there is / there and prepositionsสมใจ จันสุกสีใบงานเรื่องการใช้ There is และ there are นำมาจากเว็บไซต์ kid นะครับ เพื่อใช้ในการจัดกิจกรรมการเรียนการสอนนะครับ อัพโหลดเพื่อใช้ embase ในเว็บบล็อกนะครับ
This, that , these , thoseสมใจ จันสุกสีThis document provides examples of using the words "this", "that", "these", and "those" to refer to singular and plural nouns. It lists 20 items and uses the appropriate pronoun to identify each one, following the pattern of "this" for singular nouns close to the speaker, "that" for singular nouns further away, "these" for plural nouns close to the speaker, and "those" for plural nouns further away.
הטכנולוגיה שנמצאת בניידEyal Danielכיצד נכנסו המון מכשירים לקופסא קטנה
Exploracion fisicaSusana FloresEl documento describe los procedimientos que realiza el profesional de enfermería para obtener datos objetivos relacionados con los síntomas del paciente y apoyar el diagnóstico. Incluye resumir datos basales, confirmar o refutar datos de la entrevista, y obtener datos para establecer diagnósticos y planear el cuidado. También describe evaluar resultados fisiológicos y preparar adecuadamente al paciente para facilitar la exploración.
Presentación InformativaDiego Zaforteza TorruellaEste documento presenta el proyecto "ITINEREM", una iniciativa para crear una Ruta Cultural Europea que promueve el turismo cultural y el desarrollo local en propiedades rurales históricas del Mediterráneo. El proyecto se centrará inicialmente en Mallorca y luego se expandirá a otras islas mediterráneas. El objetivo es poner en valor el patrimonio cultural de estas propiedades para atraer un turismo sostenible de alto gasto y generar ingresos que apoyen otras iniciativas de desarrollo local.
105 useful webites listMathivanan MThis document lists 105 websites that provide useful online tools and services such as recording desktop videos and uploading them to YouTube, capturing full page screenshots, shortening URLs, scanning files for viruses, translating text, editing PDFs online, tracking flight status, sending online faxes, and more. Many of the sites allow sharing files, setting reminders, creating timelines and diagrams, editing images and audio, and discovering new music and videos. Overall, the document covers a wide range of tools for communication, file sharing, editing, tracking, and discovery.
PrincipitoJosue RamirezEl documento resume la historia de "El Principito". Cuenta que un aviador se avería en el desierto del Sahara y conoce a un niño, el Principito, quien viene de un pequeño planeta. El Principito le cuenta al aviador sobre su planeta, sus vecinos excéntricos y su viaje a la Tierra. Antes de irse, el Principito le da una lección importante al aviador sobre lo que significa domesticar y el valor de los vínculos.
OptimizationAnshul Goyal, EITCost optimization problem where a manufacturing firm has entered into the contract to supply 50 refrigerators at the end of the first month, 50 at the end of the second month and 50 at the end of third. The cost of producing x refrigerators in any month is given by $ (x2 + 1000). The firm can produce more number of refrigerators and can carry them to subsequent month. It cost $20 per unit for any refrigerator to be carried from one month to the next one
Assignment 4 part 2MWinke1The document discusses creating an organizational name and logo for a pediatric cancer cure organization. It combines the words "Pediatric" and "CURE" to form "PediatriCURE" as the new organizational name to summarize its goal of curing pediatric disease and cancer. Several logo sketches and versions are presented before selecting a final logo design with color and typography choices that best represent hope and aesthetics for the organization.
ฟรอสต์Siwakorn RiwMobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are replacing personal computers as the main computing platform for many users. A growing trend shows that people are using mobile devices more than PCs for activities such as social networking, browsing the internet, and consuming media. Analysts believe this shift to mobile represents a major change in technology use that will continue to accelerate in the coming years.
Hak miriel 2.4 ingnite presentationMiriel AmiraThe document argues that higher education should be free for all students. It claims that free higher education would lead to smarter high school students, that money does not determine the quality of education, and that people should keep their money instead of paying for college. The document encourages starting higher education in high school and questions why people should pay to work. It promotes the idea that free higher education would provide wealthier friends and a better school. In the end, the document tells readers to share the message with friends.
there is / there and prepositionsสมใจ จันสุกสีใบงานเรื่องการใช้ There is และ there are นำมาจากเว็บไซต์ kid นะครับ เพื่อใช้ในการจัดกิจกรรมการเรียนการสอนนะครับ อัพโหลดเพื่อใช้ embase ในเว็บบล็อกนะครับ
This, that , these , thoseสมใจ จันสุกสีThis document provides examples of using the words "this", "that", "these", and "those" to refer to singular and plural nouns. It lists 20 items and uses the appropriate pronoun to identify each one, following the pattern of "this" for singular nouns close to the speaker, "that" for singular nouns further away, "these" for plural nouns close to the speaker, and "those" for plural nouns further away.
