Invasive SpeciesCHEARSThis document provides information on invasive plant species and plant pests and pathogens. It defines native and exotic plants, and explains that invasive species are non-native species that cause economic or environmental harm. Several common invasive ornamental plants are described, as well as how invasives are introduced and why they are successful. Control methods including mechanical, chemical, and effective herbicide treatments are summarized. The document also provides an overview of plant pests and pathogens, describing different types of damage and examples like gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, and sudden oak death disease.
Invasive species seth knochelMark McGinleyThe document defines an invasive species as a non-native species that causes harm to the environment, economy, or human health. It provides examples of common invasive species in Texas, the US, and other parts of the world such as nutria, hydrilla, fire ants, and zebra mussels. The document also discusses the traits that allow invasive species to outcompete native species and the efforts of organizations like the National Invasive Species Council to control and manage invasive populations.
Invasive species powerpointeslaqInvasive species are introduced plants, animals, and microorganisms that negatively impact native ecosystems by outcompeting local species for resources and preying upon them without natural predators to control their growth. They can be transported unintentionally through various human means of travel and trade. Invasive species proliferate rapidly, reducing biodiversity and disrupting ecosystems, economies, and societies. Simple actions like cleaning gear and draining water from boats can help limit the spread of invasive species.
Invasive flora of pakistanPari DollThis document discusses 5 invasive plant species that were introduced in Pakistan, including their native regions, purposes of introduction, and major impacts. It describes how Broussonetia papyrifera was introduced in the 1960s to green the capital area but became a serious allergen and competitor of natural biodiversity. Parthenium hysterophorus was introduced accidentally in the 1980s and is hazardous to human health and cattle, causes crop loss, and threatens natural biodiversity. Prosopis juliflora was introduced in 1878 for sand dune stabilization but replaced natural biodiversity at a huge scale and causes cattle poisoning. Lantana camara was also introduced and causes changes in vegetation, repels fauna with its
Invasive species in Coastal Ecosystems: Causes, Impacts and Management Recomm...Loretta RobersonThis document discusses invasive species in coastal ecosystems, focusing on Puerto Rico. It defines invasive species and describes common pathways like transportation and commerce. Invasive species threaten biodiversity and alter ecosystems. In Puerto Rico, lionfish, firefish, Asian tiger shrimp and sea lions have become established. Management challenges include inconsistent data and limited funding. Effective strategies prioritize high-risk species and pathways to prevent new introductions.
Invasive SpeciesCory Hausman1) The Ironton Rail Trail follows the path of an old railroad line that transported iron ore, coal, and limestone. It now serves as a hiking and biking trail that preserves local history.
2) The document discusses several invasive species found along the trail, including Crown Vetch, Japanese Beetles, Orange Day Lily, and Tuberous Sweet Pea, that threaten native plants and wildlife.
3) These invasive species were introduced from other parts of the world and spread aggressively, displacing native species and reducing biodiversity in the natural areas along the trail.
Invasive speciesd_jones717Invasive species are organisms that are not native to an environment and can cause harm. Some of the worst invasive species include the European rabbit, zebra mussel, and ship rat, which have caused extinction of other species. Invasive insects and animals are often introduced unintentionally but then negatively impact the ecosystem by preying on native species or destroying property. Common invasive plants like purple loosestrife and tree of heaven spread rapidly and kill other plants. Invasive species cost millions of dollars to control and mitigate their environmental damage.
Invasive species presentation completedJodie GustafsonThis document discusses invasive species and their impacts. It defines invasive species as nonnative plants and animals that harm native species. Some examples of invasive animal species in Florida mentioned are wild hogs, starlings, Burmese pythons, and iguanas. Invasive plant species mentioned include air potato, cogon grass, coral ardisia, and camphor tree. Invasive species are introduced both deliberately and accidentally, and then spread by various means. They cause damage by competing with and preying on native species, eliminating biodiversity, and disrupting ecosystems. Solutions proposed for invasive plants include manually removing them and replacing them with native species.
Invasive SpeciesOhMissThe document discusses invasive species, which are introduced non-native species that spread rapidly and negatively impact the environment. Introduced species usually fail to establish because most cannot tolerate a new environment, but some like zebra mussels are successful. Invasive species have few natural predators or diseases in their new ecosystem, allowing their populations to grow unchecked and outcompete native species. There are over 3000 invasive species in Canada, including carp and starlings, which significantly impact environments and economies. Preventing introductions is ideal but difficult as species can arrive unintentionally. Controlling established invasives may involve pesticides, physical removal, or biological controls using natural predators.
