Oletko kiinnostunut yhteisty旦st辰 muiden eurooppalaisten opettajien ja koulujen kanssa? Kansainv辰lisen yhteisty旦n foorumi e-Twinning esittelyss辰.
Ty旦paja Yhten辰iskoulup辰ivill辰 16.9.2011 Kaarinassa
Cpyright: Tuottaja Yrj旦 Hy旦tyniemi OPH ja e-twinnning l辰hettil辰s Sari Auramo.
DigiKilta-webinaari 10.5.2017: Tutoropettajatoiminta ja toiminnan hallinnointi
Jaakko Salon esitysaineisto.
Business Athletic Program 2013 by Amel AbouelhassanAmel Abouelhassan
The document outlines Amel Abouelhassan's Business Athletic Program which aims to help individuals develop a mindset for success through proper training and consistent practice. The program focuses on 6 areas: 1) developing healthy mindset and wellness habits, 2) creating a clear roadmap and dream, 3) gaining proper perspective, 4) taking effective action, 5) achieving personal mastery, and 6) positively impacting the external world. The overall goal is to help individuals stay motivated, focused, and resilient in order to achieve their goals and fulfillment. Coaching is also provided to guide participants in developing purpose and remaining motivated throughout their journey.
This document provides advice on how to stay young at any age. It discusses that children are excited about aging but that excitement fades as we grow older. It then provides 10 tips for staying young, including throwing out numbers about age, weight, and height; keeping only cheerful friends; continuing to learn; enjoying simple things; laughing often; enduring grief and moving on; surrounding yourself with loved ones; cherishing your health; avoiding guilt trips; telling loved ones you care; and remembering that life is measured by moments, not breaths. It concludes by encouraging the reader to share the advice with others.
Oletko kiinnostunut yhteisty旦st辰 muiden eurooppalaisten opettajien ja koulujen kanssa? Kansainv辰lisen yhteisty旦n foorumi e-Twinning esittelyss辰.
Ty旦paja Yhten辰iskoulup辰ivill辰 16.9.2011 Kaarinassa
Cpyright: Tuottaja Yrj旦 Hy旦tyniemi OPH ja e-twinnning l辰hettil辰s Sari Auramo.
DigiKilta-webinaari 10.5.2017: Tutoropettajatoiminta ja toiminnan hallinnointi
Jaakko Salon esitysaineisto.
Business Athletic Program 2013 by Amel AbouelhassanAmel Abouelhassan
The document outlines Amel Abouelhassan's Business Athletic Program which aims to help individuals develop a mindset for success through proper training and consistent practice. The program focuses on 6 areas: 1) developing healthy mindset and wellness habits, 2) creating a clear roadmap and dream, 3) gaining proper perspective, 4) taking effective action, 5) achieving personal mastery, and 6) positively impacting the external world. The overall goal is to help individuals stay motivated, focused, and resilient in order to achieve their goals and fulfillment. Coaching is also provided to guide participants in developing purpose and remaining motivated throughout their journey.
This document provides advice on how to stay young at any age. It discusses that children are excited about aging but that excitement fades as we grow older. It then provides 10 tips for staying young, including throwing out numbers about age, weight, and height; keeping only cheerful friends; continuing to learn; enjoying simple things; laughing often; enduring grief and moving on; surrounding yourself with loved ones; cherishing your health; avoiding guilt trips; telling loved ones you care; and remembering that life is measured by moments, not breaths. It concludes by encouraging the reader to share the advice with others.
If the world's population was represented by a village of 100 people, 57 would be Asian, 21 European, 14 American, and 8 African. There would be 52 women and 48 men, with 30 Caucasians and 70 non-Caucasians. 30 would be Christian and 70 non-Christian. 6 people would possess 59% of the wealth and be from the US. 80 would live in poverty, 70 would be illiterate, and 50 would suffer from hunger or malnutrition.
Este documento trata sobre la t辿cnica vocal y la importancia de la claridad de la palabra para una comunicaci坦n eficaz. Explica que hablar requiere la conjunci坦n de varios procesos como la producci坦n de sonido, la articulaci坦n y la resonancia. La claridad de la palabra depende de factores como la articulaci坦n, la resonancia, la respiraci坦n y la duraci坦n de las vocales. Para mejorar la claridad se recomienda aumentar la sensibilidad del tracto vocal, trabajar de forma sistem叩tica y enfocarse en mejorar la articulaci坦n
A professional ethologist and field researcher, Jeff Loy has brought about paradigm shifts in the way scientists view animal behavior. His beyond the textbook knowledge has allowed him to effortlessly solve problems with domesticated animals that leaders in the field of behavioral science find impossible to solve. His work is absolute cutting edge putting his work decades ahead of his time.
The document discusses The Seeing Eye organization, which trains guide dogs for blind people. It provides background on how The Seeing Eye was founded in 1929 following experiments training dogs to assist blind veterans. It also describes the training process for Seeing Eye dogs, which generally involves raising puppies with volunteers until 18 months, then 4 months of advanced training, before being paired with a blind human companion for 3-4 weeks of additional training. The Seeing Eye receives no government funds and relies on donations, as blind recipients only pay a small fee compared to the full cost of the training program.
The document provides an analysis of the student's media product, a music magazine called "Voice". It discusses various conventions and techniques used in real music magazines that were employed or challenged in the student's product. This includes using red as an eye-catching color, modeling conventions like direct eye contact, and keeping the price low. The student reflects on how they represented social groups and chose their target audience of 16-24 year olds. Techniques like Photoshop filters and editing tools were learned through the process of constructing the final product.
Practical Usability Guidelines For Your Website (An Evening Of Web Usability ...Justin Mifsud
This presentation first introduces website usability and why it is important for anyone who designs, develops or even owns a website. It then provides practical usability guidelines and examples. It concludes with a quick usability evaluation of a website.
