Los números que usamos provienen de los algoritmos arábigos, los cuales fueron popularizados por los árabes aunque su origen se remonta a los fenicios. Estos algoritmos representan ángulos, con 1 siendo un ángulo, 2 siendo dos ángulos, y así sucesivamente hasta 9 ángulos. El cero representa cero ángulos.
Los números que usamos provienen de los algoritmos arábigos, los cuales fueron popularizados por los árabes aunque su origen se remonta a los fenicios. Estos algoritmos representan ángulos, con 1 siendo un ángulo, 2 siendo dos ángulos, y así sucesivamente hasta 9 ángulos. El cero representa cero ángulos.
#15: At present, the world has nearly a hundred countries and research applications Auricular therapy, and continuously made new progress. Although the mechanism Auricular therapy is still unknown, but its efficacy of medical treatment is no doubt the objective existence. As the "needle" word is heard fairly easy and daunting, but the actual ways and means of treatment as early as the limitations of using non-needle, so Auricular therapy tend to be renamed "Auricular therapy." Effects of drugs in very few extraordinarily high medical costs, amid a world of false advertising, and many diseases can use Auricular therapy a try. Sometimes, the results fast, good effect, and often even doctors are also quite magical. When appropriate, such as WHO Director-General Dr. Hiroshi Nakajima pointed out: "From a scientific said that all the micro-needle acupuncture system, provides the best documentation and development is probably the best ear, and it is the most practical and has been widely applied as a technology ", it Auricular therapy may be a variety of body acupuncture therapy of choice. 目前,世界上已有近百个国家应用和研究耳穴疗法,并不断取得新的进展。尽管耳穴疗法之机制至今不明,但其治病功效之客观存在乃毋庸置疑。由于“针”字颇易令人闻而生畏,而实际治疗方式与手段亦早非局限用针,故耳针疗法已渐被改称“耳穴疗法”。 在特效药物极少、医疗费用奇高、漫天虚假广告的当今世界,许多疾患大可利用耳穴疗法一试。有时,其收效之快、疗效之好,常连医生亦颇感神奇。适如当年 WHO 总干事中岛宏博士指出的那样:“从科学上说,在针刺的所有微针系统中,提供了最好的文件和发展得最好的可能就是耳针了,它又是最实际和已广泛应用的一种技术”,故耳穴疗法似不失为各种体针疗法之首选。
#24: 长寿老人能长寿的奥秘之一,就是保护好牙齿。我国历代医学家和气功学家在预防牙病方面积累了丰富的经验,并在古籍医书中作了详细记载。如唐代大医学家孙思邈在《千金方》中指出:“每晨起,以一捻盐纳口中,以温水含揩齿,及叩齿百遍,为之不绝,不过五日,齿即牢密”。《陆地仙经》记载说:“睡醒时叩齿三十六遍,永无虫牙之患。”意即每天将上下牙齿有意识、有规律地互相叩击,就可以达到保护牙齿的目的。 现代医学认为:叩齿能促进牙齿周围组织及牙髓腔部位的血液循环,增加牙齿的营养供应,故能强壮牙齿,从而减少龋齿等牙病的发生。若坚持经常叩齿,面颊部还不易塌陷,且咀嚼有力,牙齿也不易松动、脱落。叩齿时对大脑也有轻度的刺激作用,对提高听力、预防耳鸣都有一定作用。 叩齿保健具体方法是:早晨起床后、午饭后、睡觉前各做一次,每次做三分钟左右,站立、坐着均可。眼平视前方或微闭,舌尖轻顶上腭部,上下牙齿互相叩击 100 次。叩齿时思想集中,嘴唇轻闭,想自己的牙齿越叩越牢固。叩齿完后,用舌沿上下牙齿内外侧转搅一圈,将口水慢慢咽下。 The elderly can live longer, one of the mysteries of life is to protect teeth. China's ancient medical scientists and experts in the prevention of dental diseases Qigong has accumulated a wealth of experience, and in ancient medical books recorded in detail. Great scientists such as the Tang Dynasty in the Sun, "Qian Jin Fang" that: "Every morning, with a twist of salt satisfied mouth, arrangements will be in warm water containing teeth, and call-tooth hundred times and never was, but on the 5th, tooth that is secret prison. " "Sally land by" records said: "wake up call when the teeth 36 times the risk of never decayed tooth." Means that every day will be from top to bottom teeth conscious, regularly knock each other to achieve the purpose of the protection of teeth. ?? Modern medicine: knocking teeth promote dental pulp cavity surrounding tissue and parts of blood circulation, increase nutrition supply of teeth, it can be strong teeth, thereby reducing the incidence of dental caries and so on. If insist on regular call-teeth, cheek also not easy to collapse, and chew strong, teeth are not easy to loose off. Knocking teeth when there are mild brain stimulation, to improve the hearing, have a role in the prevention of tinnitus. ?? Knocking teeth health specific method is: the morning after getting up, after lunch, before going to bed each done once, and every time about three minutes, standing, sitting available. Eye-level, as the front or 微闭 , tongue light on top of the palate, upper and lower teeth knock each other 100 times. Focus when thinking of knocking teeth, lips closed light, I would like to call their own teeth more firmly and Vietnam. After knocking teeth with the tongue along the upper and lower teeth 侧转 up both inside and outside the ring will slowly swallow saliva.