This document discusses the dangers of percutaneous toxicity, or toxins entering the body through the skin. It notes that while the liver can break down 90% of toxins ingested, only 10% of toxins absorbed through the skin are removed from the body. As a result, chemicals absorbed through the skin can accumulate in tissues and cause cell damage leading to conditions like cancer. The document goes on to list numerous chemicals found in everyday cleaning and personal care products that are absorbed through the skin and may have harmful health effects.
This document discusses the dangers of percutaneous toxicity, or toxins entering the body through the skin. It notes that while the liver can break down 90% of toxins ingested, only 10% of toxins absorbed through the skin are removed from the body. As a result, chemicals absorbed through the skin can accumulate in tissues and cause cell damage leading to conditions like cancer. The document goes on to list numerous chemicals found in everyday cleaning and personal care products that are absorbed through the skin and may have harmful health effects.
This document discusses opportunities in direct sales and network marketing by summarizing trends driving new opportunities, such as increased online shopping and focus on health and anti-aging. It promotes a direct sales company that offers products targeting these trends, has a global presence and long track record of success. The company provides a business model for individuals to build their own business and secure their financial future through selling the company's products and building a sales network.
This document describes two methods for earning income and recommends Method 2. Method 1 involves working for someone else and trading time for money, with income capped at $87,600 per year. Method 2 involves investing in a business with 100 people working, allowing potential income of $146,000 per year from 5% of the business's $2.92 million in annual revenue. The document then discusses trends in health and anti-aging markets, introduces Nu Skin as a company positioned to capitalize on these trends, and describes Nu Skin's science-based anti-aging products and the business opportunity to earn residual income by referring customers and building a team.
The document discusses gluten sensitivity, presenting case studies of patients who experienced symptoms like dizziness and abdominal pain but tested negative for celiac disease. It summarizes debates around whether gluten sensitivity is a real condition or whether patients' symptoms are psychosomatic. The document also outlines emerging definitions and diagnostic criteria for gluten sensitivity, differences from celiac disease, and recommendations for further research.
Are you giving your body everything it needs to function properly? Check out this quick reference guide from Vita Living to learn how to enhance your daily diet with vitamins, supplements and other natural health products.
This document discusses Nu Skin's ageLOC anti-aging products and their science behind modulating gene expression. It highlights Nu Skin's 20+ years of research including mapping the human genome. ageLOC products were developed using this research and aim to influence genes back to a more youthful expression. The growing global anti-aging market and focus on gene expression provides a huge opportunity for ageLOC as the leading brand in this area.
Here are the key responsibilities and concepts for the Bridge (B) on a 3-way call:
1. Educate the Client (C) on the purpose and process of the call before connecting the Advisor (A). This helps set proper expectations.
2. Connect (A) and (C) by introducing them and their backgrounds. Keep the introductions brief.
3. Guide the Conversation by asking questions of (A) and (C) to keep the discussion flowing. Redirect if needed.
4. Validate the messages shared by (A) to help (C) feel more comfortable. You are vouching for (A).
5. Take notes to follow up with (C)
If you have chronic fatigue, aches and pains, fibromyalgia, depression or any other non-specific symptoms that your conventional medical doctor has been having a difficult time solving, you may have Adrenal Fatigue. Dr. Vivian DeNise, Integrative Physician at Patients Medical and Elisa Haggarty of Culinary Farmacy explain what Adrenal Fatigue is, why it happens, what foods can help you feel more balanced and how to treat it naturally, safely and effectively.
Adrenal Fatigue is an umbrella term for a group of symptoms caused by the adrenal glands functioning at less than optimum capacity and as a result, fail to produce adequate amounts of hormones needed by the body. This slideshare helps to explain adrenal fatigue, its symptoms, causes and briefly discusses how to heal from it. In addition, it gives advise on how to best diagnose Adrenal Fatigue and offers a link to a website with more free resources on this health condition.
Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) is an essential vitamin-like substance that has important antioxidant and energy-producing properties. It supports cardiovascular and organ health. COQ10 fights free radicals, aids heart health, and increases energy. Good sources of COQ10 include meats like beef and fish. Vegetables such as broccoli and spinach also contain COQ10. If dietary sources are not enough, supplements provide an effective way to increase COQ10 intake.
