Книга в гостях у малышей". Неделя детской книги в первой младшей группе.Ресурсный центр ГБОУ ЦРР - детский сад 26Книга в гостях у малышей". Неделя детской книги в первой младшей группе.
Дикие животные наших лесовVictor FilimonovПрезентация краткосрочного проекта во II младшей группе «Дикие животные наших лесов»
Разработала воспитатель МБДОУ № 28 Казакова Татьяна Анатольевна
Образовательный проект в старшей группе "Неделя детской книги"Ресурсный центр ГБОУ ЦРР - детский сад 26Образовательный проект в старшей группе "Неделя детской книги"
Welcome to my classroomRJJahnkeThe document outlines the goals and curriculum of an imagined ideal English classroom that incorporates works from classic authors across history and focuses on developing 21st century skills like creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. The class aims to get students to engage with texts through interpretation, creative works, research, and group projects to gain deeper understanding and appreciate different perspectives.
Afrique magazinefajobiabiAs a fashion and beauty conscious women being up to date with the latest fashion trends through reading magazines is a necessity. From reading mainstream magazines I have realised that a lot of them fail to cover African fashion and beauty, as they do not understand that many Africans have curves or darker skin etc. This particular issue of Afrique is the ‘stand out’ issue, which consists of tips and motivational stories to inspire its readers to do more. I created Afrique to provide Africans with a magazine that deals with African issues such as the pressure of getting married early, products that are effective on African hair or skin and traditional African clothing.
Portfolio Piece 3laurenezziLauren Ezzi designed an African inspired print line in Adobe Illustrator for a computer aided design class. The line includes prints named "Blood Diamond", "Eternal Life", "Native Stripes", "Nigerian", "Queen Bee", and "Tree of Life" with various element codes listed. Lauren provided contact information to thank the viewer.
Образовательный проект в старшей группе "Неделя детской книги"Ресурсный центр ГБОУ ЦРР - детский сад 26Образовательный проект в старшей группе "Неделя детской книги"
Welcome to my classroomRJJahnkeThe document outlines the goals and curriculum of an imagined ideal English classroom that incorporates works from classic authors across history and focuses on developing 21st century skills like creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. The class aims to get students to engage with texts through interpretation, creative works, research, and group projects to gain deeper understanding and appreciate different perspectives.
Afrique magazinefajobiabiAs a fashion and beauty conscious women being up to date with the latest fashion trends through reading magazines is a necessity. From reading mainstream magazines I have realised that a lot of them fail to cover African fashion and beauty, as they do not understand that many Africans have curves or darker skin etc. This particular issue of Afrique is the ‘stand out’ issue, which consists of tips and motivational stories to inspire its readers to do more. I created Afrique to provide Africans with a magazine that deals with African issues such as the pressure of getting married early, products that are effective on African hair or skin and traditional African clothing.
Portfolio Piece 3laurenezziLauren Ezzi designed an African inspired print line in Adobe Illustrator for a computer aided design class. The line includes prints named "Blood Diamond", "Eternal Life", "Native Stripes", "Nigerian", "Queen Bee", and "Tree of Life" with various element codes listed. Lauren provided contact information to thank the viewer.
A Small Collection: Portfolio Piece 2laurenezziThis collection was inspired by a vacation in Jamaica and aims to capture the laidback tropical lifestyle through simple yet exciting beachwear and accessories. The small line consists of 9 garments including tropical printed pieces, leopard prints mixing safari and beach themes, and gold accents. Beachwear is the focus but also includes sandals, hats and bags to allow consumers to create unique looks by mixing and matching separates.
Highlights Collectie Pd Lighting 2012 NewsmarcelbosmaThe document lists the names of various individuals and companies including Aki, Axel, Ghibi & Libo, Wood, Cora, Yon led, Ether S, Ixi, Keyra, Gio, ArkiTek, and TopTen. It also mentions the terms DNA and PassWord.
Collectie 2011 Pd LightingmarcelbosmaThis document discusses various lighting products and designers. It mentions Bubble and Arki Tek lighting designs, as well as products from designers Alfonso Peluffo, JJ (Jacobsen), and Morse. It also lists bureaulampen (desk lamps), kantoorarmaturen (office lighting fixtures), and top ten LED lights.
