Yummy delivery project presentationUndram JThis document outlines the business plan for "Yummy Delivery" LLC, a food delivery service company. It discusses the company's mission to provide healthy, tasty, and speedy food delivery. It then describes the company structure and key departments. The document also includes detailed job analyses for cooks and delivery drivers. It outlines the recruitment, selection, training, and performance management processes. Compensation plans including basic pay, wages, bonuses, and benefits are also summarized. The conclusion restates the company's commitment to customer satisfaction, teamwork, and employee development.
Yummy delivery HR projectUndram JYummy Delivery LLC aims to provide tasty, healthy, and fast food delivery to office workers in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The company will take orders through their website and app and deliver a variety of European, Asian, and Mongolian foods. They plan to hire 30 employees across food production, delivery, IT, marketing, and finance departments. Key roles will include cooks to prepare meals and delivery drivers to deliver orders quickly. The company will provide training to new employees on food safety and skills through on-the-job guidance from experienced staff. Performance will be evaluated based on standards and relative to peers with rewards like monthly awards and bonuses based on company income.
11. Статистик суурь үзүүлэлтүүд
Mean 152.4364 59909.09 2327.155 61.11818 5.663636
Median 101.2000 42500.00 2348.000 61.40000 6.100000
Maximum 326.8000 108000.0 4300.000 62.40000 10.80000
Minimum 62.30000 24750.00 1103.000 59.40000 -1.600000
Std. Dev. 100.8377 35850.08 1108.029 1.160877 4.081733
Skewness 0.789185 0.471140 0.417319 -0.346408 -0.452054
Kurtosis 1.954573 1.450007 1.893920 1.633477 1.983831
Jarque-Bera 1.642744 1.508087 0.880016 1.075882 0.847922
Probability 0.439828 0.470460 0.644031 0.583950 0.654449
Оbservations 11 11 11 11 11
12. Корреляцийн матриц
I 1 0.97 0.95 -0.08 -0.01
Y 0.97 1 0.95 0.05 0.12
P 0.95 0.95 1 0.14 0.23
X -0.08 0.05 0.14 1 0.93
E -0.01 0.12 0.23 0.93 1
13. Энгийн регрессийн загвар
Dependent Variable: I
Method: Least Squares
Date: 11/01/12 Time: 21:42
Sample: 2000 2010
Included observations: 11
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 155.0864 843.2038 0.183925 0.8601
Y 0.001366 0.000577 2.368241 0.0557
P 0.048239 0.019097 2.525973 0.0449
X -2.853107 14.10077 -0.202337 0.8463
E -3.948705 4.127572 -0.956665 0.3757
R-squared 0.978196 Mean dependent var 152.4364
Adjusted R-squared 0.963660 S.D. dependent var 100.8377
S.E. of regression 19.22280 Akaike info criterion 9.053026
Sum squared resid 2217.096 Schwarz criterion 9.233888
Log likelihood -44.79165 F-statistic 67.29433
Durbin-Watson stat 1.626756 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000041
14. Энгийн регрессийн загвар
Dependent Variable: I
Method: Least Squares
Date: 11/01/12 Time: 21:45
Sample: 2000 2010
Included observations: 11
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
Y 0.001532 0.000513 2.983505 0.0175
P 0.039359 0.015422 2.552095 0.0341
E -5.097355 1.465242 -3.478849 0.0083
R-squared 0.974582 Mean dependent var 152.4364
Adjusted R-squared 0.968228 S.D. dependent var 100.8377
S.E. of regression 17.97414 Akaike info criterion 8.842746
Sum squared resid 2584.558 Schwarz criterion 8.951263
Log likelihood -45.63510 Durbin-Watson stat 1.708315