Invasive alien speciesSurendra BamThe document discusses invasive alien species (IAS) as a threat to biodiversity and the environment. It describes how some species have traits like rapid growth and reproduction that allow them to outcompete native species. IAS are often introduced through human activities like importing plants, releasing ballast water from ships, or the pet trade. They can negatively impact ecosystems, economies, agriculture, and human health. Effective control requires integrated approaches like mechanical removal, chemicals, biological controls, and habitat management. The conclusion states that IAS are a major threat globally and that their impacts must be managed.
Invasive Specieshhead1The document discusses invasive species, providing examples of invasive plant species that have negatively impacted ecosystems in California. It defines invasive species as non-native species that cause harm by spreading rapidly and outcompeting native species. Some of the invasive plants discussed include iceplant, periwinkle, English/Algerian ivy, licorice plant, scarlet wisteria, various broom species, pampas grass, cotoneaster, yellow/purple starthistle, salt cedar, rush skeletonweed, white horsenettle, giant reed bamboo, barb goatgrass, perennial pepperweed, medusahead, Klamath weed, and hoary cress. Removal of invasive species is described as labor
CCEDIN Invasive Species Early Detection 8.19.09Robert Emanuelݺߣ show used to educate ~50 volunteers of the Clatsop County Early Detection of Invasive Species Network about EDRR, invasive species management and 8 priority invaders for the network.
Invasive speciesGeoffPeachThe document discusses the issue of invasive species in the Great Lakes ecosystem. Over 190 alien species have been introduced in the lakes, with a new introduction every 6 months. These invasive species threaten native species by outcompeting them, changing the ecosystem and reducing biodiversity. Zebra mussels were first sighted in 1988 and have affected nearshore water quality. Quagga mussels can tolerate deeper, colder waters. Other invasive species include round gobies, water milfoil, and rusty crayfish. Invasive plants such as common reed, spotted knapweed and giant hogweed are also taking over beaches and wetlands. Climate change and lower lake levels are additional pressures. Local grassroots efforts are advocated to
Virginia Invasive Species Management Plan 2012The Piedmont Environmental CouncilThe document discusses legislation from 2009 that established an advisory committee chaired by the Secretary of Natural Resources to create a state management plan for invasive species. The management plan focuses on coordination, prevention, early detection, rapid response, control and management, research and risk assessment, and education and outreach. It also mentions a specific study on Phragmites genetics in the York River and provides recommendations for citizens to help address invasive species issues.
Invasive SpeciesCHEARSThis document provides information on invasive plant species and plant pests and pathogens. It defines native and exotic plants, and explains that invasive species are non-native species that cause economic or environmental harm. Several common invasive ornamental plants are described, as well as how invasives are introduced and why they are successful. Control methods including mechanical, chemical, and effective herbicide treatments are summarized. The document also provides an overview of plant pests and pathogens, describing different types of damage and examples like gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, and sudden oak death disease.
Invasive species seth knochelMark McGinleyThe document defines an invasive species as a non-native species that causes harm to the environment, economy, or human health. It provides examples of common invasive species in Texas, the US, and other parts of the world such as nutria, hydrilla, fire ants, and zebra mussels. The document also discusses the traits that allow invasive species to outcompete native species and the efforts of organizations like the National Invasive Species Council to control and manage invasive populations.
Invasive species powerpointeslaqInvasive species are introduced plants, animals, and microorganisms that negatively impact native ecosystems by outcompeting local species for resources and preying upon them without natural predators to control their growth. They can be transported unintentionally through various human means of travel and trade. Invasive species proliferate rapidly, reducing biodiversity and disrupting ecosystems, economies, and societies. Simple actions like cleaning gear and draining water from boats can help limit the spread of invasive species.
