Leadership assessments & frames may 2009 draftPatricia Loera
This document provides an overview of leadership assessments and development resources for individuals and teams. It discusses the goals of supporting professional growth through reading materials, assessments, and facilitators for debriefing assessments and leading workshops. Several assessment options are listed that can increase self-awareness, understand others, and measure growth. Assessments range from 2-4 hours individually at up to $400, or 4-8 hours for teams at $1,000-$6,000 depending on size. Leadership frames on several theories are also outlined to provide foundational knowledge. A reading list is included for self-paced study of leadership topics.
Leadership assessments & frames may 2009 draftPatricia Loera
This document provides an overview of leadership assessments and development resources for individuals and teams. It discusses the goals of supporting professional growth through reading materials, assessments, and facilitators for debriefing assessments and leading workshops. Several assessment options are listed that can increase self-awareness, understand others, and measure growth. Assessments range from 2-4 hours individually at up to $400, or 4-8 hours for teams at $1,000-$6,000 depending on size. Leadership frames on several theories are also outlined to provide foundational knowledge. A reading list is included for self-paced study of leadership topics.
This document discusses the Focused Conversation Method, an approach for public participation and rulemaking that uses social media. It involves establishing ground rules for respectful discussion, focusing the conversation on key issues, and ensuring a diversity of perspectives are represented. The method aims to get better and more understanding public input to help government policymakers. It has been used in workshops in Taiwan and shown to increase participation rates and quality of discussion.
The document discusses the future of libraries and provides examples of cool library designs. It mentions a library hotel in Koh Samui, Thailand and shows pictures of an intriguing library space with bookshelves, chairs, and natural light. The overall tone explores new possibilities for libraries beyond just books by focusing on cooperation and creating just spaces.
The document discusses the development of programming languages and artificial intelligence, from early machine assembly and programming to beat Deep Blue, to modern high-level object-oriented programming languages used in AI and apps. It suggests learning to code for fun, games, education, and a better life, and encourages the reader to get started.