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Summer 2018
Taking Stock:
Implementation of
the SSE Process
 To reflect on individual school experiences of SSE
 To engage with the SSE process using Looking at
our School 2016, SSE guidelines 2016-2020,
Circular 63/17 and Circular updates
 To provide participants with an opportunity to
share school improvement practice
 To examine practical monitoring and
implementation strategies for SSE in school
Learner outcomes/Tortha鱈
Overview of Seminar
Session 1
9.15  11.00
 To explore the concepts and language of school self evaluation
 To facilitate reflection on the SSE process in different settings
 To support exploration and use of the key documents including
Looking at our School 2016, SSE Guidelines, Circulars 63/2017
and SSE updates
11.00  11.15 Coffee
Session 2
11.15  12.45
 To familiarise participants with the following elements of the
SSE process
- Identifying focus
- Gathering evidence
- Analysing and making judgements (including target
 To guide schools in how to use Looking at our School(2016) at
each step in the SSE process
12.45  1.30 Lunch
Session 3
1.30  3.30
 To understand effective targets and actions
 To outline SSE monitoring and implementation strategies
 To examine the reporting requirements of SSE
 To decide on next steps
Circulars linked to SSE
 PLC implementation through SSE
 Digital Strategy and SSE
 Polasa鱈 Gaeltachta and SSE
SSE  Key documents
The SSE Process
SSE Timeline/SSE Requirements
SSE Guidelines
Investigation Implementation
Investigation Implementation
1st area of focus 
Curriculum Area or Aspect of Teaching and Learning
2nd area of focus 
Curriculum Area or Aspect of Teaching and Learning
Coffee Break
Identify Focus/Aimsigh an F坦cas
The SSE Process
Gather Evidence/Fianaise a
 What is evidence?
 What evidence sources
do we have in school
 How can we plan to
gather useful evidence?
The SSE Process
Analyse and Make Judgements
 What is the evidence
telling us?
 What strengths/ areas
for improvement can
be identified?
 What evidence
supports this?
 What is the evidence
not telling us?
The SSE Process
Target Setting and the SSE
 Linked to individual school
 Pupil needs
 Curriculum linked
 Have a clear focus
 Realistic and measurable
 Begin with a clear
 Improve learner outcomes
 To reduce the percentage of pupils
at/below the 16th percentile in problem
solving by 6% by May 2019
 To decrease the percentage of pupils who
feel anxious/upset about Maths from the
current rate of 6% by May 2019
 To introduce team teaching for 1st/2nd
classes in Maths in order to improve
problem solving in these classes by May
Sampla鱈/Sample targets
SSE Report and SIP/
Tuairisc agus Plean Feabhs炭ch叩in
 A Plan for Improvement
 1 document of 3 pages
 Completed annually
 Shared with whole school
SSE Report and SIP/
Tuairisc agus Plean Feabhs炭ch叩in
SIP / Plean Feabhs炭ch叩in
 SMART target(s)
 Proposed actions
 Implementing actions
 Monitoring and evaluating the
SSE process
 Timeline of the plan
 Who is responsible?
SSE Report / Tuairisc
 Intro/Progress on
improvement to date
 Focus/ Area for improvement
 Findings of investigation
Put Improvement Plan into ACTION
Cur i bhfeidhm
 Shared ownership of
implementation (Circular
 Actions become part of the
Teaching and Learning Process
 Individual classes
 Groups of classes
 Whole school
The SSE Process
Monitoring and Evaluating/
Monat坦ireacht agus Meast坦ireacht
 Who will monitor and evaluate
and how?
 Assessment for Learning as a
 Recording and reporting
 Are targets still SMART? Do
they need to be reviewed?
 LAOS: A Quality Framework to
benchmark the monitoring
Evaluating Word Wizards: A Sample
 Was there a change in
 What were pupil and
teacher experiences?
 What was the impact on
www.pdst.ie Where To Next?
An ch辿ad ch辿im eile?
What is the first thing I
need to do to re-
engage with SSE in my
 The SSE process is individual to each school
 SSE is the responsibility of all staff
 Reflective practice enhances teaching and
 Keep the SSE process simple
Remember / Cuimhn鱈g鱈
 www.pdst.ie www.schoolself-evaluation.ie
Resources/ 粥界馨鞄温庄稼稼鱈
School-Self Evaluation
Teaching & Learning Framework; 6 Step SSE Process; gathering, collating & analysing relevant data; implementing the SIP for
literacy, numeracy and any other area of teaching & learning.