Freaky fridayfajobiabi1) The poster for Freaky Friday uses opposite colors like green and purple to represent how different the mother and daughter characters are.
2) Their costumes also symbolize their opposite personalities, with the mother wearing a short skirt and boots and the daughter in a suit.
3) The line "Every teenager's nightmare...turning into her mother" hints that the two will switch bodies and have to live in each other's roles.
Healthy learning in sme presentation of the situations in the partner countri...Dogan IncesuluThis document outlines the objectives and partners of the Healthy Learning in SMEs project funded by the European Commission. The project aims to raise awareness of learning in the workplace and help SMEs establish prerequisites for sustainable learning environments to improve employee health and competitiveness. It lists the contact details of the partner organizations involved in the project from 6 European countries.
Forecasting Project: Portfolio Piece 1laurenezziThis Fall 2011 forecast for the brand Preen predicts the upcoming styles and colors based on the brand's competitors, influences from pop culture icons like Lady Gaga, and Preen's previous collections. Key trends seen in artists like cut-outs, sequins, and decorative details will influence Preen's new looks. The forecast calls for reusing popular silhouettes from past seasons like form-fitting cut-out dresses and leatherette miniskirts, while adding new elements such as blazers, vests, shorts, and oversized knits. Colors will both reuse staples like black, grey and dark purple as well as introduce new hues including pale pink, olive green, brown, blue, and gold.
Portfolio Piece 4laurenezziUsing Adobe Illustrator, the designer created a small home goods line inspired by nautical themes, including two scarves, two pairs of shoes, and two couches. The prints, designs, and names - like "Land, Ho!", "Helm", and "Propeller" - reference sailing and seafaring. The color palette uses various shades of blue, gray, black, and white to invoke images of the ocean.
4 discapacidad motriz (1)ULSANEZAEste documento presenta conceptos básicos sobre la atención educativa de estudiantes con discapacidad motriz. Define la discapacidad motriz como una alteración del aparato motor que dificulta o impide el desarrollo de capacidades para participar en actividades cotidianas. Explica que la motricidad se refiere al movimiento corporal, fundamental para el desarrollo humano. Además, identifica algunas causas comunes de discapacidad motriz y trastornos asociados. Finalmente, enfatiza la importancia de promover el aprend
A política de segurança alimentar como pilar da segurança internaJosé AlvesEste documento discute o papel importante da Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica (ASAE) na proteção da segurança alimentar e econômica em Portugal. A ASAE é responsável por fiscalizar a cadeia alimentar e as atividades econômicas nos setores alimentar e não alimentar. No entanto, a ASAE não está totalmente integrada no sistema nacional de segurança interna. O documento argumenta que a ASAE deve desempenhar um papel mais proeminente na segurança interna do país, dada a importância crescent
Seven poundsfajobiabiThe poster uses colors like black, white, and red to draw attention and emphasize the film's dramatic genre. The repetition of the number "seven" and ambiguous phrases like "seven pounds" build intrigue. Will Smith's image shows half his face in light and half in shadow, possibly indicating a dark past or dual personality. Multiple names in the background and an unspecified release date further mystify the film and intrigue audiences.
Organización del estado costarricensePaulina Romero ChEste documento describe la organización política y estructura del gobierno de Costa Rica. Costa Rica tiene un sistema presidencialista basado en la división de poderes entre el poder ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial. El documento también menciona algunos principios constitucionales como la soberanía nacional y el voto, así como figuras históricas importantes en el desarrollo del país.
Jdri 016 060113 criminalidade transnacionalJosé AlvesEste documento discute o crescente poder dos cartéis de droga e o crime organizado transnacional, que ameaçam a segurança dos Estados. Os cartéis atuam como "multinacionais" e se aproveitam da globalização para transportar drogas e pessoas entre continentes. A cooperação internacional tem sido insuficiente para combater esse problema global.
Phonological awarenessmol6438Phonological awareness is an essential component of beginning reading programs that helps students understand the alphabetical principle without using print, involving only listening. It can be broken into four developmental levels from word to phoneme awareness, and while important, phonological awareness is not the end goal or the same as phonemic awareness, nor does it involve print.
