Photography 1js1productionstmAnsel Adams was an influential American photographer known for his black and white images of the American West. Some key details:
- He was born in 1902 and died in 1984, and was a pioneering environmentalist photographer.
- He co-founded Group f/64, which advocated for sharp focus and increased depth of field in photography.
- The document shows and describes several of Adams' iconic black and white landscape photographs from Yosemite and the Grand Canyon, highlighting his masterful use of depth of field, composition, and long-shot techniques.
UsabilityslideshowCarmell06769This document discusses elements of good web design including use of whitespace, simplicity, and following users' F-shaped reading patterns. It also covers principles of universal usability such as pages loading properly without images, adapting to different window widths, and being fully operable by keyboard. The key to good design is considering both visual design elements and how to make pages easily usable and accessible to all people.
Sql Azure Partner Opportunities 07 29 2008clapalThis document discusses how SQL Azure can help businesses leverage cloud computing. It provides three examples of how businesses can use SQL Azure for success: 1) Innovating SaaS or web applications quickly at low cost, 2) Consolidating and virtualizing existing custom applications easily, and 3) Expanding packaged application offerings to the cloud to increase margins and reach new customers. SQL Azure allows businesses to focus on their core business instead of infrastructure and helps lower costs, shorten time to market, and increase scalability and geographical reach.
57proposaljs1productionstmThis document outlines Gameel Saleh's photography project proposal to capture images at Salford Quays. The proposal includes plans to take 50 daylight images and 50 nighttime images of the quays, then select the best 10 (5 daylight, 5 night) for the final project. It also discusses the themes of relaxation, fun, and family at Salford Quays as inspiration. Gameel will bring a Nikon camera and use techniques like slow shutter speed, close-ups, and long shots. He cites several famous black-and-white photographers like Ansel Adams as influences and hopes to capture work in a similar style. The class trip to Salford Quays is scheduled for November 19th from 9:
1. Организация соревнований по баскетболу Авторы Проекта Тупиков Матвей Томышев Евгений Харченко Андрей
2. Цель проекта : 1.Обучение основам тактики и техническим приемам игры баскетбол . 2.Организация и проведение соревнований.
3. Этапы реализации: Формирование оргкомитета соревнований. Разработка Положения о проведений соревнований. Формирований команд-участников. Формирование судейской бригады. Подготовка судейских листов и протоколов соревнований. Организация обучающего курса и тренировочного процесса. Формирование группы поддержки. Организация подготовки выступления группы. Подготовка площадки для проведения соревнований в соответствии с правилами игры, Положения о проведении соревнований и требований техники безопасности. Проведение соревнований. Подведение итогов. Награждение.
5. Результат Обучены основам тактики и техническим приемам игры баскетбол 28 человек. Проведены соревнования по баскетболу с участием 4 команд. Разработано Положение о проведение соревнований по баскетболу в лагере «Город Искателей».
6. Результаты соревнований Марья-да-Иван (4-12) Basket King Великолепная пятерка(15-9) Lakers Марья-да-Иван( 18-19) Lakers Великолепная пятерка (12-19) Basket King Призовые места: Basket King Великолепная пятерка Lakers