הטכנולוגיה שנמצאת בניידEyal Danielכיצד נכנסו המון מכשירים לקופסא קטנה
Exploracion fisicaSusana FloresEl documento describe los procedimientos que realiza el profesional de enfermería para obtener datos objetivos relacionados con los síntomas del paciente y apoyar el diagnóstico. Incluye resumir datos basales, confirmar o refutar datos de la entrevista, y obtener datos para establecer diagnósticos y planear el cuidado. También describe evaluar resultados fisiológicos y preparar adecuadamente al paciente para facilitar la exploración.
Presentación InformativaDiego Zaforteza TorruellaEste documento presenta el proyecto "ITINEREM", una iniciativa para crear una Ruta Cultural Europea que promueve el turismo cultural y el desarrollo local en propiedades rurales históricas del Mediterráneo. El proyecto se centrará inicialmente en Mallorca y luego se expandirá a otras islas mediterráneas. El objetivo es poner en valor el patrimonio cultural de estas propiedades para atraer un turismo sostenible de alto gasto y generar ingresos que apoyen otras iniciativas de desarrollo local.
105 useful webites listMathivanan MThis document lists 105 websites that provide useful online tools and services such as recording desktop videos and uploading them to YouTube, capturing full page screenshots, shortening URLs, scanning files for viruses, translating text, editing PDFs online, tracking flight status, sending online faxes, and more. Many of the sites allow sharing files, setting reminders, creating timelines and diagrams, editing images and audio, and discovering new music and videos. Overall, the document covers a wide range of tools for communication, file sharing, editing, tracking, and discovery.
PrincipitoJosue RamirezEl documento resume la historia de "El Principito". Cuenta que un aviador se avería en el desierto del Sahara y conoce a un niño, el Principito, quien viene de un pequeño planeta. El Principito le cuenta al aviador sobre su planeta, sus vecinos excéntricos y su viaje a la Tierra. Antes de irse, el Principito le da una lección importante al aviador sobre lo que significa domesticar y el valor de los vínculos.
OptimizationAnshul Goyal, EITCost optimization problem where a manufacturing firm has entered into the contract to supply 50 refrigerators at the end of the first month, 50 at the end of the second month and 50 at the end of third. The cost of producing x refrigerators in any month is given by $ (x2 + 1000). The firm can produce more number of refrigerators and can carry them to subsequent month. It cost $20 per unit for any refrigerator to be carried from one month to the next one
Assignment 4 part 2MWinke1The document discusses creating an organizational name and logo for a pediatric cancer cure organization. It combines the words "Pediatric" and "CURE" to form "PediatriCURE" as the new organizational name to summarize its goal of curing pediatric disease and cancer. Several logo sketches and versions are presented before selecting a final logo design with color and typography choices that best represent hope and aesthetics for the organization.
ฟรอสต์Siwakorn RiwMobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are replacing personal computers as the main computing platform for many users. A growing trend shows that people are using mobile devices more than PCs for activities such as social networking, browsing the internet, and consuming media. Analysts believe this shift to mobile represents a major change in technology use that will continue to accelerate in the coming years.
Hak miriel 2.4 ingnite presentationMiriel AmiraThe document argues that higher education should be free for all students. It claims that free higher education would lead to smarter high school students, that money does not determine the quality of education, and that people should keep their money instead of paying for college. The document encourages starting higher education in high school and questions why people should pay to work. It promotes the idea that free higher education would provide wealthier friends and a better school. In the end, the document tells readers to share the message with friends.
3.1 การทำงานขั้นพื้นฐานของคอมพิวเตอร์รัสนา สิงหปรีชาThe document discusses the basic components and functions of a computer system. It describes the input, processing, output, and storage units. The input units take in data and instructions, the central processing unit processes the data, the memory units temporarily and permanently store information, and the output units display or print the processed data. The document also provides some examples of early computer pioneers and their inventions that helped advance computing technology.