This document is a table of contents for an e-book titled "99 Fast Ways to Improve Your English". The summary provides an overview of the content included in the e-book. It includes sections on greetings and farewells, common mistakes in English usage, grammar rules, misused words, prepositions and more. It also includes a diagnostic test to help readers identify specific areas to focus on improving. The goal of the e-book is to provide students with a useful resource to correct common errors in English.
When submitting answers to an exercise, clicking "Save and Submit" will display a page asking you to click "ok" to see your score and the correct answers. This feedback is intended to help you identify structures or language items you may need additional practice with. While the initial score is computer-generated, one of the tutors will manually review and correct it if needed. You can view your submitted exercises and answers by accessing the "MY GRADES" page.
This document provides an overview of some key linguistic structures encountered in Unit 1 of an Italian diploma course, including:
- Subject pronouns and when they are used
- The indefinite article and its forms
- The present tense of the verb "essere" (to be)
- Regular verbs ending in "-are" and their present tense forms
- The reflexive verb "chiamarsi" (to be called) and its present tense
- Italian adjectives and how they agree with nouns
The document provides an overview of key structures covered in Unit 7 of an Italian diploma course, including direct object pronouns, the construction "stare + gerund", adverbs of quantity, and expressions for discussing the weather. Direct object pronouns replace direct objects in a sentence and must be placed before the verb. The gerund is used with "stare" to express actions in progress. Adverbs of quantity like "poco", "tanto", and "molto" are used to discuss amounts of things like snow. Common phrases for talking about the weather in Italian are also presented.
The document provides information on linguistic structures covered in Unit 6 of an Italian diploma course. It discusses reflexive verbs, adverbs of frequency, and expressions of frequency. Reflexive verbs are verbs where the subject and object are the same, like "to wash oneself". Common Italian reflexive verbs and their conjugations are presented. Adverbs of frequency and other expressions like "once a week" are also explained to describe how often an action occurs.
The document provides information about structures encountered in Unit 6 of an Italian diploma course. It discusses reflexive verbs, adverbs of frequency, and expressions of frequency. Reflexive verbs are verbs where the subject and object are the same, like "to wash oneself." It provides examples of common Italian reflexive verbs and how to conjugate them. Adverbs of frequency indicate how often an action occurs, ranging from never to always. Expressions of frequency also specify timing, such as once a week, twice a month, or every day.
The document provides an overview of several key linguistic structures covered in Unit 2 of an Italian diploma course, including:
1) Regular verb conjugations in the present tense for -ere and -ire verbs.
2) Irregular verbs fare and stare.
3) Phrases using the verb avere.
4) The definite article.
5) Masculine and feminine professions.
6) Agreement of nouns, adjectives and articles.
7) Common prepositions like a, da, di, and in.
8) Interrogative words like chi, cosa, dove, and quando.
This document provides an overview of some basic linguistic structures in Italian, including subject pronouns, the indefinite article, the verb "essere" (to be), verbs ending in "-are", the reflexive verb "chiamarsi" (to be called), negative sentences, and adjectives. It discusses forms, usage and examples of these grammatical elements in Italian.
The document provides details about a two-year Diploma in Italian course delivered online with some face-to-face sessions. It aims to teach Italian to an intermediate level based on the Common European Framework of Reference. The course covers four language skills through 10 learning units per year, focusing on topics, texts, vocabulary, grammar and language practice. It aims to develop students' communication skills in Italian and their understanding of the language and its culture.
Graphic Visual Recording - Facilitazione visuale e SketchnotesWise Ing
Non serve essere degli abili disegnatori per imparare ed applicare con soddisfazione
le tecniche visuali!!!
Il corso offre un'esperienza pratica e coinvolgente che permetter anche a chi ritiene
di non saper disegnare di acquisire competenze nel linguaggio grafico e
sperimentarsi in questa tecnica/arte per rendersi conto di come sia preziosa nel
rendere trasferibili e semplici temi complessi, allineare i team creando delle road map
parlanti, strutturare le informazioni in infografiche, sintetizzare e rendere memorabili
gli esiti del lavoro di un team, agevolando nei fatti la collaborazione all'interno dei
Si esploreranno diverse modalit di utilizzo delle immagini, sperimentando nei fatti
l'efficacia dei processi di apprendimento attraverso forma, colore e spazio, nonch辿 le
varie applicazioni delle infografiche, degli sketchnotes, della facilitazione visuale e
della registrazione grafica. I partecipanti saranno accompagnati nella scelta di tools
fisici e digitali e materiali. Una
HTTP The Definitive Guide 1st Edition David Gourleydavetasmarty
HTTP The Definitive Guide 1st Edition David Gourley
HTTP The Definitive Guide 1st Edition David Gourley
HTTP The Definitive Guide 1st Edition David Gourley
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Test Bank for Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 5th Edition
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane...izmarmelum
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
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Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
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Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston
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Auditing and Assurance Services A Systematic Approach 9th Edition Messier Solutions Manual
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The document provides an overview of key structures covered in Unit 7 of an Italian diploma course, including direct object pronouns, the construction "stare + gerund", adverbs of quantity, and expressions for discussing the weather. Direct object pronouns replace direct objects in a sentence and must be placed before the verb. The gerund is used with "stare" to express actions in progress. Adverbs of quantity like "poco", "tanto", and "molto" are used to discuss amounts of things like snow. Common phrases for talking about the weather in Italian are also presented.
