O documento descreve um desfile de moda realizado por alunas negras em uma escola em S?o Paulo para elevar sua autoestima e celebrar a cultura africana. O desfile apresentou tecidos e estilos de moda africanos e contou com a presen?a de uma escritora negra e representantes da comunidade negra. O projeto da professora Marisa, que organizou o desfile, recebeu prêmios por promover a igualdade racial.
O documento descreve a ?frica como o ber?o da humanidade que enfrenta desafios como a fome e ambi??es desmedidas de outros continentes. Apesar das dificuldades, a ?frica tem comunidades que vivem em harmonia, culturas ricas e uma conex?o profunda entre seu povo e a terra.
Este documento discute como a Páscoa crist? celebra a vitória do amor de Deus através da ressurrei??o de Jesus Cristo. Representa a passagem de Deus que liberta e salva através da renova??o trazida por seu amor. A vida vence a morte quando seguimos o exemplo de Jesus doando nossas vidas pelos outros.
O poema celebra o Natal como um dia para lembrar que Deus está presente e se importa com as pessoas, apesar de parecer distante. Ele prometeu estar onde duas ou três pessoas pensam no que Ele disse e fez. O mundo continuará bom porque Deus passou por ele.
Aogashima is the southernmost and most isolated inhabited island in the Izu archipelago located approximately 358 kilometres south of Tokyo and 64 kilometres south of Hachijō-jima and administered by Tokyo. This isolated island can only be approached by helicopter or boat, has a small harbor that sometimes makes boat rentals difficult, and has no beaches due to surrounding high cliffs, but offers other attractions to compensate visitors despite lacking beaches.
The cathedral in Wells, Somerset is dedicated to St. Andrew and is the seat of the Bishop of Bath and Wells. It was constructed in the early 13th and early 14th centuries and represents a uniquely English Gothic style. The crossing tower was built between 1315-1322, though its exterior was altered around 1440. It remains a noble and satisfying design that provides calm from any vantage point.
This document contains descriptions of famous mythological paintings from prominent artists such as Botticelli, Titian, Michelangelo, Velázquez, Caravaggio, and others. Each entry includes the title, artist, date created, medium, dimensions and current location of the work. The paintings depict mythological subjects from Greek and Roman mythology including Venus, Bacchus, Apollo, Diana and scenes from stories like the Rape of Persephone and the Judgment of Paris. The document serves as an overview of important mythological works housed in museums across Europe.
This document contains images and descriptions of famous mythological paintings from renowned artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Titian, Rembrandt, Rubens, and Tintoretto. The paintings depict mythological subjects from Greek and Roman mythology including Venus, Bacchus, Diana, and scenes from stories like the abduction of Europa. Many of the paintings are housed in major European art museums and galleries such as the Uffizi, Louvre, Hermitage, and Prado.
The document discusses the benefits of meditation for reducing stress and anxiety. Regular meditation practice can help calm the mind and body by lowering heart rate and blood pressure. Studies have shown that meditating for just 10-20 minutes per day can have significant positive impacts on both mental and physical health over time.
An evening talk to Lanark Rotarians on my top ten locations. Ten stories in 20 minutes! Includes info on transhumance, how weddings are being bombed by mistake in the yemen and why chinese sanitary ware sports such wide rims.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam: Picture Gallery, The Masterpiecesguimera
The document provides details about artworks from the Rijksmuseum collection in Amsterdam, including Rembrandt's The Night Watch and The Jewish Bride, as well as works by Vermeer, Hals, and others. It also provides a brief history of the Rijksmuseum, noting that it originated from the Royal Museum established in 1808, was transferred to the Trippenhuis in 1815, and received its current building designed by P.J.H. Cuypers in 1885. The Rijksmuseum has one of the most comprehensive collections of 17th century Dutch art in the world.
"Je suis Bruxelles", Tuesday March 22, 2016guimera
A picture was taken on March 22, 2016 of the Eiffel Tower illuminated in the colors of the Belgian flag in tribute to the victims of terrorist attacks in Brussels. The photo was included in a video titled "Je suis Bruxelles" that provided images and text showing support for Brussels after the attacks, with credits to the source website and creator listed at the end.
Church of Third Order of S?o Francisco da PenitênciaHelga
The Church of the Third Order of St. Francis of Penance in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil began construction in 1715 and was completed in 1773. Its placement in the back of the property was due to the small size of the original churchyard, which was later expanded using a retaining wall. The interior of the church is luxuriously decorated in the peak Baroque style characteristic of the period, with magnificent carvings and gilded altars completed between 1726-1739.
