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Towards Outstanding Schools Liaison_presentation_NAMSS_HKH_080715 LinkedInHayder KhanSchools are facing increased competition for post-16 students from local colleges and training providers. This guide provides advice to schools on how to strengthen partnerships and develop outstanding liaison with other post-16 options in order to remain competitive. Schools should focus on promoting their unique strengths and student experience to differentiate themselves from alternatives.
F1 rules and regulationsMax MosleyThis document outlines the timeline of Formula One regulation and rule changes from the 1950s to the 1990s. It began with few safety regulations as death was an accepted risk, but over the decades many changes were implemented to improve driver safety, including requirements for crash helmets, fire protection, roll cages, seat belts, and fuel cell standards. Engine specifications and minimum car weights were also regularly amended. By the 1990s regulations tightly controlled car design and banned many technologies to prioritize driver survival.
CLRonald BennettRonald Bennett is seeking a position as a Project Manager or Construction Manager in the telecommunications industry. He has over 30 years of experience in electronics maintenance, communications management, and project management for the Air Force and private sector. His experience includes managing wireless infrastructure installation and upgrades, training technicians, overseeing budgets, and ensuring regulatory compliance for projects. He has a degree in Electronic Systems Technology and certifications in IT project management, safety, and telecommunications topics.
FJH Older 1.PDFKristin YostThis document contains a musical theory evaluation for a student. It has several sections where the student is asked to identify musical elements like notes, keys, intervals, time signatures, and markings. They are also asked to summarize their favorite piece from the semester and why. The teacher will then grade the evaluation and provide an overall score and additional comments.
Swindon Town F.C PlayersMax MosleySwindon Town F.C.'s current squad as of January 9, 2015 includes 30 players, mostly from England, under the coaching of Mark Cooper. The squad is led by captain Nathan Thompson and includes players on loan from Southampton, Chelsea, Norwich City, and Wolverhampton Wanderers. Several players are also out on loan to other teams.
cecill new cv 2707Cecil SuddingCecil Sudding has over 40 years of experience as a rigger, ropesman, and mobile crane operator. He has strong communication, administrative, and leadership skills. His experience includes daily inspections, rigging, crane operation, training, and ensuring compliance with health and safety requirements. Currently he works as an assessor and facilitator, providing training and assessments to municipal staff in Cape Town on operating equipment, company policies and procedures, and completing risk assessments.
C3 - Waves of DemocratisationFatin Nazihah AzizThis document discusses the different waves of democratization that have occurred globally since the 1820s. It outlines the key features and timeline of the first wave from 1828-1926, which saw the adoption of universal suffrage in many countries beginning with the US in 1828. It then describes the reverse wave from 1922-1942 that led to the rise of authoritarian regimes in places like Germany, Italy and Spain. The second wave from 1943-1962 and its reverse from 1958-1972 which saw both new democracies and military interventions are also examined. Finally, it analyzes the ongoing third wave since 1974 and factors like economic development and culture that influence democratization.
[IJET-V1I3P22] Authors :Dipali D. Deokar, Chandrasekhar G. Patil.IJET - International Journal of Engineering and TechniquesOsteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis seen in aged or older populations. It is caused
because of a degeneration of articular cartilage, which functions as shock absorption cushion in knee joint. OA
also leads sliding of bones together, cause swelling, pain, eventually and loss of motion. Nowadays, magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) technique is widely used in the progression of osteoarthritis diagnosis due to the ability
to display the contrast between bone and cartilage. Usually, analysis of MRI image is done manually by a
physician which is very unpredictable, subjective and time consuming. Hence, there is need to develop automated
system to reduce the processing time. In this paper, a new automatic knee OA detection system based on feature
extraction and artificial neural network is developed. The different features viz GLCM texture, statistical, shape
etc. is extracted by using different image processing algorithms. This detection system consists of 4 stages, which
are pre-processing with ROI cropping, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification by neural network. This
technique results 98.5% of classification accuracy at training stage and 92% at testing stage.
Keywords — Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM),Knee
Joint, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Osteoarthritis(OA).
[IJET-V1I3P21] Authors :Mr. D K Kamat, Ms. Pooja S Ganorkar, Mrs. R A JainIJET - International Journal of Engineering and TechniquesThis paper presents the activities of children in Epilepsy in which a person has repeated or recurrent
seizures over time. In this, the particular person suffers from symptoms such as violent shaking, non controllable
jerky movements of the arms and legs, loss of alertness etc. But in the proposed model, we are using the wearable
sensors which will be worn on the brain and palms to detect the epileptic attacks and the GSM is used so that the
message is send through mobile to their relatives or friends that an attack has occurred. Proper medicines can cure
this disorder so we are going to suggest medicines according to the type of seizure. The readings will be displayed
on flex grid. The sensors include two 3-axis accelerometer sensors, temperature sensor, moisture sensor. This
model will utilize the ARM LPC2138 processor and the programming will be developed in keil3. Software
includes Visual Basics. So we will be doing the monitoring as the seizure will be detected and their parents or
relatives will be knowing about it. We are going to detect generalized tonic clonic seizures, absence seizures.
