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Tarek Shaaban Mahmoud
9 Africa st. Nasr-City, Cairo, Egypt
Home: 2 472-2170 Mobile: 01273298801-01011994463
1999 Bachelor of Commerce, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration  English Section,
Helwan University
1995 High School Diploma (Thanawia Amma)
Abbass El Akkad Language School
Career Objective
Obtain a challengingmanagement, or position as deemed suitableto my skills,experience,and backgrounds,to help a successful
organization or company expand further and to help myself grow further professionally,and financially,to become an effective
team player in a progressiveorganization or company.
Employment History
Sep 2015 May 2016 Customer Service team leader ,Smash Clubs (Smash Management)
 HandlingCustomers requests and followup to finalizetheir requests
 Dealingwith customers face to faceto ensure solvingtheir problems
 Responsiblefor issuingYearly Customers Ids and for deliveringthem in the right time
 Responsiblefor subscriptions in club various activities
 Updating the system for various activitiesand new memberships
 Admin for the club facebook site(Score AsmaratClub)
 Responsiblefor activation for new club members
Jan 2013  May 2013 Collections Officer, Collection Department Audi Bank  Egypt
 Collectpayments on pastdue bills through high balancevisits.
 Create a listof people who have not made payments.
 Organizelistaccordingto severity of delinquency.
 Call customers using telephone.
 Utilizecomputer systems to handleskip tracing.
 Inform clients of overdue accounts and amount currently owed.
 Attempt to collectpayment.
 Review terms of saleor loan documents.
 Ensure all customer information is correct,includingphonenumbers and addresses.
 Listen to customer's story and determine if debt can be collected.
 Set up repayment plans and new terms of sale.
 Record new commitment to repay debt.
 Initiaterepossession proceedings or hand over accountto lawpracticethat specializes i n debtcollection.
 Purge records if debt has been satisfied.
 Report satisfied debts to credit bureaus.
 Printreports for management.
Aug 2011  Jan 2012 Agency Team Leader (legal action dept), Collection Department Citibank - Egypt
 Create a credit risk management environment of an acceptablequality,in terms of established creditguidelines
 Assistin developingsound,acceptablecredit policies
 Analyze delinquent accounts and prepare report on highest risk accounts including recommendations for resolution.
 Interact with customers to obtain additional creditinformation to supportcredit lines
 Reconciletransactions and balances to maintain accurateaccounts
 Initiatecredits and adjustments to customer accounts within company policy limits
 Check for credit viability on requests for extended terms, and evaluate various adjustments or exception documents
 Submit requests to senior management and supportingdocumentation for accounts requiringcreditlines
 Research and make decisions on financecharges
 Maintain bad debt and bad debt recovery records
 Monitor receivables and collectionsand provideupdates of receivables and provideappropriatereportingprocedures
 Identify problem accounts and provideregular updates of receivables to management
 Negotiate payment programs with delinquent customers
 Identify accounts requiringcollection agency or legal action and coordinatecollectionswith third party contractors
 Monitor violationsof creditpolicies,provideanalysis,conclusion and recommendations,present findings to senior
management and suggest actions/penalties to be taken when appropriate
 Develop processes and procedures for evaluatingcustomer financialsand settingand changingcreditlines/limits,as well
as creditholds;implement liens as necessary to major delinquent accountas approved
 Generates legal documents used in the credit function
April 2010  August 2011 Collections Team Leader, Collection Department Citibank-Egypt
 Responsiblefor managingdelinquent loan portfolio with specific objectiveof minimize expected loss
 Monitor the perform of rescheduled accounts through regular contacts with the borrowers
 Ensure staff is meeting production goals,complyingwith company standards and federal collection lawsand generally
performing the essential functions of their position.
 Input data and creatingspreadsheets showingthe progress of his staffs efforts to collectdebts, for speakingwith
individualswho wish to speak with a supervisor and for approvingand allowsettlement and payment options.
 Superviseand coordinateactivities of workers engaged in collectingoverdue payments for charge accounts,creditc ard
accounts,or loans from customers of banks,loan companies,department stores,oil companies,or other
 Review delinquent accountrecords to determine which customers must be contacted for collection of overdue
 Organizecollection work load accordingto degree and amount of delinquency and assign accounts to workers for
 Write letters or approveform letters for use in collection attempts.
