YouTube videos inside ݺߣShareRashmi SinhaThis document announces that YouTube videos can now be embedded in ݺߣShare presentations. It provides examples of how YouTube videos could be used, such as adding video clips to resumes or press releases. Instructions are given for inserting a YouTube video into a ݺߣShare presentation, which involves pasting the YouTube URL into the presentation and publishing.
اللمبات الموفره نوبل الفيزياء 2014Mohamed Alashramاستحق الثلاثة جائزة نوبل للفيزياء 2014لابتكارهم مصدر للضوء صديق للبيئة موفر للطاقة
اللمبات الموفره led lamps
حل كتاب الطالب و النشاط بالبوربوينت لمادة الدراسات الأجتماعية للصف الأول متوس...Ashraf El Desokyحل كتاب الطالب و النشاط بالبوربوينت لمادة الدراسات الأجتماعية للصف الأول متوسط ف2 لعام 1436هـ
Social Media for BusinessPresentation AdvisorsIn our web 2.0 world, the business landscape has changed. Consumers refuse to be interrupted anymore - demanding that brands engage with them.
People do business with people they like, know, and trust. By utilizing the social media tools available to all of us, businesses can become human. By creating valuable content and engaging with customers where they are, businesses are creating real relationships, resulting in real trust.
This presentation offers a high-level overview to where we've been, where we are, and we're we are going in social media. It gives simple-to-follow steps to start implementing social media into a business. It's not comprehensive, but can help a business take that first step.
Content developed by Jon Thomas and M80 ( Presentation designed by Jon Thomas at Presentation Advisors (
A Guide to ݺߣShare Analytics - Excerpts from Hubspot's Step by Step Guide ...ݺߣShareThis document provides a summary of the analytics available through ݺߣShare for monitoring the performance of presentations. It outlines the key metrics that can be viewed such as total views, actions, and traffic sources over different time periods. The analytics help users identify topics and presentation styles that resonate best with audiences based on view and engagement numbers. They also allow users to calculate important metrics like view-to-contact conversion rates. Regular review of the analytics insights helps users improve future presentations and marketing strategies.
2015 Upload Campaigns Calendar - ݺߣShareݺߣShareEach month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your ݺߣShares, and share your expertise with the world!
What to Upload to ݺߣShareݺߣShareNot sure what to share on ݺߣShare?
ݺߣShares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. We’ve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
YouTube videos inside ݺߣShareRashmi SinhaThis document announces that YouTube videos can now be embedded in ݺߣShare presentations. It provides examples of how YouTube videos could be used, such as adding video clips to resumes or press releases. Instructions are given for inserting a YouTube video into a ݺߣShare presentation, which involves pasting the YouTube URL into the presentation and publishing.
اللمبات الموفره نوبل الفيزياء 2014Mohamed Alashramاستحق الثلاثة جائزة نوبل للفيزياء 2014لابتكارهم مصدر للضوء صديق للبيئة موفر للطاقة
اللمبات الموفره led lamps
حل كتاب الطالب و النشاط بالبوربوينت لمادة الدراسات الأجتماعية للصف الأول متوس...Ashraf El Desokyحل كتاب الطالب و النشاط بالبوربوينت لمادة الدراسات الأجتماعية للصف الأول متوسط ف2 لعام 1436هـ
Social Media for BusinessPresentation AdvisorsIn our web 2.0 world, the business landscape has changed. Consumers refuse to be interrupted anymore - demanding that brands engage with them.
People do business with people they like, know, and trust. By utilizing the social media tools available to all of us, businesses can become human. By creating valuable content and engaging with customers where they are, businesses are creating real relationships, resulting in real trust.
This presentation offers a high-level overview to where we've been, where we are, and we're we are going in social media. It gives simple-to-follow steps to start implementing social media into a business. It's not comprehensive, but can help a business take that first step.
Content developed by Jon Thomas and M80 ( Presentation designed by Jon Thomas at Presentation Advisors (
A Guide to ݺߣShare Analytics - Excerpts from Hubspot's Step by Step Guide ...ݺߣShareThis document provides a summary of the analytics available through ݺߣShare for monitoring the performance of presentations. It outlines the key metrics that can be viewed such as total views, actions, and traffic sources over different time periods. The analytics help users identify topics and presentation styles that resonate best with audiences based on view and engagement numbers. They also allow users to calculate important metrics like view-to-contact conversion rates. Regular review of the analytics insights helps users improve future presentations and marketing strategies.
2015 Upload Campaigns Calendar - ݺߣShareݺߣShareEach month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your ݺߣShares, and share your expertise with the world!
What to Upload to ݺߣShareݺߣShareNot sure what to share on ݺߣShare?
ݺߣShares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. We’ve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
3. طريقة الجناش : تخفق الزبدة . إضافة الكريمة اللباني مع الاستمرار في الخفق . وضع المزيج على النار حتى يغلي . إضافة الشيكولاته المبشورة . طريقة الكيكة : توضع الزبدة في العجانة وتخفق جداً . إضافة السكر مع الخفق جيداً حتى يمتزج بالزبدة . إضافة البيكنج باودر والفانيليا . إضافة البيض تدريجياً ثم تركها حتى تكون العجينة هشة . إضافة الشيكولاتة وتركها في العجانة حتى تمتمزج مع العجينة . تصب العجينة في ثلاث صواني من المعدن وتوضع في الفرن حتى تنضج . تحشى الطبقات الثلاث بالجناش وتغطى بشكولاته سائحة . تزين بالشيكولاتة والفاكهة ( حسب الرغبة ).