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Swapnil Arun Bankar
 Email: swapnilbankar316@gmail.com
 Mobile No: -09604453275/02402489075/09850785488
 Professional Synopsis
 A dynamic professional, 4 years of experience in the field of Human Resource
 Excellent communication & interpersonal skills with strong analytical, team building,
problem solving and organizational abilities.
 Working as HR and Admin Manager with Bembde Hospital. (Sep.2015 to till date)
Key Responsibilities.
 Employee management: complete coordination with field staff and maintain their leave
record & issue permission for leave.
Preparing of manpower attendance against entries in the Software, everyday
Checking Security, Housekeeping, Office attendants and monitor their working.
Monitoring and maintaining record of employees discipline, uniformity, hygiene,
cleanliness, follow SOPs, rules and regulations relating to dress code as recommended by
the company.
Processing and joining formalities for new employees, such as Handing over joining kit
immediately and arranging tailor for uniforms, shoes requirement within 15 days.
 Office Management  Managing/coordination of front desk activities, office supplies,
liaison for compliance purposes, couriers and forwarders, printing and documentation
services, catering services
 Logistics Management  Handling logistics up to national level. Looking after
dispatches, planning, implementation, documentation, liaising, etc.
 Facility Management:
 Inspection of Cleaning of Galas and make sure cleaning is done as per schedule(Daily
maintain sign hard copy of all department)
 Complete coordination with field staff & monitor daily reporting
 Update attendance in field staff
 Handle regular stationery dispatch & update details
 Maintain Dr. List regular in field employee
 Monitor the expenses & clear the settlement
 Punching the purchase & sale order
 Manage active & de-active in software
 Provide the employee code for new employee
 Field staff salary dispatch
 Verification of residence and documents, of the new employees.
 Co-ordination with the bank for opening new salary account for employees.
 Travel Desk: Handling the Travel desk booking ticket of the Air, Train, Bus & pickup
drop by cars (Arranging room reservation and Cabs for Directors, Doctors and
Employees as per the travel and meeting schedule & also providing flight & hotel
Arranged to send uniforms, IDs for Front End store staff
 Meeting Arrangement: Arranging conference room & choose and confirm catering and
menus for the meeting
 Infrastructure Maintenance: Repairs & Maintenance in HO with in-house Carpenter
& Electrician.
 MIS: Maintain and update Housekeeping material consumption record, Maintain and
update uniform & ID record & Daily To Do of In-house Electrician & Carpenter
 Preparing the Centralized Stationery Monthly Report
 Distribution of stationery on weekly basis.
 Maintain stationary and other related formats and books as per the consumption.
Preparation of Work Order, Purchase order, for all the requirements after coordinating
the concern HOD and Authorized person for all centralized stationery.
 Reports preparation: Compiling all reports of Admin dept.
 Cost Management: Ensuring that a minimum of three quotations are obtained for new
work or equipment. Preparation of a cost comparison chart for better understanding and
specifying reason for allocation of the work to an particular vendor.
 Admin support for new joiners  Seating, stationery, access card, visiting card, sim &
data card etc.  to meet up with the new joiner personally and welcome him/her and offer
admin support where applicable.
General Administration: Handling Admin related calls and resolve major problems
within 4 days and minor problem within 1 day
 Technomech Placements Aurangabad. (March 2012 to Aug.2015.)
 Designation: Asst.Manager (Recruitment and Training)
 Worked for a renowned Placement Company (Technomech Placements). It was
established in 2005. A Division of Recruitment consultancy specializing in providing
manpower to Engineering, Automobile, Electronics, Breweries,
Pharmaceuticals&Manufacturingsectors. Handling Clients like Volkswagen, Mahindra
EPC, Mahindra Farm Equipment Sector, Godrej Agrovet Ltd, Mahyco, Wipro, Nath Bio
genes Ltd.etc
 I am Very Well acquainted with the Recruitment Process.
 And now we are started Technomech Training Academy from 2014.
 Current Responsibilities Include:
 Manpower Planning and recruitment of trainees, casuals and staff.
 Performance and Reward Management
 Training & Development
 Employee Engagement
 Salary, Wages, Time Office
 Manage Recruitment through advertisements, Internet, and Job Portals.(Naukari.com and
 Conducting of preliminary round of interview for candidates and Negotiate the
compensation with selected candidates.
 Completing the Joining Formalities of new Recruiters.
 Training & Development:
 Making Training Calendars for the Year and each month.
 Work with Client companies Managers and employees to identify, assess, and implement
training needs.
 Developing effective internal training programs.
 Impart induction training to the new recruited Staff.
 To coordinate for the Internal and External training programmers as scheduled.
 Monitor the effectiveness of trainings. Evaluation (on subject understanding,
implementation, improved performance etc.) by HOD after specific time.