The document discusses the composition of the Bible, including that it is a collection of 66 books written over 1500 years by over 40 authors. The Old Testament, consisting of 39 books written before Christ, foretold the coming of a savior. The New Testament, consisting of 27 books written after Christ, provides accounts of Christ's life, teachings, death, and resurrection, establishing him as the promised messiah. Together, the books tell a unified story despite being written over centuries by diverse human authors, pointing to God as the divine author.
Estructura de la empresa documento escaneadoclaudiacosme
Los problemas y dificultades son parte de la vida diaria, pero un buen administrador reconoce las fortalezas de su empresa y las aprovecha para superar las dificultades y convertir los problemas en oportunidades.
Zku邸enosti s Google Analytics ve SportObchod.cz - Adam Jur叩kJsmeMarketing
Pedn叩邸ka pravideln辿ho form叩tu Professional Lecture v Olomouci dne 2.4.2013 - JsmeMarketing.cz. Adam Jur叩k pedstavil re叩ln辿 vyu転it鱈 Google Analytics ve SportObchod.cz a podlil se o mnoho cenn箪ch zku邸enost鱈. V鱈ce informac鱈 o akci: http://www.jsmemarketing.cz/akce/lecture/2013-4-trikrat-prakticky-o-google-analytics
This document provides a summary of a training guide for project managers on planning, monitoring, and managing capital project costs using SAP Project Systems. It outlines the course purpose and map. It then describes the key processes and roles for financial management of projects. It also explains how to set up a work breakdown structure (WBS) to organize project tasks and costs, enter a project cost plan, and run a project cost report to monitor actual costs against the plan.
Tapaamisen aiheena oppimisymp辰rist旦t ja ESSIE-tutkimus. Esill辰 olivat my旦s ajankohtaiset pirkanmaalaiset tapahtumat, Google-lasit, kyselyty旦kalut ja tarinankerronta tabletilla. Kollegavalmentajat ovat tvt-pedagogisia tukihenkil旦it辰 maakunnan II asteen oppilaitoksissa.
Snellman kes辰yliopiston luentokurssi Digiopus. Ensimm辰inen luento: Mit辰 tietoja tarvitsen digitaalisen oppimateriaalin tekemisen alkuvaiheessa. Anne Rongas ja Kari A. Hintikka
Opekan ITK-teemaseminaarin esitysdiat. Opeka on valtakunnallinen palvelu, jonka avulla opettajat, koulut ja kunnat voivat arvioinnin kautta kehitt辰辰 omaa tieto- ja viestint辰tekniikan k辰ytt旦辰辰n. Vastauksista saadaan kattava yleiskuva Suomen opetusteknologian k辰yt旦st辰. Teemaseminaarissa kerromme, miksi Opeka on uudenlainen, mielekk辰辰mpi tapa arvioida ja kehitt辰辰 koulujen s辰hk旦isi辰 valmiuksia.
1. www.suomenverkko-opisto.fi
Educa 2012 messut, OAJ:n Opus-lava
Juha Telkkinen
Puheenvuorot: Tapiolan lukio ja Virtuaali AMK -verkosto
2. Suomen Verkko-Opisto -hanke
Ensimm辰inen arvoverkkohanke (Oppimisratkaisut)
Pysyv辰 oppilaitosten ja yritysten yhteisty旦foorumi
eOppimisen menetelmi辰, malleja ja materiaaleja
kaikille oppilaitostasoille
Digitaalisten oppimateriaalien jakelu
Valtakunnallinen verkosto
Opetuksen ja oppimateriaalien vienti
Suomen Verkko-Opisto
3. Oppimisratkaisut-ohjelman tavoitteet
Suomesta tulee oppimisen kansainv辰linen
edell辰k辰vij辰, joka k辰ytt辰辰 tieto- ja
viestint辰teknologiaa oppimisen tukena.
Sakari Karjalainen OKM
Suomalaisten tulee kehitty辰 opetusteknologian
pedagogisen k辰yt旦n edell辰k辰vij辰ksi maailmassa.
Timo Lankinen OPH
Suomen Verkko-Opisto
4. Tulevaisuus
T辰n辰辰n Huomenna Tulevaisuudessa
Promentor Kielet
Rockway Musiikki
Viope Ohjelmointi
Mikrolinna Matematiikka
Espoon TVO
Tampereen AMO
Kouvolan KO
Helsingin TVO
Tapiolan Lukio
5. Suomen Verkko-Opisto nyt
4 yhteisty旦projektia
Suomen kielen verkkokurssi
Englannin verkkokurssi
Musiikin verkkokurssi
K辰dentaitojen verkkokurssi
5 ty旦ryhm辰辰
Johto-, Pedagoginen-, Tekninen-,
Kaupallisjuridinen- ja Markkinointiryhm辰
6. Opettajille ja oppilaitoksille
Koulutusta verkkokoulutuksen k辰yt辰nteisiin
Koulutusta verkkomateriaalien k辰ytt旦旦n
Laadukkaita testattuja verkkomateriaaleja
Omien oppimateriaalien jakelun
Tutustuminen materiaaleihin ilmaiseksi
Vertaisfoorumi ja Pedagoginen foorumi
Erilaisia palveluita suunnitellaan
7. Helpompi arki opettajalle
Oma osaaminen ja varmuus lis辰辰ntyy
P辰tev旦ityminen n辰kyy CV:ss辰 (vrt. kuntakartta)
Helppo olla mukana verkko-opisto hankkeessa
Mahdollisuus vaikuttaa kehitykseen
Oppilaat motivoituneita uusille menetelmille
Oppilaille kontakteja ty旦el辰m辰辰n
Tule mukaan osallistumaan