Legal Practicing as a Freelance DesignerinkCreativeStudioThis document discusses the legal protections and considerations for freelance graphic designers. It compares working at an agency versus freelancing, and outlines steps for starting a freelance career like gaining experience, setting hours, creating a portfolio, and networking. The document also recommends freelancers use contracts that specify payment terms to protect themselves legally and ask how to structure contracts, request payment, and save time.
Apploi WhitepaperwilliaminnovatecvThe document discusses high turnover rates in the hospitality industry and how this negatively impacts productivity and profits. It argues that traditional resumes are ineffective for evaluating service industry candidates because they do not assess interpersonal skills or "hospitality quotient," which are most important. The document cites Danny Meyer's emphasis on hiring employees with strong emotional intelligence over technical skills alone. It concludes that new recruiting technologies should assess personality and qualifications beyond resumes to improve hiring and reduce turnover in the hospitality sector.
Permainan matematikaAsri SaputraDokumen tersebut merupakan ringkasan singkat tentang permainan matematika yang disusun oleh Kelompok 9. Permainan matematika adalah kegiatan menyenangkan untuk mendukung tujuan pembelajaran matematika secara kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik. Dokumen ini juga menyertakan contoh permainan menempuh jalur angka dari 1 hingga 100.
Rosita Forbes BioFrenchLeaveVillageThis document provides a biography of British explorer Rosita Forbes. It summarizes her early life, education, and first marriage. It then describes her travels around the world with a friend from 1917-1918, visiting over 30 countries. In 1920, Forbes traveled with Egyptian civil servant Ahmed Hassanein to explore the remote Kufra oasis in the Libyan desert, becoming the first non-Muslim woman to enter it. However, the document notes she downplayed Hassanein's role in facilitating the journey in her book about it. It continues with details about Forbes' career as a popular travel writer and speaker after returning from the expedition.
Cybertron pc slayer ii gaming pc (blue)LilianaSuriThe CybertronPC Slayer II Gaming PC is a high-performance gaming desktop with the following key features:
1. It is powered by an Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz quad-core processor that can be overclocked, along with 16GB of RAM and a 1TB hard drive.
2. It includes an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti graphics card with 1GB of VRAM for powerful gaming.
3. Additional features include a Blu-ray/DVD burner, liquid cooling, LED fan control, and a 600W power supply. It is designed to provide both powerful performance and a quiet gaming experience.
Round Corner Social MediaHridyesh BasallThis document discusses social media and its importance. Social media refers to activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and sharing of content like words, pictures, videos and audio. It allows people to easily share and comment on media at low or no cost. Two thirds of internet users globally visit social media. Popular social media platforms include Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Flickr and Twitter. The document discusses why social media is important for communication, delivering services, and consulting as it is cost-effective, instantaneous and responsive. It provides some usage statistics and concludes by discussing why colleges invest in social media for purposes like creating awareness, encouraging connections, and building strong alumni relations.
Permainan matematikaAsri SaputraDokumen tersebut merupakan ringkasan singkat tentang permainan matematika yang disusun oleh Kelompok 9. Permainan matematika adalah kegiatan menyenangkan untuk mendukung tujuan pembelajaran matematika secara kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik. Dokumen ini juga menyertakan contoh permainan menempuh jalur angka dari 1 hingga 100.
Rosita Forbes BioFrenchLeaveVillageThis document provides a biography of British explorer Rosita Forbes. It summarizes her early life, education, and first marriage. It then describes her travels around the world with a friend from 1917-1918, visiting over 30 countries. In 1920, Forbes traveled with Egyptian civil servant Ahmed Hassanein to explore the remote Kufra oasis in the Libyan desert, becoming the first non-Muslim woman to enter it. However, the document notes she downplayed Hassanein's role in facilitating the journey in her book about it. It continues with details about Forbes' career as a popular travel writer and speaker after returning from the expedition.