 Authorize or refer accounts to manager for repossession and legal actions againstdebtors.
 Assistsubordinates with collection activitiesin difficultcases.
 Superviseand coordinateactivities of clerical workers in related activities.
Mar 2009  April 2010 Tele-calling agent, Collection Department Citibank-Egypt
 Responsiblefor managingportfolio of customers who failed to make their payment on their credit facilitiesto Citibank
.job included developingstrategies to communicate with customers, review of MIS to effectively manage the portfolio
and negotiation / reschedulingof debit customers who arestrugglingto pay.
 Trackingand analyzingmonthly flows through rates and meet cycle targets of accounts and effectiveness.
 Providefeedback to collections head on operationsand flowof work with ideas for improvement of certain process
where appropriate.
 Increasepublic awareness and educatingcustomers on timely payments by conductingan average of 150 out-going
call/day to decreaseand minimizethe number of defaulted customers by usingCRM programs e.g CACS,Systematic, etc
75 % of the time the targets were either exceeded or met.
 Responsiblefor researchingthe different reasons and causes of disablingcustomers frompayingtheir dues.
 Assumed extra rules and responsibilities pertainingto the head based on personal initiative.
 Received an orientation trainingprograms through being exposed on the followingdepartment: Customer Services,Citi
Phone, Operations , AFU and Marketing.
 Trained couched and responsiblefor the development of six new team members.
 The Trainingcovered the followingareas:Technicalities of the system , dealingwith customers, expected on the job
problems and their solutions.
 Analyze and improve productivity,efficiency and effectiveness through benchmark with historical data by utilizing
specially designed reports generated by the MIS function in a daily basis.
Aug 2007  March 2009 Agency Coordinator, Legal Action Dept. Collection Dept. Citibank  Egypt
 Managingthe Agency Office and the Agency Collectors.
 Coachingand leadingcollectors to achieveexcellence.
 Dividingworkload equally by assigningcollectors for unpaid accounts.
 Closely followingup to achievemonthly target.
July 2004 July 2007 Collection Officer, Collection Dept. Citibank  Egypt
Leadership on the following tasks:
 Contributingsignificantly in minimizingthe monthly credit NCL (Net Credit Loss),as well as the recoveries effectiveness.
 Work towards normalizingall thereferred credit delinquentaccounts through effective field visitations.
 Track & review all the delinquent accounts routed to the in -house unit & assigning them among the team members, to
ensure meeting/beating up the delinquency & flow rate targets set for the unit.
 Resolve all the referred delinquent customers' complaints in a timely & professional fashion
 Handlingescalated cases / problematic delinquentcustomers with an approach thatreflects a delicatebalancebetween
providingan excellent customer service& abidingeffectively by the stipulated collectionsstrategies.
 Ensuringfull complianceamong the unitmembers to the collections policies,procedures as well as to the acceptable
code of ethics & conductwhen dealingwith the delinquent customers.
 Schedulingall the due outstandingdebts of the referred delinquent cus tomers in specific data over the shortest possible
time frames.
 Followup on the reached payment promises & affect updates on CACS system accordingly.
 Providingfrequent markets feedback for the major reasons of delinquency to collections manager
Mar 2002  July 2004 Corporate Sales Executive, Sales Department Citibank-Egypt
 Acquire new corporateclients in the specified region / market
 Achieve the sales / revenue targets
 Create/maintain excellent relationshipswith clients and beableto tailor products pitch accordingto their specifications
 Ensure timely collection of revenue from clients
 Fulfillmentof Sales quota annually viaNew Sales acquisition
 Give business presentations to senior management team
 Map potential sectors
 Achieve target plan
 Developing new ideas to achievesales growth
 Interact regularly with the clients to ensure a committed and partnership based relationship.
 Comply with Sales process and mechanismof the company to ensure Business Professionalism& Integrity
Sep 1999  Jan 2002 Customer Service Rep, Bank of America, Connecticut, USA.
 Takingincomingcallsfromcustomers that hold BoA creditcards.
 Dealingwith queries varyingfrom payingtheir bill to settingup direct debits & arrangingto increasecreditlimits.