The document summarizes the history, chemical structure, biosynthesis, functions, disease treatments, efficacy data, recommended dosages, forms, and regulations of coenzyme Q10. It was first isolated in 1957 and its structure determined in 1958. It plays a key role in ATP synthesis as an antioxidant, and research shows benefits for heart disease, hypertension, and Parkinson's. Doses range from 30-100mg depending on the condition. It is considered a dietary supplement under DSHEA and cannot claim to treat or cure diseases.
MJ AMHTS with share the nutrition knowledge with the presentation from Taipei Medicine University Professor of Nutritional science Hsieh MJ
The document provides 10 taboos for intelligent aged persons to achieve happiness. The taboos include not worrying about adult children, respecting their privacy and independence; finding one's own interests beyond family; dealing with emotions through art instead of complaining; appreciating others' efforts; avoiding family disputes; accepting illness and treatment; not being overly skeptical of others; and having a religious faith and optimistic outlook.
An ant works hard without supervision and is very productive. A lion notices this and thinks she could produce even more with oversight. He hires a cockroach supervisor who implements extensive paperwork and meetings. This decreases the ant's productivity. More managers are hired, further reducing productivity until an audit reveals the department is overstaffed. The ant is fired for a poor attitude. The fable warns about over-management stifling productivity.
35. 对血压有帮助的营养补充品 Co Q10 在粒線體產能 過程上扮演重要角色。 我們身體上的每一個細胞都含有 Co Q10 。 心臟是人體內新陳代謝最旺盛的一個器官。 Co Q10 自然在心臟細胞的分布便較其他器官 多。我們的身體會自己製造所需的 Co Q10 , 但不足的情形時有發生,尤其是高血壓及心 臟血管疾病的病人
36. 對血壓有幫助的維生素 Vitamin E (Tocotrienol mixture) 維生素 E 是我們身體脂肪細胞內最活躍的抗氧化劑。它保護細胞膜及含脂肪組織免受自由基破壞。
37. 對血壓有幫助的維生素 Vitamin E (Tocotrienol mixture) 氧化的低密度膽固醇 (oxidized LDL cholesterol) 對動脈血管的傷害是造成粥狀動脈硬化 (atherosclerosis) 及高血壓的主因。而 維生素 E 可以保護動脈免受氧化的低密度膽固醇的傷害。
38. 維生素 E 對人體的其他功效: 強力抗氧化,保護細胞。 降低膽固醇,預防心臟血管疾病。 增進末梢血管循環。 增強免疫系統。 對血壓有幫助的維生素 Vitamin E (Tocotrienol mixture)
62. 骨質疏鬆症之定義 Hologic Sahara System 超音波骨密儀 等級 T 值 正常 T < -1.0 骨質流失症 -2.5 <T < -1.0 骨質疏鬆症 T < -2.5
63. 对骨骼有帮助的营养补充品 維生素 K (Vitamin K 1 , Phytonadione) 骨頭裡含有一種蛋白質,可以和鈣質結合而造成 骨頭的鈣化 (Calcification of Bone) 。此蛋白質幫 助骨鈣 (Osteocalcium) 的形成則需要維生素 K 1 的 幫忙。 維生素 D(Vitamin D 3 , Cholecalciferol) 維生素 D 可刺激、調節某些蛋白質,將鈣質由腸 道傳送到血液中,讓人體可以有效的利用我們所 提供的鈣質 刺激鎂 (Magnesium) 及磷酸鹽 (phosphate) 的吸收
64. 对骨骼有帮助的营养补充品 維生素 B 6 及葉酸 (Vitamin B 6 & Folic Acid) 維生素 B 6 及葉酸對細胞 DNA 的形成極為重要, 所以它對骨細胞的形成、代謝及幫助鈣質的運 用都很有幫助。 維生素 C (Vitamin C) 維生素 C 在胺基酸組合形成膠原蛋白的過程中 非常重要 保健骨骼時添加維生素 C 可幫助骨骼及其周圍 的結締組織健康