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STRAYER CIS 406 Week 10 Assignment 2 uGrade
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Assignment 2: uGrade
Due Week 10 and worth 200 points
This assignment consists of two (2) sections:
A Java program file
A screen shot of the output and a description of
your Java program
Label each file name according to the section of the
assignment for which it is written. Put both
sections together in a single zip file and submit the
zip file.
Imagine that you work as a Java programmer for a
software company. Your company is developing a
new interactive learning management tool called
uGrade. You have the task of creating the
functionality that will allow the user to manually
enter names and grades. The program will store
this information in parallel arrays. Next, it will
prompt the user to sort the date by name or by
grade and display the sorted data accordingly in
an organized table.
Section 1: Java Program File
Create a Java program in which you include:
a class called roster attributes, which must be
last names and numerical grades, and must also be
parallel arrays an indefinite loop, which allows the
user to manually enter five (5) names and grades
and stores them in the array. Note: The loop must
end either when the user specifies that they are
done or when a maximum of five (5) values have
been stored in the arrays, i.e., five (5) names and a
corresponding grade for each name
an indefinite loop, which prompts the user to
select a sorting criterion or to end the program,
and must also use bubble sort. Note: The user may
either selectname or grade as the sorting criteria.
The program must use bubble sort to sort that
data according to the specific criteria and then use
another loop to display the data. This process must
continue until the user ends the program.
Section 2: Screen Shot of the Output and
Description of Your Java Program
Create a screen shot of the output and include a
description about your Java program.
Submit a screen shot which shows the output of
your Java Program. Note: Go to http://www.take-a-
screenshot.org/ if you need a tutorial on taking a
screen shot.
Include a one (1) page description about your
program. Note: Use MS Word for your program
description, and place the screen shot of the
output from your Java program into the Word file
as an attached image.
The output should look like this if the user chose
to sort by name:
Name Numerical Grade
Bailey 97
David 88
Ericson 79
Frank 99
Manning 91
The output should look like this if the user chose
to sort by grade:
Name Numerical Grade
Frank 99
Bailey 97
Manning 91
David 88
Ericson 79
Note: The name and grade pairs must stay
Section 1 and Section 2 will be graded based on the
The program must compile, execute, produce
correct results, and meet all of the specifications
stated in Section 1.
Additionally you must:
Organize the code for user readability.
Organize the code for reusability.
Organize the code for efficiency.
Provide documentation with embedded comments
for reader understanding.
Include a one (1) page description about your
The specific course learning outcomes associated
with this assignment are:
Demonstrate the proper use and application of
syntax in the Java programming language.
Demonstrate the ability to design, compile,
implement, test, and debug simple programs in
Demonstrate the ability to manipulate numbers
and character strings in Java.
Compare and contrast classes and objects in Java.
Construct classes through systematic procedures.
Discuss object-oriented design principles.
Compare and contrast abstract and concrete data
Demonstrate the ability to implement generic
classes and methods.
Declare and use interface types.
Implement loops for repetitive tasks.
Compare and contrast definite loops and indefinite
Write clearly and concisely about Java
programming using proper writing mechanics and
technical style conventions.
Demonstrate the ability to program simple and
complex decisions in Java.
Compare and contrast arrays and array lists in
Demonstrate the proper use and application of
syntax in the Java programming language.
Demonstrate the ability to design, compile,
implement, test, and debug simple programs in
Demonstrate the ability to manipulate numbers
and character strings in Java.
Compare and contrast classes and objects in Java.
Construct classes through systematic procedures.
Discuss object-oriented design principles.
Compare and contrast abstract and concrete data
Demonstrate the ability to implement generic
classes and methods.
Declare and use interface types.
Implement loops for repetitive tasks.
Compare and contrast definite loops and indefinite
Write clearly and concisely about Java
programming using proper writing mechanics and
technical style conventions.
Demonstrate the ability to program simple and
complex decisions in Java.
