1. The document discusses two theories of social psychology: social facilitation and social loafing.
2. Social facilitation occurs when individuals perform better in competitive situations where their efforts can be identified. In contrast, social loafing occurs when individuals put in less effort on tasks where their individual contributions cannot be identified.
3. The author provides an example of experiencing both theories when working on a group project. Competition with other groups led to increased effort, while some group members loafed knowing others would make up for their lack of contribution.
Los estilos en Microsoft Word permiten personalizar el texto con formatos como letra, color, sombreado y fondo. Los estilos se utilizan para diferenciar párrafos y hacer que los documentos sean más prácticos y ordenados. Es necesario crear propios estilos cuando los predeterminados no cumplen con los requisitos o preferencias personales. Entre los tipos de estilos que se pueden definir están la cursiva, negrita, tama?o de letra, título, justificado y alineación.
Os números arábicos têm sua origem nos algarismos fenícios. Eles s?o formados por algarismos que representam a quantidade de ?ngulos, com 1 tendo 1 ?ngulo e assim sucessivamente. O zero representa a ausência de ?ngulos.
1. The document discusses two theories of social psychology: social facilitation and social loafing.
2. Social facilitation occurs when individuals perform better in competitive situations where their efforts can be identified. In contrast, social loafing occurs when individuals put in less effort on tasks where their individual contributions cannot be identified.
3. The author provides an example of experiencing both theories when working on a group project. Competition with other groups led to increased effort, while some group members loafed knowing others would make up for their lack of contribution.
Los estilos en Microsoft Word permiten personalizar el texto con formatos como letra, color, sombreado y fondo. Los estilos se utilizan para diferenciar párrafos y hacer que los documentos sean más prácticos y ordenados. Es necesario crear propios estilos cuando los predeterminados no cumplen con los requisitos o preferencias personales. Entre los tipos de estilos que se pueden definir están la cursiva, negrita, tama?o de letra, título, justificado y alineación.
Os números arábicos têm sua origem nos algarismos fenícios. Eles s?o formados por algarismos que representam a quantidade de ?ngulos, com 1 tendo 1 ?ngulo e assim sucessivamente. O zero representa a ausência de ?ngulos.
The document lists 13 famous gardens around the world, including Versailles in Paris, France; The Garden of Cosmic Speculation in Scotland, UK; Boboli Gardens in Florence, Italy; Rikugien Gardens in Tokyo, Japan; Claude Monet Gardens in Giverny, West Paris, France; Butchart Gardens in Victoria, BC, Canada; Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens in Cape Town, South Africa; Guarapiranga Sacred Grounds in Sao Paulo, Brazil; Yu Gardens in Shanghai, China; Exbury Gardens in New Forest, England; Keukenhof Gardens in Holland; Mirabell Garden in Salzburg, Austria; and Zen Garden of Ryoan Temple in Kyoto
Erik Johansson is a 23-year-old Swedish student who creates impossible pictures that play tricks on the viewer's mind. His pictures use optical illusions and unusual perspectives to make scenes and objects appear in ways that defy perception and logic.