Socotra Island lies 250 miles east of Somalia in the Indian Ocean and is part of the Socotra Archipelago, with an area of 1400 square miles. Like the Galapagos Islands, Socotra Island is home to 700 rare plant and animal species, one third of which are endemic to the island. The island has been geologically isolated for a long time, allowing some plant varieties to thrive there for 20 million years in the island's harsh, hot, and dry climate.
Este documento discute como a Páscoa crist? celebra a vitória do amor de Deus através da ressurrei??o de Jesus Cristo. Representa a passagem de Deus que liberta e salva através da renova??o trazida por seu amor. A vida vence a morte quando seguimos o exemplo de Jesus doando nossas vidas pelos outros.
O poema celebra o Natal como um dia para lembrar que Deus está presente e se importa com as pessoas, apesar de parecer distante. Ele prometeu estar onde duas ou três pessoas pensam no que Ele disse e fez. O mundo continuará bom porque Deus passou por ele.
Aogashima is the southernmost and most isolated inhabited island in the Izu archipelago located approximately 358 kilometres south of Tokyo and 64 kilometres south of Hachijō-jima and administered by Tokyo. This isolated island can only be approached by helicopter or boat, has a small harbor that sometimes makes boat rentals difficult, and has no beaches due to surrounding high cliffs, but offers other attractions to compensate visitors despite lacking beaches.
The cathedral in Wells, Somerset is dedicated to St. Andrew and is the seat of the Bishop of Bath and Wells. It was constructed in the early 13th and early 14th centuries and represents a uniquely English Gothic style. The crossing tower was built between 1315-1322, though its exterior was altered around 1440. It remains a noble and satisfying design that provides calm from any vantage point.
This document contains descriptions of famous mythological paintings from prominent artists such as Botticelli, Titian, Michelangelo, Velázquez, Caravaggio, and others. Each entry includes the title, artist, date created, medium, dimensions and current location of the work. The paintings depict mythological subjects from Greek and Roman mythology including Venus, Bacchus, Apollo, Diana and scenes from stories like the Rape of Persephone and the Judgment of Paris. The document serves as an overview of important mythological works housed in museums across Europe.
This document contains images and descriptions of famous mythological paintings from renowned artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Titian, Rembrandt, Rubens, and Tintoretto. The paintings depict mythological subjects from Greek and Roman mythology including Venus, Bacchus, Diana, and scenes from stories like the abduction of Europa. Many of the paintings are housed in major European art museums and galleries such as the Uffizi, Louvre, Hermitage, and Prado.
The document discusses the benefits of meditation for reducing stress and anxiety. Regular meditation practice can help calm the mind and body by lowering heart rate and blood pressure. Studies have shown that meditating for just 10-20 minutes per day can have significant positive impacts on both mental and physical health over time.
An evening talk to Lanark Rotarians on my top ten locations. Ten stories in 20 minutes! Includes info on transhumance, how weddings are being bombed by mistake in the yemen and why chinese sanitary ware sports such wide rims.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam: Picture Gallery, The Masterpiecesguimera
The document provides details about artworks from the Rijksmuseum collection in Amsterdam, including Rembrandt's The Night Watch and The Jewish Bride, as well as works by Vermeer, Hals, and others. It also provides a brief history of the Rijksmuseum, noting that it originated from the Royal Museum established in 1808, was transferred to the Trippenhuis in 1815, and received its current building designed by P.J.H. Cuypers in 1885. The Rijksmuseum has one of the most comprehensive collections of 17th century Dutch art in the world.
"Je suis Bruxelles", Tuesday March 22, 2016guimera
A picture was taken on March 22, 2016 of the Eiffel Tower illuminated in the colors of the Belgian flag in tribute to the victims of terrorist attacks in Brussels. The photo was included in a video titled "Je suis Bruxelles" that provided images and text showing support for Brussels after the attacks, with credits to the source website and creator listed at the end.
Church of Third Order of S?o Francisco da PenitênciaHelga
The Church of the Third Order of St. Francis of Penance in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil began construction in 1715 and was completed in 1773. Its placement in the back of the property was due to the small size of the original churchyard, which was later expanded using a retaining wall. The interior of the church is luxuriously decorated in the peak Baroque style characteristic of the period, with magnificent carvings and gilded altars completed between 1726-1739.
Socotra Island lies 250 miles east of Somalia in the Indian Ocean and is part of the Socotra Archipelago, with an area of 1400 square miles. Like the Galapagos Islands, Socotra Island is home to 700 rare plant and animal species, one third of which are endemic to the island. The island has been geologically isolated for a long time, allowing some plant varieties to thrive there for 20 million years in the island's harsh, hot, and dry climate.