You can do anything in 30 days. In this year be brave and try out something new. If you like and it
makes you feel good, keep it as a good habit. If you are not made for each other then try something
This song is about fully committing to follow and trust God alone. It expresses that the singer will go where God goes, stay where God stays, move when God moves, love who God loves, serve as God serves, and find all they need in God alone. Even if it means losing their life, the singer will follow God, who is the light of the world and their life. They will live for God alone and find everything they need - life, freedom, and unending joy - in God.
15 c monitor-pais - disposición a votar y respaldo a partidos políticos (a...hinterlaces
El documento presenta los resultados de una encuesta realizada entre el 22 y 27 de mayo de 2015 a 1,200 personas en Venezuela sobre su disposición a votar en las próximas elecciones parlamentarias y su simpatía hacia los partidos políticos. Muestra que el 76% de los encuestados definitivamente votará, siendo mayor entre chavistas (79%) y opositores (84%). El 65% de los que se definen como "ni-ni" también votará. El partido con mayor simpatía es el PSUV con 38%.