suggests mental training through meditation can physically change the structure and function of the brain.
3. Davidson's previous research found the left prefrontal cortex is associated with happiness, and the monks' brain activity was especially high in this region.