Artículo review enfermedades neurodegenerativas 2013ZenlopiumThis document reviews pathways implicated in neurodegeneration based on genome-wide association studies of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. It discusses several intracellular pathways including apoptosis, autophagy, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Genes involved in these pathways that are associated with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases are highlighted. The document also presents a conceptual model grouping these pathways into broader categories related to intracellular mechanisms, local tissue environment influences, systemic influences, and neurodevelopment and aging.
โครงงาȨอมพิวเตอร์mewlamun1) El documento presenta una guía para coser ropa nueva con flores de guisantes. 2) La guía incluye instrucciones paso a paso para cortar y coser las flores de guisantes en telas y hacer prendas como camisas y faldas. 3) También proporciona consejos para el cuidado de las prendas terminadas y una lista de recursos en línea para aprender más sobre la costura con flores.
ใบงาȨี่1mewlamunThis document appears to be a technical support request containing system information like a date, serial number, and software versions installed. It lists Microsoft Word and PowerPoint along with their respective versions. Further details are needed to fully understand the context and issue being reported.
Encounter giving by baliserMac BatolbatolThe document discusses the biblical reasons for tithing and giving offerings. It explains that everything belongs to God and we own nothing. It encourages giving cheerfully, generously, sacrificially, and selflessly. The document cites several biblical passages about how God rewards generous giving and how even small gifts from those with little can mean a lot to God. Overall, the document promotes biblical financial support of churches and ministries through the practice of tithing 10% of one's income and giving additional voluntary offerings.
Blended learning: A more effective model for haul truck operator trainingVISTA TrainingToo often, haul truck operator trainees don't retain enough of the knowledge they learn during training. That can lead to longer on-boarding cycles, lower productivity and potential safety problems in the mine.
Blended learning - providing training via multiple modalities using a highly structured, building-block approach - shows a lot of promise in addressing this challenge.
Last week, VISTA Training presented a new technical paper on this subject at the 2013 Haulage & Loading Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, which is operated by Mining Media (publisher of Engineering & Mining Journal and Coal Age magazines). During this presentation, VISTA marketing manager Chuck Frey covered:
- The training challenges many mines face today
- How inadequate training tends to lead to operational challenges
- The unique needs of adult learners
- An overview of blended learning
- How "knowledge chunks" and "building blocks" improve learning
- A deeper analysis of the impact of blended learning at Suncor Energy
- The next frontier of blended learning
- Advice for implementing blended learning in your mine
Please note: This presentation contains a video at slide 20 that doesn't play properly on ݺߣShare. It is a video clip of VISTA's new Task Model Video technology, used to provide a "virtual ride-along" in heavy equipment that only has one seat in the cab. To view this video, please visit this link:
Diseños de-investigacion-expoLuis Ureta GarciaEl documento define los diseños de investigación y describe sus diferentes tipos y características. Explica que los diseños de investigación guían el proceso de investigación y ayudan a formular el problema, hipótesis y objetivos. Luego describe los diseños experimentales, cuasi-experimentales y no experimentales, señalando que los experimentales permiten manipular variables de manera controlada mientras que los no experimentales carecen de manipulación de variables. Finalmente, define conceptos clave como universo, población y muestra para la selección de sujetos en un estudio.
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