This article profiles Zimbabwean singer Taurai Mandebvu. It discusses his musical career and influences, noting he started as a dancer for Roki before releasing his own music. Mandebvu says he took a break to develop his own unique sound. He sees himself as versatile and able to work in different genres like RnB, Afro-pop and Dancehall. For Valentine's Day, Mandebvu plans to perform at various venues and spread love, which he believes is important.
Media Mad Men is a non-profit that supports "Shave to Save" fundraising events by providing volunteers with resources and networking opportunities. It connects volunteers to a support system through social media and helps them send sponsorship requests. For example, a mother whose son was diagnosed with cancer created "Team Collins" on the Media Mad Men website to fundraise. So far Team Collins has raised $5,829.
The document discusses building branded mobile apps. It notes that brands can now engage customers through apps in many ways like entertainment, content, gaming and transactions. It asks important questions about the purpose of an app, brand values, target customers and how success will be measured. The document provides examples of different types of branded apps like games, augmented reality, customer service and transactions. It cautions that most free apps are not used after the first month and says apps need an ongoing experience rather than just novelty to truly engage customers.
Merritt, m 830 final paper presentationmmerritt116
PMI, a property management firm, was experiencing high employee turnover due to poor performance issues. To address this, an ADDIE model was used which analyzed the problem, designed a solution, developed supervisor training, and implemented Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation to the training. The training involved webinars for all management staff on performance management strategies and feedback to improve performance appraisals, counseling, and feedback.
PowerPoint Presentation that was used during my roundtable presentation at the 2001 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education conference on March 8th, 2011 in Nashville, Tennessee.
Apresenta巽達o de Helio Oyama, diretor de Marketing de Produto para Am辿rica Latina da Qualcomm, durante o F坦rum Tablets & Smartphones 2013, no dia 12 de novembro de 2013, em S達o Paulo
This document provides information on various assistive technologies and universal design strategies for use in science education, including SMARTBoards, e-readers, AlphaSmart keyboards, voice recognition software, Intelli-Pics Studio, Thunder presentation software, talking calculators, Microsoft Excel, WebQuests, virtual labs, digital microscopes, Logger Pro graphing programs, Elmo document cameras, Inspiration software, flow charts, concept maps, modeling kits, periodic table overlays, highlighters, colored pens, and pictures/diagrams for lab procedures. Each item listed provides a link for additional details on the resource.
The document contains data about rowing athletes and coaches. It includes performance metrics like heart rate, speed, stroke rate, distance, and applied forces that are tracked for athletes. It also discusses tracking individual athlete progress as well as team performance and supervision by coaches. The document describes logging into a rowing monitoring system to view real-time data and previous training sessions for athletes.
The document summarizes research testing the effectiveness of using semantic mapping to improve students' vocabulary and SAT scores. Several classes implemented semantic mapping for vocabulary words. Pre- and post-tests assessed vocabulary knowledge and student comfort with words. Scores increased significantly for most classes, indicating semantic mapping improved vocabulary. However, vocabulary was rarely observed in use in classes. Future research should standardize implementation and focus assessment to better evaluate the strategy's effectiveness.
This document summarizes a workshop on putting customers first and achieving the Greenwich Standard for customer service. The workshop aimed to:
1) Develop an understanding of the Greenwich Standard and assessment process.
2) Consider the benefits of being customer-focused for organizations and customers.
3) Understand the customer relationship, market awareness, and people sections of the standard.
4) Start action planning to support self-assessment and prepare for external assessment.
Inova巽達o e Tend棚ncias em M鱈dias Digitais - 11/4/16Renato Cruz
A HP foi fundada em 1939 na garagem de um casal em Palo Alto, Calif坦rnia, o que 辿 considerado o marco inicial do Vale do Sil鱈cio. O Vale abriga as universidades de Stanford e Berkeley e recebeu investimentos do governo americano ap坦s a 2a Guerra, impulsionando a pesquisa em tecnologia. A regi達o se tornou um hub de inova巽達o gra巽as ao ambiente favor叩vel a empreendedorismo e a colabora巽達o entre empresas, investidores e universidades.