The document provides information on linguistic structures covered in Unit 6 of an Italian diploma course. It discusses reflexive verbs, adverbs of frequency, and expressions of frequency. Reflexive verbs are verbs where the subject and object are the same, like "to wash oneself". Common Italian reflexive verbs and their conjugations are presented. Adverbs of frequency and other expressions like "once a week" are also explained to describe how often an action occurs.
The document provides information about structures encountered in Unit 6 of an Italian diploma course. It discusses reflexive verbs, adverbs of frequency, and expressions of frequency. Reflexive verbs are verbs where the subject and object are the same, like "to wash oneself." It provides examples of common Italian reflexive verbs and how to conjugate them. Adverbs of frequency indicate how often an action occurs, ranging from never to always. Expressions of frequency also specify timing, such as once a week, twice a month, or every day.
The document provides an overview of several key linguistic structures covered in Unit 2 of an Italian diploma course, including:
1) Regular verb conjugations in the present tense for -ere and -ire verbs.
2) Irregular verbs fare and stare.
3) Phrases using the verb avere.
4) The definite article.
5) Masculine and feminine professions.
6) Agreement of nouns, adjectives and articles.
7) Common prepositions like a, da, di, and in.
8) Interrogative words like chi, cosa, dove, and quando.
This document provides an overview of some basic linguistic structures in Italian, including subject pronouns, the indefinite article, the verb "essere" (to be), verbs ending in "-are", the reflexive verb "chiamarsi" (to be called), negative sentences, and adjectives. It discusses forms, usage and examples of these grammatical elements in Italian.
The document provides details about a two-year Diploma in Italian course delivered online with some face-to-face sessions. It aims to teach Italian to an intermediate level based on the Common European Framework of Reference. The course covers four language skills through 10 learning units per year, focusing on topics, texts, vocabulary, grammar and language practice. It aims to develop students' communication skills in Italian and their understanding of the language and its culture.
Graphic Visual Recording - Facilitazione visuale e SketchnotesWise Ing
Non serve essere degli abili disegnatori per imparare ed applicare con soddisfazione
le tecniche visuali!!!
Il corso offre un'esperienza pratica e coinvolgente che permetter anche a chi ritiene
di non saper disegnare di acquisire competenze nel linguaggio grafico e
sperimentarsi in questa tecnica/arte per rendersi conto di come sia preziosa nel
rendere trasferibili e semplici temi complessi, allineare i team creando delle road map
parlanti, strutturare le informazioni in infografiche, sintetizzare e rendere memorabili
gli esiti del lavoro di un team, agevolando nei fatti la collaborazione all'interno dei
Si esploreranno diverse modalit di utilizzo delle immagini, sperimentando nei fatti
l'efficacia dei processi di apprendimento attraverso forma, colore e spazio, nonch辿 le
varie applicazioni delle infografiche, degli sketchnotes, della facilitazione visuale e
della registrazione grafica. I partecipanti saranno accompagnati nella scelta di tools
fisici e digitali e materiali. Una
HTTP The Definitive Guide 1st Edition David Gourleydavetasmarty
HTTP The Definitive Guide 1st Edition David Gourley
HTTP The Definitive Guide 1st Edition David Gourley
HTTP The Definitive Guide 1st Edition David Gourley
Test Bank for Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 5th Editionaiasteeizen
Test Bank for Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 5th Edition
Test Bank for Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 5th Edition
Test Bank for Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 5th Edition
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
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Strutture linguistiche
Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin
2. Strutture linguistiche
Structures encountered in Unit 3:
Present tense of piacere
Expressions to order/pay for food/drinks
C竪 ci sono
Irregular verbs: volere - bere
Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin
4. I like / I dont like
The Italian equivalent of I like is mi piace, which
literally translates as something pleases me.
That something can be:
A verb: mi piace fare colazione al bar.
A singular noun: mi piace il caff竪 ristretto.
A plural noun: mi piacciono le lasagne.
Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin
5. Discussing what people like:
A ME piace/piacciono MI piace/piacciono
A TE piace/piacciono TI piace/piacciono
The forms A
ME, A TE etc give
more emphasis to A LUI piace/piacciono GLI piace/piacciono
the person(s) who
like something.
To say me too, A LEI piace/piacciono (also LE piace/piacciono (also
you too, we formal) formal)
always use these
forms: ANCHE A A NOI piace/piacciono CI piace/piacciono
A VOI piace/piacciono VI piace/piacciono
A LORO piace/piacciono GLI piace/piacciono
Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin
7. 閣看姻姻艶庄 I would like
Per me For me
Io prendo Ill have
Che prendi? What will you have?
Quant竪? How much is it?
Il conto, per favore. The bill please
Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin
8. C竪 - ci sono
There is there are
Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin
9. Presence or existence
C竪 + singular: A Venezia c 竪 un bar famoso.
Ci sono + plural: A Venezia ci sono molti bar
C竪 ci sono also express the idea of
being in or being here/there:
C竪 Maria? No, non c竪.
Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin
12. Present of volere to want
Volere is an irregular verb io voglio
The table shows the present tense.
To ask for something politely tu vuoi
however, we say vorrei (=I would
like) lui/lei/Lei vuole
noi vogliamo
voi volete
loro vogliono
13. Present of bere to drink
Bere is an irregular verb. io bevo
The table shows the present tense.
tu bevi
lui/lei/Lei beve
noi beviamo
voi bevete
loro bevono