Laura Macaulay, Navigate By Design on her work for Ka Tutandike at Outstandin...Bank of Ireland
The presentation given by Laura Macaulay and Kristina Moody on his work on Ka Tutandike labelling as part of Value Added in Africa during Outstanding By Design on May 10th 2014 in Highbank Organic Orchard.
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Superfly is a conceptual iPhone app that allows users to find nearby transportation options. It uses the phone's location services to locate the nearest buses, subways, taxis, and displays them for the user. The user can set preferences like regular destinations to prioritize results. It also has a "Ping" feature that alerts nearby taxis if the user needs a ride, preferentially notifying those going in the user's destination direction. The core screens display lists of transportation options sorted by arrival time and allow getting more results.
Talk (in Russian) for BEMup in Moscow, August 2d, 2013
Abstract: Why BEM needs an open source and what about the community we have.
Video (Russian)
1) Australians value personal space and become uncomfortable if someone enters their personal bubble. They also prefer making eye contact when listening but not when speaking.
2) Some social etiquette tips include shaking hands firmly but briefly when greeting someone, avoiding asking about age or salary when first meeting someone, and giving gifts when leaving rather than arriving.
3) In public, Australians line up in queues, try not to be loud or argue, and normally split bills evenly unless it's a special occasion. Slurping, burping and spitting should be done discreetly.
WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries is a tool for developing web services on IBM i. It was created by IBM's Toronto Lab as a collaborative effort between Don Yantzi, Abe Batthish, and Larry Schweyer. The information presented is distributed without warranty and customers are responsible for evaluating whether it is suitable for their environments.
The US economy is facing a "perfect storm" unlike the favorable conditions of the late 1990s. It is now experiencing high commodity inflation, slow economic growth, and asset deflation, which form a lethal combination for consumer spending and corporate profit margins. This negative environment will likely push the US into a recession and weaken the high profit margins businesses currently enjoy.
This document discusses crisis and interaction design lessons from the 2010 Haiti earthquake. It makes three key points:
1. Survival is a universal theme in times of crisis.
2. Information management presents opportunities for helping people in crisis situations. The Haiti earthquake response showed how crowdsourcing information about needs and emergencies could help over 3 million survivors.
3. While "crowdsourcing" models are impressive, true collaboration between a core team and network of supporters is more effective than automation alone. Designing crisis response systems requires focusing on leadership, participation levels, listening, data entry, translation, flexibility and other factors.
This document provides guidance on using Twitter and Facebook to improve sales. It discusses promoting brands and businesses through social media by gaining followers and fans, posting engaging content, and monitoring conversations. Key aspects covered include setting up profiles and pages, sharing content across platforms, targeting ads, and engaging with other users through sharing, replying, and answering questions.
A summary of the 4 phases of a successful web project together with some detail on each phase.
This compliments the workshop I deliver on this topic - see for more
The document discusses creating systems that interact more like humans by being subtle, customizable, and focused on social contact and participation rather than order and control. It suggests the next wave of technology should create ecosystems where people interact more with each other and less with things.
Superfly is a conceptual iPhone app that allows users to find nearby transportation options. It uses the phone's location services to locate the nearest buses, subways, taxis, and displays them for the user. The user can set preferences like regular destinations to prioritize results. It also has a "Ping" feature that alerts nearby taxis if the user needs a ride, preferentially notifying those going in the user's destination direction. The core screens display lists of transportation options sorted by arrival time and allow getting more results.
Talk (in Russian) for BEMup in Moscow, August 2d, 2013
Abstract: Why BEM needs an open source and what about the community we have.
Video (Russian)
1) Australians value personal space and become uncomfortable if someone enters their personal bubble. They also prefer making eye contact when listening but not when speaking.
2) Some social etiquette tips include shaking hands firmly but briefly when greeting someone, avoiding asking about age or salary when first meeting someone, and giving gifts when leaving rather than arriving.
3) In public, Australians line up in queues, try not to be loud or argue, and normally split bills evenly unless it's a special occasion. Slurping, burping and spitting should be done discreetly.
WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries is a tool for developing web services on IBM i. It was created by IBM's Toronto Lab as a collaborative effort between Don Yantzi, Abe Batthish, and Larry Schweyer. The information presented is distributed without warranty and customers are responsible for evaluating whether it is suitable for their environments.
The US economy is facing a "perfect storm" unlike the favorable conditions of the late 1990s. It is now experiencing high commodity inflation, slow economic growth, and asset deflation, which form a lethal combination for consumer spending and corporate profit margins. This negative environment will likely push the US into a recession and weaken the high profit margins businesses currently enjoy.
This document discusses crisis and interaction design lessons from the 2010 Haiti earthquake. It makes three key points:
1. Survival is a universal theme in times of crisis.
2. Information management presents opportunities for helping people in crisis situations. The Haiti earthquake response showed how crowdsourcing information about needs and emergencies could help over 3 million survivors.
3. While "crowdsourcing" models are impressive, true collaboration between a core team and network of supporters is more effective than automation alone. Designing crisis response systems requires focusing on leadership, participation levels, listening, data entry, translation, flexibility and other factors.
This document provides guidance on using Twitter and Facebook to improve sales. It discusses promoting brands and businesses through social media by gaining followers and fans, posting engaging content, and monitoring conversations. Key aspects covered include setting up profiles and pages, sharing content across platforms, targeting ads, and engaging with other users through sharing, replying, and answering questions.
A summary of the 4 phases of a successful web project together with some detail on each phase.
This compliments the workshop I deliver on this topic - see for more
The document discusses creating systems that interact more like humans by being subtle, customizable, and focused on social contact and participation rather than order and control. It suggests the next wave of technology should create ecosystems where people interact more with each other and less with things.
2. В природе есть солнце.
Оно светит и греет.
Так пусть же сегодня
каждый его лучик доберётся
до вас и не только согреет
своим теплом, но и придаст
вам сил и уверенности в своих
54. 1. ?Кто там??
Зажмурьтесь посильнее, а затем
широко откройте глаза,
словно вы
ещё раз.
55. 2. ?Вращение?
He двигая головой, начинайте вращать
глазами сначала по часовой стрелке,
потом в обратную сторону.
По 3 раза туда
и обратно.
А теперь то же
с закрытыми
64. И сказал Гиппопотам
Крокодилам и китам:
?Кто злодея не боится
И с чудовищем сразиться,
Я тому богатырю
Двух лягушек подарю
И еловую шишку пожалую!?
70. И тут же страусята
Визжат, как поросята.
Ах, жалко, жалко, жалко
Бедных страусят!
И корь, и дифтерит к них,
И голова болит у них,
И горлышко болит.
73. Мы ногами топ-топ,
Мы руками хлоп-хлоп,
Мы глазами миг-миг,
Мы плечами чик-чик,
Раз - сюда, два – туда,
Повернись вокруг себя.
Раз – присели, два –
Руки кверху все подняли.
Полетели, полетели
И за парты тихо сели.