Keywords — Epilepsy, flex grid, GSM, sensors, types of seizures.
Law of Ukraine on PPPМіністерство інфраструктури УкраїниThis document provides an overview of Ukraine's Law on Public-Private Partnership from 2010. Some key points:
- Public-private partnerships in Ukraine involve cooperation between public partners (state, local governments) and private partners (legal entities, sole proprietors) based on a contract.
- The law establishes the legal framework for public-private partnerships and defines their key characteristics like long-term relationships, risk sharing, and private investment.
- Public-private partnerships can be used in various sectors like infrastructure, healthcare, tourism and more. They can involve private partners in functions like design, financing, construction and operation.
Presentase balita gizi buruk per kotariskahermawatiDokumen ini memberikan informasi tentang persentase balita dengan gizi buruk di berbagai kabupaten/kota di tahun 2012, dengan rentang nilai tertinggi 1,48% di Cirebon dan terendah 0,11% di Depok. Dokumen juga menjelaskan pengertian gizi buruk dan gejala-gejalanya serta faktor-faktor penyebabnya yang dibagi menjadi penyebab langsung, tidak langsung, dan mendasar.
Launchmob june 2015.keyGRECO ConsultingLaunchMob Media is a digital marketing agency that helps brands create conversations, develop engagement strategies, and build loyalty. They offer services such as brand awareness campaigns, lead generation, media relations, website traffic growth, and SEO improvement. LaunchMob Media creates custom content marketing solutions through strategic blogs, videos, graphics and more. They employ a process of goal setting and professional content creation to build clients' social influence through their Social Currency Campaign. As trusted advisors, LaunchMob's journalists develop meaningful online content and brand communities.
พัոาการศรษฐกิจการมืองโลกYaowaluk Chaobanphoพัոาการศรษฐกิจการมืองโลก
What they tell you ?
What they don’t tell you ?
Two basket cases
Country A:
Country B:
Dead presidents don’t talk
Do as I say, not as I did
A pro-growth doctrine that reduces growth
C3 - Waves of DemocratisationFatin Nazihah AzizThis document discusses the different waves of democratization that have occurred globally since the 1820s. It outlines the key features and timeline of the first wave from 1828-1926, which saw the adoption of universal suffrage in many countries beginning with the US in 1828. It then describes the reverse wave from 1922-1942 that led to the rise of authoritarian regimes in places like Germany, Italy and Spain. The second wave from 1943-1962 and its reverse from 1958-1972 which saw both new democracies and military interventions are also examined. Finally, it analyzes the ongoing third wave since 1974 and factors like economic development and culture that influence democratization.
[IJET-V1I3P22] Authors :Dipali D. Deokar, Chandrasekhar G. Patil.IJET - International Journal of Engineering and TechniquesOsteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis seen in aged or older populations. It is caused
because of a degeneration of articular cartilage, which functions as shock absorption cushion in knee joint. OA
also leads sliding of bones together, cause swelling, pain, eventually and loss of motion. Nowadays, magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) technique is widely used in the progression of osteoarthritis diagnosis due to the ability
to display the contrast between bone and cartilage. Usually, analysis of MRI image is done manually by a
physician which is very unpredictable, subjective and time consuming. Hence, there is need to develop automated
system to reduce the processing time. In this paper, a new automatic knee OA detection system based on feature
extraction and artificial neural network is developed. The different features viz GLCM texture, statistical, shape
etc. is extracted by using different image processing algorithms. This detection system consists of 4 stages, which
are pre-processing with ROI cropping, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification by neural network. This
technique results 98.5% of classification accuracy at training stage and 92% at testing stage.
Keywords — Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM),Knee
Joint, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Osteoarthritis(OA).
[IJET-V1I3P21] Authors :Mr. D K Kamat, Ms. Pooja S Ganorkar, Mrs. R A JainIJET - International Journal of Engineering and TechniquesThis paper presents the activities of children in Epilepsy in which a person has repeated or recurrent
seizures over time. In this, the particular person suffers from symptoms such as violent shaking, non controllable
jerky movements of the arms and legs, loss of alertness etc. But in the proposed model, we are using the wearable
sensors which will be worn on the brain and palms to detect the epileptic attacks and the GSM is used so that the
message is send through mobile to their relatives or friends that an attack has occurred. Proper medicines can cure
this disorder so we are going to suggest medicines according to the type of seizure. The readings will be displayed
on flex grid. The sensors include two 3-axis accelerometer sensors, temperature sensor, moisture sensor. This
model will utilize the ARM LPC2138 processor and the programming will be developed in keil3. Software
includes Visual Basics. So we will be doing the monitoring as the seizure will be detected and their parents or
relatives will be knowing about it. We are going to detect generalized tonic clonic seizures, absence seizures.
