This topic was presented on Japan LabVIEW User Conference #2.
I introduced why TDD, how does it improve our development process. I developed FizzBuzz with TDD way in live.
English version:
とてか03 で発表した「忍者式テストをやってみた」の発表資料です。
- とてか03(
- The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Its Past and Present(
- ステートフルJavaScript(
- MVP: Model-View-Presenter The Taligent Programming Model for C++ and Java(
2013年5月24日(金)Agile Japan 2013(にて「アジャイルサムライ壱の太刀~実践者たちが語るアジャイル導入の型~」というセッションの中で発表した資料。説得しない?はじめないアジャイルのはじめ形について自身の経験をもとにまとめてみました。
Video Recommender in Viki (VikiでのVideoレコメンド事例)umekoumeda
The document describes improvements made to the video recommendation system on the Viki video streaming service. The existing system selected videos randomly based only on country and genre, resulting in a low click-through rate of 0.09%. The improvements aimed to boost this rate by incorporating user behavior data and additional video attributes into the recommendations. Specifically, the new system recommends videos that were commonly watched by users who had viewed the target video, and also considers attributes like television network, episodes, and parts when selecting videos for recommendations. An A/B test of the new system showed a click-through rate increase of over 32%.
English version:
とてか03 で発表した「忍者式テストをやってみた」の発表資料です。
- とてか03(
- The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Its Past and Present(
- ステートフルJavaScript(
- MVP: Model-View-Presenter The Taligent Programming Model for C++ and Java(
2013年5月24日(金)Agile Japan 2013(にて「アジャイルサムライ壱の太刀~実践者たちが語るアジャイル導入の型~」というセッションの中で発表した資料。説得しない?はじめないアジャイルのはじめ形について自身の経験をもとにまとめてみました。
Video Recommender in Viki (VikiでのVideoレコメンド事例)umekoumeda
The document describes improvements made to the video recommendation system on the Viki video streaming service. The existing system selected videos randomly based only on country and genre, resulting in a low click-through rate of 0.09%. The improvements aimed to boost this rate by incorporating user behavior data and additional video attributes into the recommendations. Specifically, the new system recommends videos that were commonly watched by users who had viewed the target video, and also considers attributes like television network, episodes, and parts when selecting videos for recommendations. An A/B test of the new system showed a click-through rate increase of over 32%.
The document repeatedly discusses limited venue across multiple lines. It focuses on a single topic of limited venue without providing any additional details or context about what is being venues or why venues are limited.
10%Rule -Challenge to Making Innovative Team- @RakutenTechnologyConference2012Taichi Watanabe
1) Taichi revitalized the company's "10% Rule" program which allows engineers to spend 10% of their time on innovative side projects, after seeing declining participation.
2) He implemented strategies like mid-term demos, off-site camps, and internal social media to improve project quality and gather new participants. This increased the number of challengers.
3) Taichi's goal is to expand the program company-wide and potentially hold challenges between companies, envisioning a "World Cup" style competition for innovative side projects.