A man went to a temple to pray to Bodhisattva Guangyin. To his surprise, he saw another person next to him praying who looked exactly like the Bodhisattva statue. When he asked if the person was Guangyin, they replied yes. Puzzled as to why Guangyin would pray to himself, Guangyin replied that it is better to depend on oneself than others.
A man went to a temple to pray to Bodhisattva Guangyin. To his surprise, he saw another person next to him praying who looked exactly like the Bodhisattva statue. When he asked if the person was Guangyin, they replied yes. Puzzled as to why Guangyin would pray to himself, Guangyin replied that it is better to depend on oneself than others.
The chant expresses universal loving kindness and good will through repetitive blessings and prayers for freedom from suffering, danger, enmity and mental distress for oneself, loved ones, community members, donors, guardians, all beings and creatures throughout all realms of existence. It is recited to cultivate compassion and spread peace.
Wise sayings for happy living(Edited) / 静思语使你开心生活 (In English & Chinese)#1/9teh K K
This document provides wise sayings about personality development and living happily. Some of the key messages conveyed are:
1) Be kind, speak kindly, think good thoughts, and do good deeds. Forgive others as it is kind to oneself.
2) Success comes from developing one's qualities while failure stems from accumulating weaknesses. Do not underestimate one's potential.
3) Helping others brings joy while begging for help causes pain. Do more to gain more; do less and you will miss opportunities.