The document discusses spiritual warfare and dealing with "garbage" that attracts demons. It states that ongoing sin, unforgiveness, and negative behaviors/attitudes are types of "garbage" that invite demonic activity. To be free of demonic influence, one must identify and remove these issues through genuine forgiveness, ending sinful habits, and changing bad behavior and emotion patterns. The document also warns that without fully removing all sources of "garbage," demons may eventually return, even after an initial deliverance.
Este documento describe el sistema circulatorio y sus componentes principales. Explica que la sangre circula a trav辿s de los vasos sangu鱈neos transportando ox鱈geno, nutrientes y hormonas a las c辿lulas y recogiendo di坦xido de carbono y desechos. Describe la composici坦n de la sangre, incluyendo los eritrocitos, leucocitos y plaquetas, y explica las funciones del coraz坦n, los tipos de vasos sangu鱈neos y los circuitos circulatorios mayor y menor. Finalmente, menciona algunas enfermedades com
Cawasa e source newsletter july to september 2012CAWASA
In This Issue:
- Secretariat News Page 2 and 3
- Managing Caribbean Waste Water Pages 3 and 4
- Desalination: Is it worth the cost? Page 5
- World Without Water? Pages 6 and 7
- Health Benefits of Water Page 8
- Climate Change Challenges for
- Caribbean Water Page 9
- Rain Water Harvesting Barbados-style Back Page
Apresenta巽達o de Helio Oyama, diretor de Marketing de Produto para Am辿rica Latina da Qualcomm, durante o F坦rum Tablets & Smartphones 2013, no dia 12 de novembro de 2013, em S達o Paulo
This document provides information on various assistive technologies and universal design strategies for use in science education, including SMARTBoards, e-readers, AlphaSmart keyboards, voice recognition software, Intelli-Pics Studio, Thunder presentation software, talking calculators, Microsoft Excel, WebQuests, virtual labs, digital microscopes, Logger Pro graphing programs, Elmo document cameras, Inspiration software, flow charts, concept maps, modeling kits, periodic table overlays, highlighters, colored pens, and pictures/diagrams for lab procedures. Each item listed provides a link for additional details on the resource.
The document contains data about rowing athletes and coaches. It includes performance metrics like heart rate, speed, stroke rate, distance, and applied forces that are tracked for athletes. It also discusses tracking individual athlete progress as well as team performance and supervision by coaches. The document describes logging into a rowing monitoring system to view real-time data and previous training sessions for athletes.
The document summarizes research testing the effectiveness of using semantic mapping to improve students' vocabulary and SAT scores. Several classes implemented semantic mapping for vocabulary words. Pre- and post-tests assessed vocabulary knowledge and student comfort with words. Scores increased significantly for most classes, indicating semantic mapping improved vocabulary. However, vocabulary was rarely observed in use in classes. Future research should standardize implementation and focus assessment to better evaluate the strategy's effectiveness.
This document summarizes a workshop on putting customers first and achieving the Greenwich Standard for customer service. The workshop aimed to:
1) Develop an understanding of the Greenwich Standard and assessment process.
2) Consider the benefits of being customer-focused for organizations and customers.
3) Understand the customer relationship, market awareness, and people sections of the standard.
4) Start action planning to support self-assessment and prepare for external assessment.
Inova巽達o e Tend棚ncias em M鱈dias Digitais - 11/4/16Renato Cruz
A HP foi fundada em 1939 na garagem de um casal em Palo Alto, Calif坦rnia, o que 辿 considerado o marco inicial do Vale do Sil鱈cio. O Vale abriga as universidades de Stanford e Berkeley e recebeu investimentos do governo americano ap坦s a 2a Guerra, impulsionando a pesquisa em tecnologia. A regi達o se tornou um hub de inova巽達o gra巽as ao ambiente favor叩vel a empreendedorismo e a colabora巽達o entre empresas, investidores e universidades.