Cybertron pc slayer ii gaming pc (blue)LilianaSuriThe CybertronPC Slayer II Gaming PC is a high-performance gaming desktop with the following key features:
1. It is powered by an Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz quad-core processor that can be overclocked, along with 16GB of RAM and a 1TB hard drive.
2. It includes an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti graphics card with 1GB of VRAM for powerful gaming.
3. Additional features include a Blu-ray/DVD burner, liquid cooling, LED fan control, and a 600W power supply. It is designed to provide both powerful performance and a quiet gaming experience.
Round Corner Social MediaHridyesh BasallThis document discusses social media and its importance. Social media refers to activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and sharing of content like words, pictures, videos and audio. It allows people to easily share and comment on media at low or no cost. Two thirds of internet users globally visit social media. Popular social media platforms include Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Flickr and Twitter. The document discusses why social media is important for communication, delivering services, and consulting as it is cost-effective, instantaneous and responsive. It provides some usage statistics and concludes by discussing why colleges invest in social media for purposes like creating awareness, encouraging connections, and building strong alumni relations.
Presentation1 (7)AnushikNikoghosyanRabfan is a fantastic rabbit that is very clever and obedient. It can run, jump, and help prepare dishes in the kitchen. While it weighs 4 kilograms, it is still very strong and can lift objects up to 3 kilograms. Rabfan enjoys playing games like hide and seek, basketball, and volleyball. This document was a story about Rabfan the rabbit prepared by Anushik Nikoghosyan from the 7-2 class.
Presentation1 (7)AnushikNikoghosyanRabfan is a fantastic rabbit that is very clever and obedient. It can run, jump, and help prepare dishes in the kitchen. While it weighs 4 kilograms, it is still very strong and can lift objects up to 3 kilograms. Rabfan enjoys playing games like hide and seek, basketball, and volleyball. This document was a story about Rabfan the rabbit prepared by Anushik Nikoghosyan from the 7-2 class.
Presentation1 AnushikNikoghosyanThe document describes a pet that can run, jump, sit, and jump on command. It likes carrots and can help prepare dishes using its strength to lift up to 3 kilograms despite weighing 4 kilograms itself. The document was written by Anushik Nikoghosyan, a student in the 7-2 class.
3. Օդը տարբեր գազային նյութերի խառնորդ է, որը կազմված է ազտոտից,
թթվածնից, ածխաթթու գազից, ջրային գոլորշիներից և ազնիվ գազերից:
Օդի բաղադրությունը Ապացուցելու համար Քիմիայի
լաբարատորիայում կատարեցինք հետևյալ փորձը:
4. Անհրաժեշտ պարագաները
Սրվակ, լայն ու թափանցիկ
բաժակ կամ ափսեի մեջ
լցնել մաքուր ջուր նաև
անհրաժեշտ է լուցկի և
պլասմասի կամ որև է բանի
վրա ամրացված մոմ:
5. Փորձի ընթացքը
Մենք պետք է մոմը վառենք և
կամաց դնենք ջրի մակերեսին
և որպեսզի փորձը ավելի լավ
երեվա, եթե մոմը դնելու
ընթացքում մոմը գնա ափսեի
ծայրերը մենք պետք է շատ
կամաց բերենք մեջտեղ:
8. Հետևանք `
Ինչպես գիտենք ամենուրեք կա օդ և առանց օդի մենք չենք
կարող ապրել և իմանալով թթվածնի կարևորագույն
հատկությունները` անհրաժեշտ է շնչառության համար և
նպաստում է այրմանը: Մոմին այրումից թթվածինը սրվակում
վերջացավ և մոմը ջրի հետ բարձրացավ սրվակի մեջ այնքան
ինչքան կա թթվածին:
Օդի բաղադրությունը`
1/5 –ը կամ 21% Թթվածին (O2)
4/5-ը կամ 78% Ազոտ (N2)
1% -Ածխաթթու գազ (CO2),ջրային գոլորշիներ (H2O), ազնիվ գազեր (