A presentation on PSO with videos and animations to illustrate the concept. The ppt throws light on the concept, the algo, the application and comparison of PSO with GA and DE.
The document outlines tips for clinical educators when teaching medical students. It emphasizes engaging and inspiring students, promoting knowledge transfer, connecting with students, coaching rather than refereeing, and embracing mistakes. Specific techniques discussed include the One Minute Preceptor model, the Aunt Minnie model, using stories and facts, embracing technology like polling apps, bringing simulation activities to students, praising process over outcomes, and acknowledging that mistakes will happen and should be learned from. The overall message is that clinical educators should focus on actively engaging students and helping them learn from experiences rather than just evaluating them.
El documento habla sobre las tendencias tecnolgicas mviles y de comunicacin para el a?o 2010, incluyendo el crecimiento continuo de las redes sociales y dispositivos mviles, la lucha entre sistemas operativos Android e iOS, el aumento de la realidad aumentada y periodismo ciudadano, y el posible xito de plataformas como Google Wave y el continuo crecimiento de Twitter.
A Palavra de Deus viva e eficaz, capaz de criar e transformar. ? uma arma espiritual para os crist?os enfrentarem o mal, mas muitos a conhecem pouco. ? necessrio que ministros da Palavra estejam preparados para preg-la corretamente e ensinar o que a Igreja ensina, para que os crist?os n?o sejam levados por interpreta??es err?neas.
El documento describe la historia y evolucin de Internet. Comienza explicando cmo se desarrollaron las redes de conmutacin de paquetes en los a?os 60 y 70, y cmo esto llev al desarrollo de protocolos como IP y TCP/IP para interconectar diferentes redes, dando lugar a Internet en 1983. Luego describe las distintas fases por las que ha pasado Internet, incluyendo su explosin en los 90 con la aparicin de la World Wide Web, y su evolucin hacia la Web 2.0 en la actualidad, donde los usuarios juegan un papel
La reinvencin de los negocios - Pregntale a la cadena de valor - Empresa 2020Roca Salvatella
Presentacin inicial "La reinvencin de los negocios" de Pepe Cerezo en el marco del ciclo Empresa 2020, un ciclo de debates sobre la digitalizacin de los negocios(http://empresa2020.rocasalvatella.com).
- IE9 provides faster performance for HTML5 features like video and audio as well as CSS3 capabilities. It supports standards like HTML5, CSS3, SVG and DOM more completely than previous versions of IE.
- Microsoft is actively involved in the relevant standards bodies to help drive the evolution of web standards. Interoperable markup and a standards-aligned approach are priorities for IE9.
- IE9 features hardware-accelerated rendering for graphics-intensive HTML5 capabilities, improving performance significantly over IE8 for sites using these new features.
Cuaderno de la red de Ctedras Telefnica, escrito por Pedro Luis Chas Alonso y Juan Quemada Vives. Discusin sobre la necesidad de evolucionar
hacia esquemas de identidad digital en Internet
que realmente tengan al usuario como su centro.
El documento presenta una introduccin al contexto legal de la propiedad intelectual y el derecho de autor, incluyendo las licencias Creative Commons. Explica que el enfoque legal tradicional de "todos los derechos reservados" limita el uso y reuso del contenido, mientras que Creative Commons ofrece licencias que permiten ms libertad. Finalmente, argumenta que algunas actividades como la difusin cultural en bibliotecas podran considerarse ilegales debido a interpretaciones restrictivas del derecho de autor.
Intro to @viewport & other new Responsive Web Design CSS featuresAndreas Bovens
From meta viewport to @viewport and from device-pixel-ratio to the resolution media query: various responsive design hooks are undergoing standardization, allowing for future-proof sites that work well in different contexts. In addition, new CSS features like object-fit, relative length units and so on are increasingly supported by browsers as well, and allow for more versatile responsive design solutions. In my talk, I will look at these features and explain how they can be used in websites today.