Invasive flora of pakistanPari DollThis document discusses 5 invasive plant species that were introduced in Pakistan, including their native regions, purposes of introduction, and major impacts. It describes how Broussonetia papyrifera was introduced in the 1960s to green the capital area but became a serious allergen and competitor of natural biodiversity. Parthenium hysterophorus was introduced accidentally in the 1980s and is hazardous to human health and cattle, causes crop loss, and threatens natural biodiversity. Prosopis juliflora was introduced in 1878 for sand dune stabilization but replaced natural biodiversity at a huge scale and causes cattle poisoning. Lantana camara was also introduced and causes changes in vegetation, repels fauna with its
Invasive species in Coastal Ecosystems: Causes, Impacts and Management Recomm...Loretta RobersonThis document discusses invasive species in coastal ecosystems, focusing on Puerto Rico. It defines invasive species and describes common pathways like transportation and commerce. Invasive species threaten biodiversity and alter ecosystems. In Puerto Rico, lionfish, firefish, Asian tiger shrimp and sea lions have become established. Management challenges include inconsistent data and limited funding. Effective strategies prioritize high-risk species and pathways to prevent new introductions.
Invasive SpeciesCory Hausman1) The Ironton Rail Trail follows the path of an old railroad line that transported iron ore, coal, and limestone. It now serves as a hiking and biking trail that preserves local history.
2) The document discusses several invasive species found along the trail, including Crown Vetch, Japanese Beetles, Orange Day Lily, and Tuberous Sweet Pea, that threaten native plants and wildlife.
3) These invasive species were introduced from other parts of the world and spread aggressively, displacing native species and reducing biodiversity in the natural areas along the trail.
Invasive speciesd_jones717Invasive species are organisms that are not native to an environment and can cause harm. Some of the worst invasive species include the European rabbit, zebra mussel, and ship rat, which have caused extinction of other species. Invasive insects and animals are often introduced unintentionally but then negatively impact the ecosystem by preying on native species or destroying property. Common invasive plants like purple loosestrife and tree of heaven spread rapidly and kill other plants. Invasive species cost millions of dollars to control and mitigate their environmental damage.
Invasive species presentation completedJodie GustafsonThis document discusses invasive species and their impacts. It defines invasive species as nonnative plants and animals that harm native species. Some examples of invasive animal species in Florida mentioned are wild hogs, starlings, Burmese pythons, and iguanas. Invasive plant species mentioned include air potato, cogon grass, coral ardisia, and camphor tree. Invasive species are introduced both deliberately and accidentally, and then spread by various means. They cause damage by competing with and preying on native species, eliminating biodiversity, and disrupting ecosystems. Solutions proposed for invasive plants include manually removing them and replacing them with native species.
Invasive SpeciesOhMissThe document discusses invasive species, which are introduced non-native species that spread rapidly and negatively impact the environment. Introduced species usually fail to establish because most cannot tolerate a new environment, but some like zebra mussels are successful. Invasive species have few natural predators or diseases in their new ecosystem, allowing their populations to grow unchecked and outcompete native species. There are over 3000 invasive species in Canada, including carp and starlings, which significantly impact environments and economies. Preventing introductions is ideal but difficult as species can arrive unintentionally. Controlling established invasives may involve pesticides, physical removal, or biological controls using natural predators.
Invasive alien speciesSurendra BamThe document discusses invasive alien species (IAS) as a threat to biodiversity and the environment. It describes how some species have traits like rapid growth and reproduction that allow them to outcompete native species. IAS are often introduced through human activities like importing plants, releasing ballast water from ships, or the pet trade. They can negatively impact ecosystems, economies, agriculture, and human health. Effective control requires integrated approaches like mechanical removal, chemicals, biological controls, and habitat management. The conclusion states that IAS are a major threat globally and that their impacts must be managed.
Invasive Specieshhead1The document discusses invasive species, providing examples of invasive plant species that have negatively impacted ecosystems in California. It defines invasive species as non-native species that cause harm by spreading rapidly and outcompeting native species. Some of the invasive plants discussed include iceplant, periwinkle, English/Algerian ivy, licorice plant, scarlet wisteria, various broom species, pampas grass, cotoneaster, yellow/purple starthistle, salt cedar, rush skeletonweed, white horsenettle, giant reed bamboo, barb goatgrass, perennial pepperweed, medusahead, Klamath weed, and hoary cress. Removal of invasive species is described as labor
CCEDIN Invasive Species Early Detection 8.19.09Robert Emanuelݺߣ show used to educate ~50 volunteers of the Clatsop County Early Detection of Invasive Species Network about EDRR, invasive species management and 8 priority invaders for the network.