 Delivered training on Personality development and Motivation for employees at executive

 Performance and Reward Management:
 Facilitating Performance management ensured timely issuance of Increment, Confirmation,
and probation letters, Identification of employees for reward for excellent performance,
Identification of Key personnel in the dept for retention plan.
 Salary, Wages, Time Office:
 Monitoring of Salary, wages and time office functions.
 Recruited 70 people in 14 months through Portal and references.
 Academic Projects:
o Videocon International Ltd.
o Chitegaon Plant Paithan Road Abad
o Topic: Recruitment Process.
o Under the Guidence of
o Shruti Khandelwal (Deputy Manager HR)
o 09890069472
o At the time of final project I also handle the work
 Training and development,
 Coordination for the PF And ESIC details for new joined employees
 Structure of Interview Assessment Sheet,
 Help in maintaining the record of the audit (Phillips Ltd.),
 Arrangement of induction program for GET (Graduate Engg. Trainee)& also create logo
for them.
 Computer Literacy:
 Basic knowledge of computers. Well versed with M.S Office, and using the Internet.
 Co-Curricular Activities:
 I had attended the INDIAN IDOL 5 Audition and Crack preliminary 3 Round.
 Represented my school and college at inter school and inter college level competitions in
my Singing.
 Organizing various events at the college level.
 Diploma in Labour law from Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar University Aurangabad (2012)
 MBA in Human resource and Marketing from Shivaji University Kolhapur (2011)
 Graduation in science from Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar University Aurangabad (2009)
 H.S.C from Maharashtra State Board (2005)
 S.S.C from Maharashtra state board (2003)
o Reference: Available on request
 Name : Swapnil Arun Bankar
 Date of Birth : 27th
August 1988.
 Father name : A.N.Bankar
 Permanent Address : P-2/14/4 Vitthalnagar, Cidco N-2 Aurangabad
 Mobile : 09604453275.
 Gender : Male
 Marital Status : Married
 Hobbies : Singing, Internet Surfing, Observation of people.
 Languages Known : English, Hindi and Marathi.
Date: Signature
Place: Aurangabad Swapnil A.Bankar
o Reference: Available on request
 Name : Swapnil Arun Bankar
 Date of Birth : 27th
August 1988.
 Father name : A.N.Bankar
 Permanent Address : P-2/14/4 Vitthalnagar, Cidco N-2 Aurangabad
 Mobile : 09604453275.
 Gender : Male
 Marital Status : Married
 Hobbies : Singing, Internet Surfing, Observation of people.
 Languages Known : English, Hindi and Marathi.
Date: Signature
Place: Aurangabad Swapnil A.Bankar

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  • 1. Swapnil Arun Bankar Email: swapnilbankar316@gmail.com arun_kumar316@rediffmail.com Mobile No: -09604453275/02402489075/09850785488 Professional Synopsis A dynamic professional, 4 years of experience in the field of Human Resource Development. Excellent communication & interpersonal skills with strong analytical, team building, problem solving and organizational abilities. WORK EXPERIENCE Working as HR and Admin Manager with Bembde Hospital. (Sep.2015 to till date) Key Responsibilities. Employee management: complete coordination with field staff and maintain their leave record & issue permission for leave. Preparing of manpower attendance against entries in the Software, everyday Checking Security, Housekeeping, Office attendants and monitor their working. Monitoring and maintaining record of employees discipline, uniformity, hygiene, cleanliness, follow SOPs, rules and regulations relating to dress code as recommended by the company. Processing and joining formalities for new employees, such as Handing over joining kit immediately and arranging tailor for uniforms, shoes requirement within 15 days. Office Management Managing/coordination of front desk activities, office supplies, liaison for compliance purposes, couriers and forwarders, printing and documentation services, catering services Logistics Management Handling logistics up to national level. Looking after dispatches, planning, implementation, documentation, liaising, etc. Facility Management: Inspection of Cleaning of Galas and make sure cleaning is done as per schedule(Daily maintain sign hard copy of all department) Complete coordination with field staff & monitor daily reporting Update attendance in field staff Handle regular stationery dispatch & update details Maintain Dr. List regular in field employee
  • 2. Monitor the expenses & clear the settlement Punching the purchase & sale order Manage active & de-active in software Provide the employee code for new employee Field staff salary dispatch Verification of residence and documents, of the new employees. Co-ordination with the bank for opening new salary account for employees. Travel Desk: Handling the Travel desk booking ticket of the Air, Train, Bus & pickup drop by cars (Arranging room reservation and Cabs for Directors, Doctors and Employees as per the travel and meeting schedule & also providing flight & hotel options. Arranged to send uniforms, IDs for Front End store staff Meeting Arrangement: Arranging conference room & choose and confirm catering and menus for the meeting Infrastructure Maintenance: Repairs & Maintenance in HO with in-house Carpenter & Electrician. MIS: Maintain and update Housekeeping material consumption record, Maintain