- XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is reinventing how business data is transmitted and used. It allows data to be tagged and exchanged electronically.
- The article walks through tagging a sample company's income statement using XBRL tagging software. It explains each step, from downloading taxonomies to validating the tagged data.
- XBRL will become widely used for submitting financial and other data to regulators, banks, and other agencies by both large and small businesses and practitioners. It provides benefits of standardized, electronic data exchange.
- XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is reinventing how business data is transmitted and used. It allows data to be tagged and exchanged electronically.
- The article walks through tagging a sample company's income statement using XBRL tagging software. It explains each step, from downloading taxonomies to validating the tagged data.
- XBRL will become widely used for submitting financial and other data to regulators, banks, and other agencies by both large and small businesses and practitioners. It provides benefits of standardized, electronic data exchange.
Choosing which journal to submit a manuscript to requires careful consideration of numerous factors. The document outlines 14 factors to evaluate, such as whether the journal is peer-reviewed, its reputation in the relevant field, how often it publishes, and whether it is a good fit for the intended audience and message. It is important to select a journal before beginning to write so the manuscript can be tailored to its guidelines and intended readership. Obtaining and following the journal's author instructions explicitly is also advised to avoid delays in the publication process.
Twelve Steps To Developing Effective Tables And F Igureschenv
The document provides 12 steps for developing effective tables and figures for scientific manuscripts, noting that tables and figures should report data too complex for text, reveal trends or patterns, and be understandable without referencing the text. Key steps include deciding which results to present as tables or figures, limiting their number to essential information, designing them to tell a story, and writing clear titles and legends in the past tense. The document also provides additional guidance on creating tables in Word and ensuring high-quality figures.
4. 72 财经理论与实践 ( 双月刊) 2008 年第 2 期
( 4) 对沪深大盘指数的影响程度方面 ,封闭式基 金数量 、封闭式基金数量和开放式基金数量三个指
金数量均比开放式基金数量大 。原因在于封闭式基 标虽然均对指数具有影响 ,有些弹性系数甚至很大 ,
金成立后封闭了基金单位的发行总额 , 一定时期内 但因本身数值变动缓慢 , 对指数产生影响的频率不
不再接受新的投资 ,也不能赎回 ,基金单位的流通通 大 ,而基金规模能在较短的时间内发生大的变动 ,且
过证券交易所进行 , 使得封闭式基金不仅能通过资 沪深两市大盘指数对其的弹性系数分别为1. 004926
产配置对指数产生影响 , 投资者对其本身的交易也 和 0. 971039 ,因此 , 四个解释变量中对大盘指数产
能对指数产生影响 。因此 ,与开放式基金相比 ,监管 生影响的主要是基金规模 。
层应加强对封闭式基金运作的监管 , 防止发生类似 这些实证研究结论的含义在于 : 对监管层而言
“基金黑幕” 的行为 。 封闭式基金数量的变动对沪深大盘指数产生相反方
( 5) 基金数量 、
封闭式基金数量 、
开放式基金数 向的影响 ,且影响程度比开放式基金数量大 , 因此 ,
量和基金规模四个解释变量中 , 前三个指标虽然对 应推动封闭式基金尽早完成 “封转开”或者到期清
大盘指数具有影响 ,有些弹性系数甚至很大 ,但因为 盘 ; 对大盘指数产生影响的主要是基金规模 ,因而应
指标数值变动缓慢 ,对指数产生影响的频率不大 ; 基 密切关注基金规模的变动 。对市场投资者而言 , 基
金规模因为开放式基金的申购与赎回 , 能在较短的 金规模的变动一定程度上能够作为判断沪深大盘指
时间内发生大的变动 , 且沪深两市大盘指数对其的 数走势的参考 。需要指出的是 , 我们的研究只证明
弹性系数分别为 1. 004926 和 0. 971039 , 表明基金 基金规模对同期的大盘指数产生影响 , 而两者之间
规模变动能通过资产配置的调整 , 对指数产生同方 是否存在单向或双向因果关系 ,值得进一步研究 。
向和近乎同比例的影响 。因此 , 四个解释变量中对
大盘指数产生影响的 ,主要是基金规模 。
注释 :
结论与含义 ① 数据是基于三方面的考虑 : 一是数据可得性 , 二是投资基金发展
规模指标变动的速度 ,三是更短时间内 , 比如周 、 , 大盘指数易 月
以上从宏观角度运用定性分析和实证检验方 受各种随机因素的影响而频繁波动 。
参考文献 :
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(www. chinaclear. cn) .
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式基金数量 、开放式基金数量和基金规模等四个指 ——
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2000 - 08 - 14.
标以双对数线性模型形式影响指数 , 而基金公司数 [ 3 ] 平湖 ,李箐 . 基金黑幕 [J ] . 财经 ,2000 , (10) .
[ 4 ] 顾继青 . 浅析证券投资基金对证券市场稳定性的影响 [J ] . 财贸
量和基金份额的变动对指数没有影响 。影响方向方 研究 ,2003 : (1) .
面 ,四个指标对指数的影响既有正面的也有负面的 : [ 5 ] 何基报 ,王霞 . 机构投资者一定能稳定股市吗 [ DB/ OL ] . 深圳证
券交易所综合研究所 (www. szse. cn)
基金数量和封闭式基金数量的变动 , 对指数产生相 [ 6 ] 施东晖 . 证券投资基金的交易行为及其市场影响 [J ] . 世界经济 ,
2001 : (10) .
反方向的影响 ; 开放式基金数量和基金规模的变动 , [ 7 ] 余晓东 , 秦玲 . 开放式基金规模决定的内生机制 [J ] . 上海经济
研究 , 2001 : (4) .
则对指数具有同方向的影响 。影响程度方面 , 封闭 [8 ] 马福顺 , 梁永强 . 我国开放式基金募集规模的影响因素分析
式基金数量对指数的影响比开放式基金数量大 ; 基 [J ] . 财贸研究 , 2003 , (1) .
The Impact of Securities Investment Fund on the Stock
Market index An Exploratory Analysis
HU Rong2cai1 ,ZHU Hui2ming2 ,L I Meng2shan3
( 1 . College of S tatistics , Hunan U niversity , Changsha , Hunan 410079 , Chi na ;
2 . College of B usi ness A dm i nist ration , Hunan U niversity , Changsha , Hunan 410082 , Chi na ;
3 . College of M at hem atics and Economet rics , Hunan U niversity , Changsha , Hunan 410082 , Chi na)
Abstract :Based on quarterly indicators f rom t he 3rd quarter in 2001 to t he 2nd quarter in 2007 ,
t his paper Analyses t he impact of Securities Invest ment Fund on t he stock market index f rom a macro
point of view. The result s of t he empirical analysis show t hat , t he number of f und , closed2end f unds ,
open2end f unds and t he scale of f unds have impact on t he stock market index in t he form of double log2
linear model , and t he extent and direction are different . However t he number of Fund Management
Company and t he f und share do not have any impact on t he index.
K words :Securities Investment Fund ;Scale ;Stock Market Index ;Double Logistic2linear Model