Invasive speciesGeoffPeachThe document discusses the issue of invasive species in the Great Lakes ecosystem. Over 190 alien species have been introduced in the lakes, with a new introduction every 6 months. These invasive species threaten native species by outcompeting them, changing the ecosystem and reducing biodiversity. Zebra mussels were first sighted in 1988 and have affected nearshore water quality. Quagga mussels can tolerate deeper, colder waters. Other invasive species include round gobies, water milfoil, and rusty crayfish. Invasive plants such as common reed, spotted knapweed and giant hogweed are also taking over beaches and wetlands. Climate change and lower lake levels are additional pressures. Local grassroots efforts are advocated to
Virginia Invasive Species Management Plan 2012The Piedmont Environmental CouncilThe document discusses legislation from 2009 that established an advisory committee chaired by the Secretary of Natural Resources to create a state management plan for invasive species. The management plan focuses on coordination, prevention, early detection, rapid response, control and management, research and risk assessment, and education and outreach. It also mentions a specific study on Phragmites genetics in the York River and provides recommendations for citizens to help address invasive species issues.
Метады і прыёмы работы па фарміраванні ў вучняў уменняў і навыкаў звязнага маўлення на ўроках беларускай літаратуры
“Метады і прыёмы работы па
фарміраванні ў вучняў уменняў і
навыкаў звязнага маўлення на
ўроках беларускай літаратуры”
настаўніца беларускай мовы і літаратуры
другой катэгорыі
2012-2013 нав.год
2. Маўленне з'яўляецца важным паказчыкам
духоўнай культуры асобы.
“Які чалавек, такое яго маўленне”, - лічыў
“Пазнаюць людзей
Францішак Багушэвіч пісаў:
ці па гаворцы, ці па адзежы, хто якую
носе; ото ж гаворка, язык і ѐсць адзежа
3. Літаратура як мастацтва слова –
сродак фарміравання і развіцця моўнай культуры, індывідуальнага
самавыяўлення вучня праз слова.
З дапамогай мастацкіх тэкстаў дзеці спазнаюць
багацце лексікі, адметнасць сінтаксічнага, марфалагічнага складу
беларускай мовы, яе мілагучнасць і прыгажосць.
Чытанне і вывучэнне літаратурных твораў
развівае камунікатыўныя здольнасці вучня,
узбагачае выяўленчыя, экспрэсіўныя магчымасці яго
мовы, лексічны, фразеалагічны, слоўнікавы запас,
фарміруе маўленчыя нормы,
развівае маўленчую культуру,
а праз яе і агульную культуру асобы”.
4. Па характары пазнавальнай дзейнасці (М.І. Кудрашоў):
-метад творчага чытання;
- рэпрадуктыўны;
-даследчы. Сістэма метадаў М.Р.Качурына:
- аналіз;
-мастацкая інтэрпрэтацыя літаратурнага твора.
Класіфікацыя У.Г. Маранцмана:
- каменціраванне;
- ператварэнне літаратурных твораў у іншыя віды мастацтва;
- метад літаратурнай творчасці і інш.
Інавацыйныя метады: элементы камп’ютарнай і
мультымедыйнай тэхналогіі
5. На ўроках літаратуры, пры
рэалізацыі прыѐмаў творчага чытання,
карыстаюся наступнымі відамі
выразнае чытанне,
слуханне мастацкага чытання;
вуснае выказванне;
састаўленне сцэнарыяў;
сачыненні рознага жанру і інш.
6. 1.Вуснае выказванне
Віды вусных выказванняў вучняў
пры вывучэнні літаратуры
ў сярэдніх класах:
каментарый тэксту пры чытанні ў класе,
пераказы (кароткі, падрабязны, выбарачны),
творчы пераказ,
вуснае моўнае маляванне, адказ на пытанні
ўзнаўляючага характару і на праблемнае пытанне,
разгорнутае маналагічнае паведамленне.
8. Віды вусных выказванняў
вучняў па літаратуры
ў старэйшых класах:
выказванне сваѐй думкі,
рэпліка ў дыялогу,
паведамленне ці даклад
на літаратурную тэму,
выступленне на семінары,
12. Элементы камп’ютарнай і
мультымедыйнай тэхналогіі:
распрацоўка эскізаў тэатральных афіш і
праграм, запрашальных білетаў у тэатр;
камп’ютарная версія рэкламы да
спектакляў, паводле твораў беларускіх
аўтараў і інш.