This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Ignite project. It explains Ignite in relation to its architecture, scaleability, caching, datagrid and machine learning abilities.
Links for further information and connecting
16. ??????(?17?, 2013. 08. 16)
???. ??? ??????. ? ????? ??????. ??????, 21(4), 1011-1032. 2011.
???¡¤???. ?? ???? ???? ??? ??: ??????? ?? ???? ????.
??? ????, 8(2), 149-170. 2009.
Drake, S. M.. Creating integrated curriculum: Proven ways to increase student learning. Corwin
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Press, Inc. 255p. 1998.
Drake, S. M. & Burns, R.. Meeting standards through integrated curriculum. Association for
supervision and curriculum development(ASCD), 181p. 2004.
?????. 2013.
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17. - 79 -
Development of a Music centered Convergence Program and
Exploration of Possibility of Application to Elementary School
Ji-Young Nam
The purpose of this study is to develop a music centered convergence program and to explore the
possibility of its application to elementary school. Based on this, developed a music centered convergence
program for 6 graders in elementary school and applied it to actual classes. The program was developed
through the process of ¡®Pre-training of teachers¡¯, ¡®Composition of subject teaching meeting¡¯, ¡®Analysis of
educational curriculum¡¯ and ¡®Preparation of teaching plan¡¯.
Following are the results of the study for a year from 2012 to 2013. First, it was confirmed that music
centered convergence program helps learners to understand and express music more deeply and
profoundly. Second, music centered convergence program provided teachers with opportunities to study
and contributed to substantialization. Third, music centered convergence program allowed to compose a
flexible organizational culture of teachers and enabled flexible operation of school curriculum.
KEY Words: music centered convergence program, convergence of arts, convergent education,
¡ö ???(2013? 6? 29?), ???(2013? 7? 31?), ?????(2013? 8? 1?)