The document discusses spiritual warfare and dealing with "garbage" that attracts demons. It states that ongoing sin, unforgiveness, and negative behaviors/attitudes are types of "garbage" that invite demonic activity. To be free of demonic influence, one must identify and remove these issues through genuine forgiveness, ending sinful habits, and changing bad behavior and emotion patterns. The document also warns that without fully removing all sources of "garbage," demons may eventually return, even after an initial deliverance.
Este documento describe el sistema circulatorio y sus componentes principales. Explica que la sangre circula a trav辿s de los vasos sangu鱈neos transportando ox鱈geno, nutrientes y hormonas a las c辿lulas y recogiendo di坦xido de carbono y desechos. Describe la composici坦n de la sangre, incluyendo los eritrocitos, leucocitos y plaquetas, y explica las funciones del coraz坦n, los tipos de vasos sangu鱈neos y los circuitos circulatorios mayor y menor. Finalmente, menciona algunas enfermedades com
Cawasa e source newsletter july to september 2012CAWASA
In This Issue:
- Secretariat News Page 2 and 3
- Managing Caribbean Waste Water Pages 3 and 4
- Desalination: Is it worth the cost? Page 5
- World Without Water? Pages 6 and 7
- Health Benefits of Water Page 8
- Climate Change Challenges for
- Caribbean Water Page 9
- Rain Water Harvesting Barbados-style Back Page
1. Starter Kit for data and MetaData
Interoperable Infrastructure of RITMARE: toward an active people
Milan, 27th 28th January 2014
Oggioni A.(1), Pavesi F(1), Menegon S.(2), Fugazza C.(1)
(1) Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dellAmbiente, IREA CNR
oggioni.a, pavesi.f, fugazza.c
(1) Istituto per le Ricerche Marine, ISMAR CNR
2. Started Kit for data and metadata
+ +
3. Which kind of people can use a SK?
Users not skilled to the ICT practice
Users that Utenti che hanno
lintenzione di condividere i propri
dati di base (mappe, osservazioni,
Utenti che vogliono far reperire i
propri dati attraverso il web (=
creazione di MetaDati)
4. Da dove arriva lidea di SK?
Soluzioni implementate su richieste
5. Cosa sono gli SK?
1. creare ed esporre informazioni (MetaDati) che
permettano il reperimento via web dei dati da
parte del ricercatore stesso o di altri ricercatori;
2. creare dei strumenti web che permettano la
visualizzazione, laccesso ed eventuale
scaricamento di mappe o piani informativi
geografici (layer), in modalit interoperabile;
3. creare dei strumenti web che permettano la
visualizzazione, laccesso ed leventuale
scaricamento di osservazioni provenienti da
sensori di varia natura (boe, gliders, ...), in
modalit interoperabile.
Sono suite software che permettono di:
6. Funzionalit negli SK? 1. EDI
Modulo degli SK per la
gestione dei MetaDati con
arricchimento semantico
Si pu嘆 utilizzare in modo
autonomo rispetto agli SK
Integrabile con qualunque
schema di MetaDati
7. Funzionalit negli SK? 2. GSK
Inserimento dati (geografici,
vettoriali, tin, ecc.)
Compilazione MetaDati
Visualizzazione delle risorse
attraverso mappe e dei
MetaDati relativi
8. Funzionalit negli SK? 3. OSK
Compilazione MetaDati
relative ai sensori/sistemi di
Inserimento di
Visualizzazione delle risorse
attraverso mappe
10. Uso di OSK - Caso duso
MetaDati sensore
MetaDati delle
11. Con quali termini sono rilasciati gli SK?
Suite open source a disposizione dei
beneficiari di RITMARE e anche per
Saranno definiti dei termini di
rilascio, crediti e dichiarazione di non
Gli utenti RITMARE avranno diritto
ad un supporto tecnico fino al
termine del progetto stesso;