Diritti e valori per una reale inclusione - ins. Ver狸Gabriella Nanni
La legge in materia di disabilit (L.104/92) e di Disturbi Specifici dellApprendimento (L.170/2010) affida alla scuola il compito di organizzare tutte le misure didattiche ed educative di supporto necessarie per garantire il diritto allistruzione, favorire il successo formativo e ridurre i disagi.
Children with disabilities: concept of disability, definitions, categories, causes, rights, health and community care, prevention, community-based rehabilitation.
Handicapped children and medical problemssaad alani
1. The document discusses various types of disabilities that affect children including cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, and others. It notes the physical, mental, social, and developmental challenges these disabilities can cause.
2. Effective communication with disabled children requires bending down to their level, using simple language, listening to understand their perspective, and providing encouragement and praise.
3. Different disabilities may require tailored approaches like breaking tasks into steps, using positive reinforcement, adapting materials, and ensuring inclusion through acceptance by other children.
This document discusses special education in the Philippines. It defines special education as education that addresses individual student needs and differences through tailored teaching methods, equipment, settings and other interventions. The goal of special education is to provide students with special needs access to appropriate educational services within mainstream basic education. It identifies ten groups of students with special needs and outlines principles of special education, including the right to appropriate education, prioritizing individual student needs, parental involvement, providing a continuum of services including inclusive and special schools, and adequate state resources.
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