Assessment for Learning (AfL)
Learning outcomes/context of learning/success
criteria; effective feedback; questioning; Blooms
Taxonomy and self & peer-assessment strategies e.g.
Integrating ICT
eAssessments & ePortfolios  Mahara, Google Apps for Education...
ePlanning & Collaboration  Google Apps for Education.....
Tablet Technology Integration  Effective use, pedagogy......
Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)  Google Classroom, Edmodo
SSE  On-line tools for gathering, collating & analysing relevant data
Visual - Visualisers, Animoto, Wordle, Tagxedo, Photo-story....
Auditory  Audacity, Vocaroo, Audioboo......
Reading comprehension  Freerice, Studystack, Quizlet......
Kinaesthetic  Tarzia, Cube Creator......
Subjects /Programmes & Generic Support
Health & Wellbeing  PE, SPHE, mental health, anti-
bullying and promoting the welfare & protection of
Junior & Leaving Certificate subject support & planning
JCSP, TY, LCA & LCVP programme support
School planning (policies)
Co-operative learning
ICT for teaching & learning
Differentiation/mixed ability teaching
PDST Websites
scoilnet.ie (portal for resources)
teachercpd.ie (on-line courses)
PDST Leadership Programmes
Misneach.....New Principals
T叩naiste.......New Deputy Principals
T坦ra鱈ocht.....Aspiring Leaders accredited by
Maynooth University
Forbairt .......Experienced Principals & ALNs
Spreagadh...NAPD & PDST collaboration
Overview of PDST Post-Primary Supports for Leading Learning in the 21st Century
Models of support: whole staff days (circular 002/2014), Croke Park hours, subject departments/groups of teachers/co-ordinators (circular 0043/2014)
It is essential to fill out the on-line application form @ www.pdst/schoolsupport in order for your application to be considered
SSE & strategies for implementing
problem solving, estimation, a
common approach to maths language
and a numeracy rich environment
across the curriculum.
SSE & strategies for improving
oral language, writing,
reading comprehension, and
the use of broadcast /digital
media across the curriculum.

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SSE Taking Stock 2018

  • 2. www.pdst.ie To reflect on individual school experiences of SSE To engage with the SSE process using Looking at our School 2016, SSE guidelines 2016-2020, Circular 63/17 and Circular updates To provide participants with an opportunity to share school improvement practice To examine practical monitoring and implementation strategies for SSE in school Learner outcomes/Tortha鱈 Foghlaimeora
  • 3. www.pdst.ie Overview of Seminar Session 1 9.15 11.00 To explore the concepts and language of school self evaluation To facilitate reflection on the SSE process in different settings To support exploration and use of the key documents including Looking at our School 2016, SSE Guidelines, Circulars 63/2017 and SSE updates 11.00 11.15 Coffee Session 2 11.15 12.45 To familiarise participants with the following elements of the SSE process - Identifying focus - Gathering evidence - Analysing and making judgements (including target setting) To guide schools in how to use Looking at our School(2016) at each step in the SSE process 12.45 1.30 Lunch Session 3 1.30 3.30 To understand effective targets and actions To outline SSE monitoring and implementation strategies To examine the reporting requirements of SSE To decide on next steps
  • 6. www.pdst.ie PLC implementation through SSE Digital Strategy and SSE DEIS and SSE Polasa鱈 Gaeltachta and SSE Clarifications
  • 9. www.pdst.ie SSE Timeline/SSE Requirements SSE Guidelines https://www.education.ie/en/Circulars-and-Forms/Active-Circulars/cl0016_2018.pdf Investigation Implementation Consolidation/ review Investigation Implementation 1st area of focus Curriculum Area or Aspect of Teaching and Learning 2nd area of focus Curriculum Area or Aspect of Teaching and Learning
  • 11. www.pdst.ie Identify Focus/Aimsigh an F坦cas Collaborative Democratic Dialogic
  • 13. www.pdst.ie Gather Evidence/Fianaise a bhaili炭 What is evidence? What evidence sources do we have in school already? How can we plan to gather useful evidence?
  • 15. www.pdst.ie Analyse and Make Judgements What is the evidence telling us? What strengths/ areas for improvement can be identified? What evidence supports this? What is the evidence not telling us?
