Groupe Keolis - L'EssentielKeolisActeur majeur du transport public de voyageurs en Europe et dans le monde, Keolis développe des solutions de mobilité sur mesure, adaptées aux attentes
des voyageurs et des collectivités.
E-mobility | Part 4 - EV charging and the next frontier (English)Vertex HoldingsFor the mass adoption of electric vehicle (EV) to become a reality, EV charging infrastructure must be made accessible, quick and reliable. Current signs indicate the sector is moving in the right direction – with China, Europe, US and Japan accelerating their charging infrastructure rollout plans, and notable charging network operators (i.e. ChargePoint, EVgo and Tritium) making billion-dollar exits.
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Grow Your Business – Tips From the Expert - 3/9/16Millennium Systems InternationalGrow your business – Tips From the Expert is a presentation from an actual salon owner who uses effective, business growing strategies using Millennium.
PhkCecep khoer AffandiRingkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
- Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan beserta hak-hak pekerja/buruh yang dijamin dalam kaitannya dengan PHK.
Culture in Your BusinessMillennium Systems InternationalThe document discusses how to foster growth through establishing a strong company culture. It emphasizes educating the entire staff about key performance indicators like new and repeat client retention. Staff should be motivated and incentivized to embody the company's culture through contests, rewards, and gamification. Real examples are provided from a salon owner who improved retention and average ticket by focusing on the client experience, prebooking, and getting staff engaged through challenges. Utilizing business software helped establish metrics, goals and monitor results like increased rebooking percentages and average ticket. The conclusion states that company culture should be reinforced throughout the entire client experience and continue after their visit.
Pitch new finalkeeley1234Keeley Barnaby proposes a social media game show for ages 15-mid 20s, using platforms like Snapchat,, and Tumblr to create challenges. Examples given include using Snapchat filters to tell a funny story. A budget of £15k is proposed to cover production costs, crew payments including assistant producer, director, camera operators, and sound technician. Health and safety concerns addressed include taping down loose wires and keeping crew away from equipment during filming. Copyright issues may arise and permission would need to be obtained for any music or videos used.
10 Millennium Features You Probably Didn't Know About - 5/23/16Millennium Systems InternationalCalling all Consultants! Millennium offers a number of exciting features that help businesses grow. However, most businesses don't use a large portion of them! Join Millennium's Irena Mena to learn tips, tricks, and features that will help businesses maximize their software!.
Library sources for art 1603 intro to photographySusan WhitmerThis document provides an overview of library instruction for an introduction to photography course at Texas Woman's University. It outlines the location of photography resources in the TWU Library and other libraries. It also discusses art databases, internet sources for photography, borrowing books from other libraries, citing photography sources, and local museums and galleries with photography collections.
MU 3313: Music HistorySusan WhitmerThis document provides an overview of library resources for a music history course at Texas Woman's University. It introduces the Library of Congress classification system for music and the TWU library catalog for finding books, scores, and recordings. The document lists several databases for locating journal articles and outlines how to access the music collection at the University of North Texas library. It concludes with references and contact information for the music librarian.
MIMA Monthly February 2016 - "Own it: Uncovering the Intrapreneur in All of Us"Minnesota Interactive Marketing AssociationIntrapreneur: A manager within a company who promotes innovative product development and marketing. Intrapreneurs are invaluable to business today — they enable innovation, grow bottom lines, and introduce new perspectives to established companies. But more than anything, it’s the energy they bring to teams that benefits workplaces. They think independently, take initiative, exhibit ownership, accept their role as leaders, and make decisions.
In this session, Nancy Lyons will speak to the core attributes of intrapreneurship and intrapreneurs and discuss how — and why — to bring these characteristics into your daily work.
Library sources for MU 5423: Music Education ResearchSusan WhitmerThis document provides an agenda for a library sources presentation for an MU 5423 music education research course. The presentation covers introducing the university libraries' homepage, searching music databases and the catalog for journal articles, dissertations, sheet music and recordings, using RefWorks citation management software, and offering a library tour. Contact information is provided for the reference librarian or reference desk for any questions.
The Owner's Experience - 6/13/16Millennium Systems InternationalAs a business owner, do you know where to go and what to look for in your software to ensure your growth and profit trends? Learn the specifics from Millennium's VP of Enterprise Sales, Robert Maconi, a salon/spa owner as well, who utilizes these features every day to project growth and report accurately.
Dr Lindsay MacDonald, 3DIMPact Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, UCLUCLDHDr Lindsay MacDonald, 3DIMPact Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, UCL: Image Sets under Directional Lighting: A Richer Representation of Cultural Heritage Objects
PhkCecep khoer AffandiRingkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
- Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan beserta hak-hak pekerja/buruh yang dijamin dalam kaitannya dengan PHK.