and update uniform & ID record & Daily To Do of In-house Electrician & Carpenter Preparing the Centralized Stationery Monthly Report Distribution of stationery on weekly basis. Maintain stationary and other related formats and books as per the consumption. Preparation of Work Order, Purchase order, for all the requirements after coordinating the concern HOD and Authorized person for all centralized stationery. Reports preparation: Compiling all reports of Admin dept. Cost Management: Ensuring that a minimum of three quotations are obtained for new work or equipment. Preparation of a cost comparison chart for better understanding and specifying reason for allocation of the work to an particular vendor. Admin support for new joiners Seating, stationery, access card, visiting card, sim & data card etc. to meet up with the new joiner personally and welcome him/her and offer admin support where applicable. General Administration: Handling Admin related calls and resolve major problems within 4 days and minor problem within 1 day
  • 3. Technomech Placements Aurangabad. (March 2012 to Aug.2015.) Designation: Asst.Manager (Recruitment and Training) Worked for a renowned Placement Company (Technomech Placements). It was established in 2005. A Division of Recruitment consultancy specializing in providing manpower to Engineering, Automobile, Electronics, Breweries, Pharmaceuticals&Manufacturingsectors. Handling Clients like Volkswagen, Mahindra EPC, Mahindra Farm Equipment Sector, Godrej Agrovet Ltd, Mahyco, Wipro, Nath Bio genes Ltd.etc I am Very Well acquainted with the Recruitment Process. And now we are started Technomech Training Academy from 2014. Current Responsibilities Include: Manpower Planning and recruitment of trainees, casuals and staff. Performance and Reward Management Training & Development Employee Engagement Salary, Wages, Time Office Recruitments: Manage Recruitment through advertisements, Internet, and Job Portals.(Naukari.com and Monster.com) Conducting of preliminary round of interview for candidates and Negotiate the compensation with selected candidates. Completing the Joining Formalities of new Recruiters. Training & Development: Making Training Calendars for the Year and each month. Work with Client companies Managers and employees to identify, assess, and implement training needs. Developing effective internal training programs. Impart induction training to the new recruited Staff. To coordinate for the Internal and External training programmers as scheduled. Monitor the effectiveness of trainings. Evaluation (on subject understanding, implementation, improved performance etc.) by HOD after specific time. Delivered training on Personality development and Motivation for employees at executive grade. Performance and Reward Management: Facilitating Performance management ensured timely issuance of Increment, Confirmation, and probation letters, Identification of employees for reward for excellent performance, Identification of Key personnel in the dept for retention plan. Salary, Wages, Time Office: Monitoring of Salary, wages and time office functions.
  • 4. Achievements: Recruited 70 people in 14 months through Portal and references. Academic Projects: FINAL PROJECT o Videocon International Ltd. o Chitegaon Plant Paithan Road Abad o Topic: Recruitment Process. o Under the Guidence of o Shruti Khandelwal (Deputy Manager HR) o 09890069472 o At the time of final project I also handle the work Training and development, Coordination for the PF And ESIC details for new joined employees Structure of Interview Assessment Sheet, Help in maintaining the record of the audit (Phillips Ltd.), Arrangement of induction program for GET (Graduate Engg. Trainee)& also create logo for them. Computer Literacy: Basic knowledge of computers. Well versed with M.S Office, and using the Internet. Co-Curricular Activities: I had attended the INDIAN IDOL 5 Audition and Crack preliminary 3 Round. Represented my school and college at inter school and inter college level competitions in my Singing. Organizing various events at the college level. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION Diploma in Labour law from Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar University Aurangabad (2012) MBA in Human resource and Marketing from Shivaji University Kolhapur (2011) Graduation in science from Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar University Aurangabad (2009) H.S.C from Maharashtra State Board (2005) S.S.C from Maharashtra state board (2003)
  • 5. o Reference: Available on request PERSONAL DETAILS Name : Swapnil Arun Bankar Date of Birth : 27th August 1988. Father name : A.N.Bankar Permanent Address : P-2/14/4 Vitthalnagar, Cidco N-2 Aurangabad Mobile : 09604453275. Gender : Male Marital Status : Married Hobbies : Singing, Internet Surfing, Observation of people. Languages Known : English, Hindi and Marathi. Date: Signature Place: Aurangabad Swapnil A.Bankar
  • 6. o Reference: Available on request PERSONAL DETAILS Name : Swapnil Arun Bankar Date of Birth : 27th August 1988. Father name : A.N.Bankar Permanent Address : P-2/14/4 Vitthalnagar, Cidco N-2 Aurangabad Mobile : 09604453275. Gender : Male Marital Status : Married Hobbies : Singing, Internet Surfing, Observation of people. Languages Known : English, Hindi and Marathi. Date: Signature Place: Aurangabad Swapnil A.Bankar