сценарійiruska_38The document outlines a plan for an extracurricular English language event for younger students called "In the World of Fairy Tales". The goal is to improve students' English language skills through reciting poems, singing songs, and acting out short plays on themes like "Family", "Fairy Tales", and "Animals". Students will earn tokens for participating that can be redeemed for prizes. The event will include welcoming remarks, alphabet and word games, riddle guessing, and performances of fairy tale plays like "Three Little Kittens", "Cinderella", and "The Pretty Little Mitten". Costumes, props, and music will help bring the fairy tale world to life for the students.
казкові героїiruska_38This document lists several famous characters from children's stories and films including Mickey Mouse, Winnie-the Pooh, Tom and Jerry, Mary Poppins, Alice from Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid, and Cinderella.
аудіюванняiruska_38This document provides words for clothing items and possessive pronouns. It asks what someone is wearing and lists clothing items for the reader to write down. It also lists possessive pronouns and instructs the reader to read and match them.
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