  • 17. www.pdst.ie Target Setting and the SSE Process Linked to individual school context Pupil needs Curriculum linked Evidence-based Have a clear focus Realistic and measurable SMART Begin with a clear baseline Improve learner outcomes Learner outcomes Learner experiences Teachers individual practice Teachers collective/collab orative practice
  • 18. www.pdst.ie To reduce the percentage of pupils at/below the 16th percentile in problem solving by 6% by May 2019 To decrease the percentage of pupils who feel anxious/upset about Maths from the current rate of 6% by May 2019 To introduce team teaching for 1st/2nd classes in Maths in order to improve problem solving in these classes by May 2019 Sampla鱈/Sample targets
  • 20. www.pdst.ie SSE Report and SIP/ Tuairisc agus Plean Feabhs炭ch叩in A Plan for Improvement 1 document of 3 pages Completed annually Shared with whole school community
  • 21. www.pdst.ie SSE Report and SIP/ Tuairisc agus Plean Feabhs炭ch叩in SIP / Plean Feabhs炭ch叩in SMART target(s) Proposed actions Implementing actions Monitoring and evaluating the SSE process Timeline of the plan Who is responsible? SSE Report / Tuairisc Intro/Progress on improvement to date Focus/ Area for improvement Findings of investigation
  • 23. www.pdst.ie Put Improvement Plan into ACTION Cur i bhfeidhm Shared ownership of implementation (Circular 63/17) Actions become part of the Teaching and Learning Process Individual classes Groups of classes Whole school
  • 25. www.pdst.ie Monitoring and Evaluating/ Monat坦ireacht agus Meast坦ireacht Who will monitor and evaluate and how? Assessment for Learning as a strategy Recording and reporting progress Are targets still SMART? Do they need to be reviewed? LAOS: A Quality Framework to benchmark the monitoring process
  • 26. www.pdst.ie Evaluating Word Wizards: A Sample Case Was there a change in practice? What were pupil and teacher experiences? What was the impact on learning? https://player.vimeo.com/video/167385573
  • 27. www.pdst.ie Where To Next? An ch辿ad ch辿im eile? What is the first thing I need to do to re- engage with SSE in my school?
  • 28. www.pdst.ie The SSE process is individual to each school SSE is the responsibility of all staff Reflective practice enhances teaching and learning Keep the SSE process simple Remember / Cuimhn鱈g鱈
  • 31. www.pdst.ie School-Self Evaluation Teaching & Learning Framework; 6 Step SSE Process; gathering, collating & analysing relevant data; implementing the SIP for literacy, numeracy and any other area of teaching & learning. Assessment for Learning (AfL) Learning outcomes/context of learning/success criteria; effective feedback; questioning; Blooms Taxonomy and self & peer-assessment strategies e.g. rubrics. Integrating ICT eAssessments & ePortfolios Mahara, Google Apps for Education... ePlanning & Collaboration Google Apps for Education..... Tablet Technology Integration Effective use, pedagogy...... Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) Google Classroom, Edmodo SSE On-line tools for gathering, collating & analysing relevant data Visual - Visualisers, Animoto, Wordle, Tagxedo, Photo-story.... Auditory Audacity, Vocaroo, Audioboo...... Reading comprehension Freerice, Studystack, Quizlet...... Kinaesthetic Tarzia, Cube Creator...... Subjects /Programmes & Generic Support Health & Wellbeing PE, SPHE, mental health, anti- bullying and promoting the welfare & protection of students Junior & Leaving Certificate subject support & planning JCSP, TY, LCA & LCVP programme support School planning (policies) Co-operative learning ICT for teaching & learning Differentiation/mixed ability teaching PDST Websites www.pdst.ie pdsttechnologyineducation.ie scoilnet.ie (portal for resources) teachercpd.ie (on-line courses) PDST Leadership Programmes Misneach.....New Principals T叩naiste.......New Deputy Principals T坦ra鱈ocht.....Aspiring Leaders accredited by Maynooth University Forbairt .......Experienced Principals & ALNs Spreagadh...NAPD & PDST collaboration Overview of PDST Post-Primary Supports for Leading Learning in the 21st Century www.pdst.ie/schoolsupport Models of support: whole staff days (circular 002/2014), Croke Park hours, subject departments/groups of teachers/co-ordinators (circular 0043/2014) It is essential to fill out the on-line application form @ www.pdst/schoolsupport in order for your application to be considered Numeracy SSE & strategies for implementing problem solving, estimation, a common approach to maths language and a numeracy rich environment across the curriculum. Literacy SSE & strategies for improving oral language, writing, reading comprehension, and the use of broadcast /digital media across the curriculum.