MJ AMHTS with Health3nsurance.com share the nutrition knowledge with the presentation from Taipei Medicine University Professor of Nutritional science Hsieh MJ
This document provides an overview of nutrition topics discussed from 2007 to 2015, including links to related articles. It introduces advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and provides six tips to reduce AGEs in cooking, such as limiting cooking time and temperature. The tips suggest using oils high in monounsaturated fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids like olive oil to prevent the formation and accumulation of AGEs in the body.
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MJ AMHTS with Health3nsurance.com share the nutrition knowledge with the presentation from Taipei Medicine University Professor of Nutritional science Hsieh MJ
This document provides an overview of nutrition topics discussed from 2007 to 2015, including links to related articles. It introduces advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and provides six tips to reduce AGEs in cooking, such as limiting cooking time and temperature. The tips suggest using oils high in monounsaturated fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids like olive oil to prevent the formation and accumulation of AGEs in the body.
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Discover how Isagenix can transform your health, your wealth, and ultimately your life.
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MJ AMHTS with Health3nsurance.com share the nutrition knowledge with the presentation from Taipei Medicine University Professor of Nutritional science Hsieh MJ
28. 肝臟保健 病毒性肝炎 B 、 C 、 D 型肝炎的傳染方式相似,主要是由帶有病毒的血液或體液進入體內而傳染 ,但 D 型肝炎病毒在人體內不能單獨生存,必須有 B 肝炎病毒同時存在才會感染 ,其感染途徑為: 1.? 經皮膚、黏膜接觸感染:如傷口接觸病人血液和體液、共用牙刷或咀嚼食物餵食小孩等行為。 2.? 輸血感染。 3. 醫療行為或針刺、紋身等感染。 B 、 C 、 D 型肝炎 A 、 E 型肝炎傳染途徑多半是吃到或喝到遭 A 、 E 型肝炎病毒污染的食物或飲水而感染 , A 型肝炎病人發病前一至二星期,病人的糞便中就會排出大量病毒,因此病人還沒出現症狀前就可能經上述傳染途徑傳染他人,故傳染途徑為「經口感染」也叫做 「糞口感染」 。 與 B 、 C 、 D 型肝炎最大不同是 A 、 E 型肝炎病毒只會造成急性肝炎,並不會演變成慢性肝炎 。 A 與 E 型肝炎