ใบงานที่ 1ทับทิม เจริญตาThis document appears to be a worksheet or exercise for students to identify which triangles are similar and explain why. The document provides 5 questions, each with blank spaces for the student to write their answer in 2 sentences for each question. The questions likely show different triangle figures and ask the student to determine if they are similar based on their angles and side lengths and explain the reasoning.
ใบงานที่ 1ทับทิม เจริญตาThis document appears to be a worksheet or exercise for students to identify which triangles are similar and explain why. The document provides 5 questions, each with blank spaces for the student to write their answer in 2 sentences for each question. The questions likely show different triangle figures and ask the student to determine if they are similar based on their angles and side lengths and explain the reasoning.
Strategies in teaching mathematicsMaria Veronica Lee MakayanThe document provides strategies for teaching mathematics. It discusses strategies based on knowledge and skill goals as well as understanding goals. For knowledge and skill goals, repetition and practice are emphasized. For understanding goals, teacher-led discussion and discovery-based laboratory activities are recommended. Problem solving strategies include ensuring student understanding, asking questions, encouraging reflection on solutions, and presenting alternative problem solving approaches. Constructivist learning and cognitive tools like guided discovery are also discussed. The document outlines steps for problem solving and strategies like concept attainment. It concludes by evaluating mathematics learning through various individual and group tests as well as informal and standardized testing procedures.
Techniques and Strategies in Teaching MathAlyssa Marie BautistaThe document discusses strategies for teaching mathematics, including discovery approach, inquiry teaching, demonstration approach, math-lab approach, practical work approach, individualized instruction using modules, brainstorming, problem-solving, cooperative learning, and integrative technique. It provides details on each approach, such as the discovery approach aiming to develop higher-order thinking skills and both teachers and learners playing active roles. It also lists 10 creative ways to teach math using dramatizations, children's bodies, play, toys, stories, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.
2. บ้ านเลขที่ 70 ซอยข้ างอาเภอ ซอย1 ถ.ตากสินมหาราช
ต.ท่ าประดู่ อ.เมือง จ.ระยอง โทร. 084-1284087
6) พิจำรณำข้อควำมต่อไปนี้
1. อินเวอร์สกำรบวกของ
2. อินเวอร์สกำรคูณของ
2 3
3 5
2 3
3 5
ก. ข้อ1 ถูกและข้อ 2. ถูก
ค. ข้อ 1. ผิดแต่ขอ 2. ผิด
ข. ข้อ 1. ถูก แต่ขอ 2. ผิด
ง. ข้อ 1. ผิดและข้อ 2. ผิด
7) ข้อใดต่อไปนี้ไม่ ถูกต้อง
2 x2 6 x 2 x x 6
x 2 9 x 3 x 3
8) กำหนดให้
ก. 17
ค. 5
b2 a
เป็ นคำตอบของสมกำร
3 x 2 y 3 6 x 3 y 2 3x 2 y 2 y 2 x
2 x2 3x 1 2 x 1 x 1
x2 x 1 2 x 3
ข. 15
ง. 3
9) ข้อใดต่อไปนี้ไม่ ถูกต้อง
x2 3x 4 x 1 x 4
x 2 9 x 3 x 3
4 x 2 y 3 6 x5 y 2 2 xy 2 2 xy 3x 4
2 x2 5x 3 2 x 1 x 3
10) Let a and b be the solution of x2 x 2 x 10 such that a b .
What is the value of a b ?
a. 7
b. 3
c. 3
d. 7
11) If 1 is a solution of x2 6 kx , which is another solution of its.
a. 6
b. 5
c. 4
d. 3