Culture in Your BusinessMillennium Systems InternationalThe document discusses how to foster growth through establishing a strong company culture. It emphasizes educating the entire staff about key performance indicators like new and repeat client retention. Staff should be motivated and incentivized to embody the company's culture through contests, rewards, and gamification. Real examples are provided from a salon owner who improved retention and average ticket by focusing on the client experience, prebooking, and getting staff engaged through challenges. Utilizing business software helped establish metrics, goals and monitor results like increased rebooking percentages and average ticket. The conclusion states that company culture should be reinforced throughout the entire client experience and continue after their visit.
Pitch new finalkeeley1234Keeley Barnaby proposes a social media game show for ages 15-mid 20s, using platforms like Snapchat,, and Tumblr to create challenges. Examples given include using Snapchat filters to tell a funny story. A budget of £15k is proposed to cover production costs, crew payments including assistant producer, director, camera operators, and sound technician. Health and safety concerns addressed include taping down loose wires and keeping crew away from equipment during filming. Copyright issues may arise and permission would need to be obtained for any music or videos used.
10 Millennium Features You Probably Didn't Know About - 5/23/16Millennium Systems InternationalCalling all Consultants! Millennium offers a number of exciting features that help businesses grow. However, most businesses don't use a large portion of them! Join Millennium's Irena Mena to learn tips, tricks, and features that will help businesses maximize their software!.
Library sources for art 1603 intro to photographySusan WhitmerThis document provides an overview of library instruction for an introduction to photography course at Texas Woman's University. It outlines the location of photography resources in the TWU Library and other libraries. It also discusses art databases, internet sources for photography, borrowing books from other libraries, citing photography sources, and local museums and galleries with photography collections.
MU 3313: Music HistorySusan WhitmerThis document provides an overview of library resources for a music history course at Texas Woman's University. It introduces the Library of Congress classification system for music and the TWU library catalog for finding books, scores, and recordings. The document lists several databases for locating journal articles and outlines how to access the music collection at the University of North Texas library. It concludes with references and contact information for the music librarian.
MIMA Monthly February 2016 - "Own it: Uncovering the Intrapreneur in All of Us"Minnesota Interactive Marketing AssociationIntrapreneur: A manager within a company who promotes innovative product development and marketing. Intrapreneurs are invaluable to business today — they enable innovation, grow bottom lines, and introduce new perspectives to established companies. But more than anything, it’s the energy they bring to teams that benefits workplaces. They think independently, take initiative, exhibit ownership, accept their role as leaders, and make decisions.
In this session, Nancy Lyons will speak to the core attributes of intrapreneurship and intrapreneurs and discuss how — and why — to bring these characteristics into your daily work.
Library sources for MU 5423: Music Education ResearchSusan WhitmerThis document provides an agenda for a library sources presentation for an MU 5423 music education research course. The presentation covers introducing the university libraries' homepage, searching music databases and the catalog for journal articles, dissertations, sheet music and recordings, using RefWorks citation management software, and offering a library tour. Contact information is provided for the reference librarian or reference desk for any questions.
The Owner's Experience - 6/13/16Millennium Systems InternationalAs a business owner, do you know where to go and what to look for in your software to ensure your growth and profit trends? Learn the specifics from Millennium's VP of Enterprise Sales, Robert Maconi, a salon/spa owner as well, who utilizes these features every day to project growth and report accurately.
Dr Lindsay MacDonald, 3DIMPact Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, UCLUCLDHDr Lindsay MacDonald, 3DIMPact Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, UCL: Image Sets under Directional Lighting: A Richer Representation of Cultural Heritage Objects
Урок в 9 класі на тему "Комп'ютерна графіка"Nuta1910Урок вчителя інформатики Жовтоводської середньої загальноосвітньої школи №10 з профільними класами Іванченко Т.В. в 9 класі на тему "Комп'ютерна графіка"
5. Піксель — це неподільний елемент
зображення, зазвичай квадратної
форми, який має певний колір.
6. Існує багато програм для роботи з
растровими зображеннями: графічні
редактори, фоторедактори, програми
для перегляду зображень та інші.
7. Засобами растрової графіки створюють та
обробляють зображення, що потребують
високої точності у передачі кольорів та
напівтонів. Розміри файлів напряму
пов'язані зі збільшенням роздільчості і
можуть сягати десятки мегабайтів.
8. Adobe Photoshop - один із кращих
інструментів для роботи з растровою
графікою. Фотографії, а також повнобарвна
складна графіка, зберігаються у вигляді
растрових зображень, принципи роботи з
якими, збігаються з підходом до обробки
9. Кількість пікселів, яке міститься на
деякому відрізку довжиною в дюйм,
називається концентрацією і визначає
якість картинки. Чим вище щільність,
тем вище якість зображення.