Compare and contrast arrays and array lists in

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Strayer cis 406 week 10 assignment 2 u grade new

  • 1. STRAYER CIS 406 Week 10 Assignment 2 uGrade NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentclick.com/cis-406- strayer/cis-406-week-10-assignment-2- ugrade-latest For more classes visit http://www.assignmentclick.com Assignment 2: uGrade Due Week 10 and worth 200 points This assignment consists of two (2) sections: A Java program file A screen shot of the output and a description of your Java program
  • 2. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment for which it is written. Put both sections together in a single zip file and submit the zip file. Imagine that you work as a Java programmer for a software company. Your company is developing a new interactive learning management tool called uGrade. You have the task of creating the functionality that will allow the user to manually enter names and grades. The program will store this information in parallel arrays. Next, it will prompt the user to sort the date by name or by grade and display the sorted data accordingly in an organized table. Section 1: Java Program File Create a Java program in which you include: a class called roster attributes, which must be last names and numerical grades, and must also be parallel arrays an indefinite loop, which allows the user to manually enter five (5) names and grades and stores them in the array. Note: The loop must
  • 3. end either when the user specifies that they are done or when a maximum of five (5) values have been stored in the arrays, i.e., five (5) names and a corresponding grade for each name an indefinite loop, which prompts the user to select a sorting criterion or to end the program, and must also use bubble sort. Note: The user may either selectname or grade as the sorting criteria. The program must use bubble sort to sort that data according to the specific criteria and then use another loop to display the data. This process must continue until the user ends the program. Section 2: Screen Shot of the Output and Description of Your Java Program Create a screen shot of the output and include a description about your Java program. Submit a screen shot which shows the output of your Java Program. Note: Go to http://www.take-a- screenshot.org/ if you need a tutorial on taking a screen shot. Include a one (1) page description about your program. Note: Use MS Word for your program description, and place the screen shot of the output from your Java program into the Word file
  • 4. as an attached image. The output should look like this if the user chose to sort by name: Name Numerical Grade Bailey 97 David 88 Ericson 79 Frank 99 Manning 91 The output should look like this if the user chose to sort by grade: Name Numerical Grade Frank 99 Bailey 97 Manning 91
  • 5. David 88 Ericson 79 Note: The name and grade pairs must stay together. Section 1 and Section 2 will be graded based on the following: The program must compile, execute, produce correct results, and meet all of the specifications stated in Section 1. Additionally you must: Organize the code for user readability. Organize the code for reusability. Organize the code for efficiency. Provide documentation with embedded comments for reader understanding. Include a one (1) page description about your program. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
  • 6. Demonstrate the proper use and application of syntax in the Java programming language. Demonstrate the ability to design, compile, implement, test, and debug simple programs in Java. Demonstrate the ability to manipulate numbers and character strings in Java. Compare and contrast classes and objects in Java. Construct classes through systematic procedures. Discuss object-oriented design principles. Compare and contrast abstract and concrete data types. Demonstrate the ability to implement generic classes and methods. Declare and use interface types. Implement loops for repetitive tasks. Compare and contrast definite loops and indefinite loops. Write clearly and concisely about Java programming using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions. Demonstrate the ability to program simple and complex decisions in Java. Compare and contrast arrays and array lists in Java.
  • 7. Demonstrate the proper use and application of syntax in the Java programming language. Demonstrate the ability to design, compile, implement, test, and debug simple programs in Java. Demonstrate the ability to manipulate numbers and character strings in Java. Compare and contrast classes and objects in Java. Construct classes through systematic procedures. Discuss object-oriented design principles. Compare and contrast abstract and concrete data types. Demonstrate the ability to implement generic classes and methods. Declare and use interface types. Implement loops for repetitive tasks. Compare and contrast definite loops and indefinite loops. Write clearly and concisely about Java programming using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions. Demonstrate the ability to program simple and complex decisions in Java. Compare and contrast arrays and array lists in Java.