Top gear 2016 годМарина УвароваThe document discusses the popular BBC television show Top Gear. It provides background on the show's history, starting in 1977 as a regional motoring program that covered cars and road safety. Over time, the show evolved into an entertainment program focused on humor and pushing cars to their limits. It profiles some of the main hosts, including Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May. It also notes the show's large international popularity and discusses whether it can continue successfully without Jeremy Clarkson, who left the BBC.
Review of the filmМарина УвароваAlexander Uvarov recommends a horror film he watched. He enjoys horror films and found this one to be worth watching. He encourages others to watch it as well, promising they won't regret it.
Языковое портфолио: целесообразность его создания для обучающихсяМарина УвароваThe document discusses language portfolios and their importance for students. It begins by explaining what a portfolio is and then focuses on language portfolios. Language portfolios allow students to collect evidence of their language learning progress over time. This helps students reflect on their skills and achievements, and can be useful for applying to higher education or jobs. The document then outlines the contents of a sample student's own language portfolio, which follows the typical structure of a language passport, biography, dossier and examples of the student's work. It emphasizes that a portfolio helps motivate learning and provides official documentation of language abilities.
OUR SCHOOLМарина УвароваOur school is located at 5 Parkovaya Street in Krasnouralsk, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. It has three floors and is in a new building. Compulsory subjects include Math, Russian, History, Music, Art, Physics, English, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, PE, IT, Design and Technology, and Literature. Optional subjects include Design, Russian Speech, Math Tasks and others. The teachers are kind, clever, nice and beautiful. My favorite subject is English taught by Uvarova Marina Alexandrovna. We do not wear a uniform except for PE. The rules of the school include being polite, saying hello to teachers, arriving on time, standing up when a
What can we do to help the Earth?Марина УвароваOur Earth is a beautiful home for living beings, but pollution, deforestation, damage to the ozone layer, and global warming are threatening the environment. International organizations are working to preserve the environment, but individuals must also do their part by reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling. The document encourages readers to consider what they can do to help the environment, such as reducing energy and water use, reusing containers, and recycling materials like paper, plastic, and glass.
BirthdayМарина УвароваThe document provides instructions and activities for celebrating a birthday party:
1) It lists common birthday party activities like making a cake, giving presents, lighting candles, singing songs, and dancing.
2) It then has the child match common birthday words to their definitions and fill in the blanks of sentences describing birthday preparations and celebrations.
3) The sentences filled in describe inviting friends, decorating, baking a cake, receiving gifts, lighting candles on the cake, singing, playing games, and the guests leaving after the party.
The united kingdom of great britain and northern.Марина УвароваThis document provides information about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It discusses the UK's constituent countries of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It also mentions the British Isles, Europe, and the world map as broader geographical contexts and was created by Uvarova M.A.
2. Компьютер на уроке:to be or not to be «Из всех людей педагог труднее всего поддается обращению в новую веру, у него есть своя религия, его рутина и вера в неизменные старые авторитеты. Это вполне устраивает его и душит в нем все другие потребности.» Жозеф Эрнест Ренан (французский писатель 1823 – 1892 )
4. развитие речевой компетенции: умение понимать аутентичные иноязычные тексты, а также умение передавать информацию в связных аргументированных высказываниях;
35. There are four seasons in the year-Winter-Spring-Summer-Autumn-
36. In summer I walk with friends in the street .We go to the forest for barbecue with daddy. Every summer I go to my grandmother. I help her in the kitchen-garden. There I go to the river to swim with my friends.
41. Конкурс знатаков английского языкаAnimals. Food.
42. Расставь фразы в таком порядке , чтобы получился разговор.Would you like some milk?Good morning , Rabbit ! I am hungry .Good! Take some cheese .I don’t like milk . I would like cheese .Good morning , Winny!Thank you .
43. Нарисуй животное, прочитав его описание.It is a frog Jim . It is big and fat . It is funny . It is green . Jim likes music .It has a red box .
50. Walk, walk I can walkWalk, walk I can walkWalk, walk I can walkLike a dog.Jump, jump I can jumpJump, jump I can jumpJump, jump I can jumpLike a frog.Mommy, Mommy watch me,Daddy, Daddy watch me.Swim, swim I can swimSwim, swim I can swimSwim, swim I can swimLike a fish.Fly, fly I can flyFly, fly I can flyFly, fly I can flyLike a bird.Mommy, Mommy watch me,Daddy, Daddy watch me.