The document discusses the challenges facing energy grids in Ireland and solutions provided by GE's smart grid technologies. Demand for energy is rising significantly in Ireland while renewable energy sources are also increasing. GE's smart grid uses data and communications technologies to provide solutions that empower consumers, increase grid reliability and efficiency, and better integrate renewable energy. These solutions include smart appliances, advanced metering, demand response systems, and technologies to optimize voltage and reactive power.
This document provides information about an individual named Kejun who works as a designer and front-end engineer. It includes their website URL and Twitter handle. It also discusses concepts like layered semantic markup, MVC patterns, information architecture, prototypes, PRDs, wireframes, CSS reset rules, and modular component design. Links are provided to example projects and code demos for a UI framework and components developed for QQ and Douban.
The document summarizes federal spectrum usage between 30 MHz and 3000 GHz. It provides details on spectrum allocated to federal agencies such as the military, FAA, Department of Justice, and National Science Foundation. For each frequency band, it lists the federal and non-federal allocations and describes the primary federal uses, including tactical communications, air support, command and control, land mobile radio, radio astronomy research, and meteor burst communications. The purpose is to inform the public about spectrum used by federal agencies for operations including national defense, transportation, law enforcement, land management, and science.
Presence, identity, and attention in social web architectureChristian Crumlish
ݺߣs from a panel of the same name at the IA Summit 2008 in Miami Florida. Other panelists were Gene Smith, Christina Wodtke, Andrew Hinton, and Andrew Crow
Develop advance joomla! MVC Component for version 3Gunjan Patel
This is an step by step information to create advance joomla component. Students and Newbies who want to learn and create component development they can use this slide as an reference.
Joomla! User Network Ahmedabad organizing a 4 days Joomla! workshop for students to teach joomla development. In this workshop we are going to teach joomla component, module and plugin development. This event will be organized at School of Computer Studies, Ahmedabad University in association with AESICS-CSI Student Branch. Event organized by School of Computer Studies, Ahmedabad University and Joomla User Network Ahmedabad Team. For more details visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/jugAhmedabad
Develop Basic joomla! MVC component for version 3Gunjan Patel
Develop Basic Joomla! Component in easy steps. Step by step information to develop joomla component.
Joomla! User Network Ahmedabad organizing a 2 days Joomla! workshop for students to teach joomla development. In this workshop we are going to teach joomla component, module and plugin development. This event will be organized at School of Computer Studies, Ahmedabad University in association with AESICS-CSI Student Branch. Event organized by School of Computer Studies, Ahmedabad University and Joomla User Network Ahmedabad Team. For more details visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/jugAhmedabad
- IE9 provides faster performance for HTML5 features like video and audio as well as CSS3 capabilities. It supports standards like HTML5, CSS3, SVG and DOM more completely than previous versions of IE.
- Microsoft is actively involved in the relevant standards bodies to help drive the evolution of web standards. Interoperable markup and a standards-aligned approach are priorities for IE9.
- IE9 features hardware-accelerated rendering for graphics-intensive HTML5 capabilities, improving performance significantly over IE8 for sites using these new features.
Cuaderno de la red de Ctedras Telefnica, escrito por Pedro Luis Chas Alonso y Juan Quemada Vives. Discusin sobre la necesidad de evolucionar
hacia esquemas de identidad digital en Internet
que realmente tengan al usuario como su centro.
El documento presenta una introduccin al contexto legal de la propiedad intelectual y el derecho de autor, incluyendo las licencias Creative Commons. Explica que el enfoque legal tradicional de "todos los derechos reservados" limita el uso y reuso del contenido, mientras que Creative Commons ofrece licencias que permiten ms libertad. Finalmente, argumenta que algunas actividades como la difusin cultural en bibliotecas podran considerarse ilegales debido a interpretaciones restrictivas del derecho de autor.
