Manufacturingsudpal88India's manufacturing sector contributed around 15% to GDP in recent years, below China's 34% contribution. India accounts for only 1.8% of world manufacturing output compared to China's 13.7%. Key sectors in Indian manufacturing include gems and jewelry, textiles, food processing, chemicals, and IT hardware. The government has implemented special economic zones, liberalized foreign investment policies, and developed industrial corridors to boost manufacturing. Initiatives also aim to increase employment in manufacturing by focusing on small businesses, skills training, and improving productivity.
Untitled PresentationJoelitho Fiers PartsThis short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by providing a button to click to begin the process. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare to create presentations.
Claudine florence three tools to use in a singing careerclaudine7874This document provides advice for building a singing career using three main tools: originality, using instruments, and the internet. It advises being original and using your own sound rather than following trends. Using instruments can help you stand out from computer-generated music. The internet has launched many music careers by allowing artists to share their work with a global audience on platforms like SoundCloud, ReverbNation, and iTunes. It also recommends owning your unique voice and gaining insight from similar artists while staying true to your own style.
Manufacturingsudpal88India's manufacturing sector contributed around 15% to GDP in recent years, below China's 34% contribution. India accounts for only 1.8% of world manufacturing output compared to China's 13.7%. Key sectors in Indian manufacturing include gems and jewelry, textiles, food processing, chemicals, and IT hardware. The government has implemented special economic zones, liberalized foreign investment policies, and developed industrial corridors to boost manufacturing. Initiatives also aim to increase employment in manufacturing by focusing on small businesses, skills training, and improving productivity.
Untitled PresentationJoelitho Fiers PartsThis short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by providing a button to click to begin the process. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare to create presentations.
Claudine florence three tools to use in a singing careerclaudine7874This document provides advice for building a singing career using three main tools: originality, using instruments, and the internet. It advises being original and using your own sound rather than following trends. Using instruments can help you stand out from computer-generated music. The internet has launched many music careers by allowing artists to share their work with a global audience on platforms like SoundCloud, ReverbNation, and iTunes. It also recommends owning your unique voice and gaining insight from similar artists while staying true to your own style.
Video Production Beginner's GuideCTEL at King's College LondonThis document provides an introduction to using video production on the YouTube platform for educational purposes. It outlines the learning objectives of gaining an understanding of basic video production concepts and evaluating how video can be useful for e-learning. Examples of using video for lectures, events, and promotional materials are provided. The advantages of video include providing supplementary materials and allowing flexible access for students. YouTube features for uploading, editing, and publishing videos are described, along with copyright and privacy settings. Limitations of YouTube such as limited editing features and video length are also noted.
Top 10 professors of organic geochemistryAsmaa MohammedThis document lists the top 10 professors of organic geochemistry on LinkedIn including their current and past positions, education, and brief summaries of their work. The professors are from universities and research institutions around the world including Australia, Germany, Egypt, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Iraq. Their areas of expertise include organic biomarkers, petroleum systems analysis, and applications in biogeochemistry.
Moving beyond passwords - Consumer attitudes on online authenticationBee_WareMise en évidence des difficultés relatives à la mise en place de mesures d’identification et d’authentification au sein des entreprises.
Websense security prediction 2014Bee_WareThe document provides 8 predictions for cybersecurity threats in 2014:
1) Advanced malware volume will decrease but attacks will become more targeted and stealthy.
2) A major data-destruction attack such as ransomware will successfully target organizations.
3) Attackers will increasingly target cloud data rather than enterprise networks.
4) Exploit kits like Redkit and Neutrino will struggle for dominance following the arrest of the Blackhole exploit kit author.
5) Java vulnerabilities will remain highly exploitable and exploited with expanded consequences.
6) Attackers will use professional social networks like LinkedIn to target executives and organizations.
7) Cybercriminals will target weaker links in organizations
Website security statistics of 2012Bee_WareThe document summarizes the findings of a study that tested over 5,000 web applications for vulnerabilities. It found that 99% of applications had at least one vulnerability, and 82% had at least one high or critical vulnerability. The most common vulnerability was cross-site scripting (61%). The banking industry had the fewest vulnerabilities while retail had the most. On average, each application contained 35 vulnerabilities.
Growth of electricity_sector_in_india_from_1947-2011sudpal88This document provides an overview of the growth of India's electricity sector from 1947 to 2011. It details the expansion of installed generation capacity from 1362 MW in 1947 to over 173626 MW in 2011 through various 5-year plans. Transmission infrastructure including transmission lines above and below 66kV has also grown substantially. The number of electrified villages has increased from around 1500 in 1947 to over 537947 in 2011, providing access to 90.6% of India's total villages. Per capita electricity consumption has also risen steadily over the years. The document presents statistics on sector-wise growth patterns in generation capacity and includes charts, graphs, tables and maps depicting historical trends in the development of India's power sector.
O lada de berelada-de-bereTe ai intrebat cum arata o lada de bere, sau mai multe lazi ? Vrei sa vezi o lada mai veche sau sa inveti cum sa cari o lada de bere spre o petrecere sau pur si simplu pentru a o pune la rece pentru placerea ta? Specialistii nostrii in bere iti prezinta mai multe modele si orice detalii doresti despre orice lada de bere din orice colt al lumii.
Insetati permanet si iubitori de bere, angajatii nostrii sunt cei mai apreciati specialisti si vor deschide in curand un muzeu al berii, binenteles primul exponat va fi o lada de bere goala de la primul lor bairam!
DDoS threat landscape reportBee_WareThis document summarizes DDoS threat trends from 2013 to early 2014 based on attacks seen by Incapsula. Key findings include:
- 81% of network attacks in the last 90 days used multiple vectors simultaneously, with over a third employing 3 or more vectors. This multi-vector approach allows attackers to bypass defenses.
- Large SYN floods combined with regular SYN floods ("SYN combo attacks") accounted for around 75% of large-scale network attacks above 20Gbps.
- NTP amplification attacks increased significantly in early 2014 and became the most common vector for large attacks in February 2014.
- Application layer attacks increased 240% from 2013, with over half originating from India, China, and Iran
Sql injectionBee_WareThis document discusses SQL injection vulnerabilities and techniques for exploiting them. It begins with an introduction to SQL injection and how it works. It then describes the sqlmap tool, which can detect and exploit SQL injection flaws. The document provides numerous examples of how to fingerprint databases, bypass limitations, exploit different clauses, and evade filters during SQL injection attacks.