17. 59
―The judgment of the seventy-one is
besought when the affair concerns a whole
tribe or is regarding a false prophet or the
high-priest; when it is a question whether war
shall be declared or not; when it has for its
object the enlargement of Jerusalem or its
suburbs; whether tribunals of twenty-three
shall be instituted in the provinces, or to
declare that a town has become defiled, and
to placed it under ban of
excommunication.‖ – Mishna
24. 66
? 大祭司私下的盤問是違法的:
? 猶太律法禁止所有刑事程序在晚上進行。
? 猶太律法禁止單一法官盤問犯人:―Be not a
sole judge, for there is no sole judge but
One . ‖—Mishna。
? 猶太律法禁止私下盤問犯人;一個犯人絕不
據。(Publicity and Liberty)
37. 79
―A thorough and complete type of the later
Roman man of the world: stern, but not
relentless; shrewd and world-worn, prompt
and practical, haughtily just and yet, as the
early writers collectively perceived, self-
seeking and cowardly; able to perceive
what was right, but without moral strength
to follow it out.‖ —Dr. Ellicott, Historical
Lectures, 6th ed. p.350.