Intro to @viewport & other new Responsive Web Design CSS featuresAndreas Bovens
From meta viewport to @viewport and from device-pixel-ratio to the resolution media query: various responsive design hooks are undergoing standardization, allowing for future-proof sites that work well in different contexts. In addition, new CSS features like object-fit, relative length units and so on are increasingly supported by browsers as well, and allow for more versatile responsive design solutions. In my talk, I will look at these features and explain how they can be used in websites today.
The document discusses the challenges facing energy grids in Ireland and solutions provided by GE's smart grid technologies. Demand for energy is rising significantly in Ireland while renewable energy sources are also increasing. GE's smart grid uses data and communications technologies to provide solutions that empower consumers, increase grid reliability and efficiency, and better integrate renewable energy. These solutions include smart appliances, advanced metering, demand response systems, and technologies to optimize voltage and reactive power.
This document provides information about an individual named Kejun who works as a designer and front-end engineer. It includes their website URL and Twitter handle. It also discusses concepts like layered semantic markup, MVC patterns, information architecture, prototypes, PRDs, wireframes, CSS reset rules, and modular component design. Links are provided to example projects and code demos for a UI framework and components developed for QQ and Douban.
The document summarizes federal spectrum usage between 30 MHz and 3000 GHz. It provides details on spectrum allocated to federal agencies such as the military, FAA, Department of Justice, and National Science Foundation. For each frequency band, it lists the federal and non-federal allocations and describes the primary federal uses, including tactical communications, air support, command and control, land mobile radio, radio astronomy research, and meteor burst communications. The purpose is to inform the public about spectrum used by federal agencies for operations including national defense, transportation, law enforcement, land management, and science.
Presence, identity, and attention in social web architectureChristian Crumlish
ݺߣs from a panel of the same name at the IA Summit 2008 in Miami Florida. Other panelists were Gene Smith, Christina Wodtke, Andrew Hinton, and Andrew Crow
Develop advance joomla! MVC Component for version 3Gunjan Patel
This is an step by step information to create advance joomla component. Students and Newbies who want to learn and create component development they can use this slide as an reference.
Joomla! User Network Ahmedabad organizing a 4 days Joomla! workshop for students to teach joomla development. In this workshop we are going to teach joomla component, module and plugin development. This event will be organized at School of Computer Studies, Ahmedabad University in association with AESICS-CSI Student Branch. Event organized by School of Computer Studies, Ahmedabad University and Joomla User Network Ahmedabad Team. For more details visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/jugAhmedabad
Develop Basic joomla! MVC component for version 3Gunjan Patel
Develop Basic Joomla! Component in easy steps. Step by step information to develop joomla component.
Joomla! User Network Ahmedabad organizing a 2 days Joomla! workshop for students to teach joomla development. In this workshop we are going to teach joomla component, module and plugin development. This event will be organized at School of Computer Studies, Ahmedabad University in association with AESICS-CSI Student Branch. Event organized by School of Computer Studies, Ahmedabad University and Joomla User Network Ahmedabad Team. For more details visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/jugAhmedabad
This document contains information about Bobby, including his name, job, hobbies, contact information, and an agenda for a meeting on frontend missions. The agenda discusses the roles of designers versus developers, how frontend engineers spend their time, necessary skills like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, browser capabilities, and the growing importance of mobile and touch devices. It also provides a brief history of relevant technologies from the telephone to the iPad.
This document contains information about Bobby, including his name, job, hobbies, contact information, and an agenda for a meeting on frontend missions. The agenda discusses the roles of designers versus developers, how frontend engineers spend their time on design, coding, and ensuring a good user experience. It also covers the skills expected of frontend engineers like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, frameworks, and an understanding of browser capabilities and performance. The document suggests that mobile and touch devices are becoming more important and that frontend work will increasingly involve APIs and mobile interfaces. It provides a brief history of relevant technologies and compares the number of cars, TVs and mobile phones in 2009.