Keywords — Epilepsy, flex grid, GSM, sensors, types of seizures.
Law of Ukraine on PPPМіністерство інфраструктури УкраїниThis document provides an overview of Ukraine's Law on Public-Private Partnership from 2010. Some key points:
- Public-private partnerships in Ukraine involve cooperation between public partners (state, local governments) and private partners (legal entities, sole proprietors) based on a contract.
- The law establishes the legal framework for public-private partnerships and defines their key characteristics like long-term relationships, risk sharing, and private investment.
- Public-private partnerships can be used in various sectors like infrastructure, healthcare, tourism and more. They can involve private partners in functions like design, financing, construction and operation.
Presentase balita gizi buruk per kotariskahermawatiDokumen ini memberikan informasi tentang persentase balita dengan gizi buruk di berbagai kabupaten/kota di tahun 2012, dengan rentang nilai tertinggi 1,48% di Cirebon dan terendah 0,11% di Depok. Dokumen juga menjelaskan pengertian gizi buruk dan gejala-gejalanya serta faktor-faktor penyebabnya yang dibagi menjadi penyebab langsung, tidak langsung, dan mendasar.
Launchmob june 2015.keyGRECO ConsultingLaunchMob Media is a digital marketing agency that helps brands create conversations, develop engagement strategies, and build loyalty. They offer services such as brand awareness campaigns, lead generation, media relations, website traffic growth, and SEO improvement. LaunchMob Media creates custom content marketing solutions through strategic blogs, videos, graphics and more. They employ a process of goal setting and professional content creation to build clients' social influence through their Social Currency Campaign. As trusted advisors, LaunchMob's journalists develop meaningful online content and brand communities.
พัոาการศรษฐกิจการมืองโลกYaowaluk Chaobanphoพัոาการศรษฐกิจการมืองโลก
What they tell you ?
What they don’t tell you ?
Two basket cases
Country A:
Country B:
Dead presidents don’t talk
Do as I say, not as I did
A pro-growth doctrine that reduces growth
Pol9235 mediationYaowaluk ChaobanphoMediation
What is Mediation?
An attempt by two parties to resolve their differences or dispute.
Assisted by a neutral third party.
Purpose is to resolve a conflict and create an agreement.
Does not replace the judicial system.
Mediation proceedings are confidential and private.
A mediator only advises, only suggest.
The resolution is up to the two parties using a signed, written agreement.
Informal process.
No judge or jury, no arbitrator.
All parties must agree to the process, usually with a signed mediation agreement.
What Mediators Bring to the Table
Mediation is an approach to conflict resolution
They alter the structure of the interaction
They bring their personal commitment, vision, and humanity to the interaction
They bring a set of skills and procedures
They bring a set of values and ethics.
What Disputants Want from a Mediator
desire for the mediator to help them achieve a good outcome.
They want mediators to be outcome focused and to commit to arriving at a settlement.
disputants often want mediators to hear their point of view and then convince everyone else involved that they are right and should get their way
They bring a set of values and ethics.
The Premises of Mediation
Disputants need help (and can benefit from it). A conflict goes to mediation because the parties feel they need help to arrive at a satisfactory outcome.
Why not go straight to a third-party decision maker
Process is important.
possible for a third party to be attentive to potentially competing interests.
What Mediator Do
Mediators Assess Whether and How to Intervene in a Conflict
Mediators Create or Redesign an Arena for Communication and Negotiation
Mediators Get Parties to Participate
Mediators Manage Emotions and Communication
Mediators Explore Needs at a Useful Level of Depth
Mediators Encourage Incremental and Reciprocal Risk Taking
Mediators Encourage Creativity
Mediators Help People Think Through Their Choices
Mediators Apply Appropriate Amounts of Pressure
When Mediation Works and When It Fails
that successful mediations do not necessarily end in agreements
that failed mediations sometimes do.
Mediation is a powerful intervention.
The sarit regimeYaowaluk ChaobanphoThe Sarit Regime (1957-1963/2500-2506)
Sarit Thanarat (June 16, 1908 – December 8, 1963) was a Thai career soldier who staged a coup in 1957, thereafter serving as Thailand's Prime Minister until his death in 1963.
He was born in Bangkok on June 16, 1908.
His father, Major Luang Ruangdetanan (birth name Thongdi Thanarat), was a career army officer best known for his translations into Thai of Cambodian literature.
Thailand in the cold war: sarit thanom regime (1957-1973)Yaowaluk ChaobanphoThis document discusses Thailand during the Cold War era under the Sarit-Thanom military dictatorship from 1957-1973. It provides background on the Cold War influence in Southeast Asia and Thailand's role in supporting the US against the spread of communism. It describes how the US supported Sarit's rise to power in Thailand and the authoritarian and repressive nature of his regime. Sarit heavily censored the press, banned political parties, and suppressed leftists and intellectuals. However, he also oversaw forceful economic development and modernization programs in Thailand.