 Achievingtargets for sales needs.
 Rapport buildingwith customers,by being friendly and havinggenuine desireto go that extra mile.
Feb 1998 - Aug 1998 Market Research for Orient Co. for Paints.
Jun 1996 - Jan 1997 Correspondence, El Fath Co. for Imports & Exports.
Summer 1995, Trainee, El Ahly Societe General Bank.
1996 & 1997
Excellent command of spoken and written English and Arabic
Personal Interests
Soccer, squash,Information Technology and Traveling.
Personal Data
Date of Birth: 12/10/1974
Placeof Birth: Cairo
Military Status:Exempted
Marital Status:Single

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  • 1. Tarek Shaaban Mahmoud 9 Africa st. Nasr-City, Cairo, Egypt Home: 2 472-2170 Mobile: 01273298801-01011994463 Email:tarek_sh7@hotmail.com Education 1999 Bachelor of Commerce, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration English Section, Helwan University 1995 High School Diploma (Thanawia Amma) Abbass El Akkad Language School Career Objective Obtain a challengingmanagement, or position as deemed suitableto my skills,experience,and backgrounds,to help a successful organization or company expand further and to help myself grow further professionally,and financially,to become an effective team player in a progressiveorganization or company. Employment History Sep 2015 May 2016 Customer Service team leader ,Smash Clubs (Smash Management) HandlingCustomers requests and followup to finalizetheir requests Dealingwith customers face to faceto ensure solvingtheir problems Responsiblefor issuingYearly Customers Ids and for deliveringthem in the right time Responsiblefor subscriptions in club various activities Updating the system for various activitiesand new memberships Admin for the club facebook site(Score AsmaratClub) Responsiblefor activation for new club members Jan 2013 May 2013 Collections Officer, Collection Department Audi Bank Egypt Collectpayments on pastdue bills through high balancevisits. Create a listof people who have not made payments. Organizelistaccordingto severity of delinquency. Call customers using telephone. Utilizecomputer systems to handleskip tracing. Inform clients of overdue accounts and amount currently owed. Attempt to collectpayment. Review terms of saleor loan documents. Ensure all customer information is correct,includingphonenumbers and addresses. Listen to customer's story and determine if debt can be collected. Set up repayment plans and new terms of sale.
  • 2. Record new commitment to repay debt. Initiaterepossession proceedings or hand over accountto lawpracticethat specializes i n debtcollection. Purge records if debt has been satisfied. Report satisfied debts to credit bureaus. Printreports for management. Aug 2011 Jan 2012 Agency Team Leader (legal action dept), Collection Department Citibank - Egypt Create a credit risk management environment of an acceptablequality,in terms of established creditguidelines Assistin developingsound,acceptablecredit policies Analyze delinquent accounts and prepare report on highest risk accounts including recommendations for resolution. Interact with customers to obtain additional creditinformation to supportcredit lines Reconciletransactions and balances to maintain accurateaccounts Initiatecredits and adjustments to customer accounts within company policy limits Check for credit viability on requests for extended terms, and evaluate various adjustments or exception documents Submit requests to senior management and supportingdocumentation for accounts requiringcreditlines Research and make decisions on financecharges Maintain bad debt and bad debt recovery records Monitor receivables and collectionsand provideupdates of receivables and provideappropriatereportingprocedures Identify problem accounts and provideregular updates of receivables to management Negotiate payment programs with delinquent customers Identify accounts requiringcollection agency or legal action and coordinatecollectionswith third party contractors Monitor violationsof creditpolicies,provideanalysis,conclusion and recommendations,present findings to senior management and suggest actions/penalties to be taken when appropriate Develop processes and procedures for evaluatingcustomer financialsand settingand changingcreditlines/limits,as well as creditholds;implement liens as necessary to major delinquent accountas approved Generates legal documents used in the credit function April 2010 August 2011 Collections Team Leader, Collection Department Citibank-Egypt Responsiblefor managingdelinquent loan portfolio with specific objectiveof minimize expected loss Monitor the perform of rescheduled accounts through regular contacts with the borrowers Ensure staff is meeting production goals,complyingwith company standards and federal collection lawsand generally performing the essential functions of their position. Input data and creatingspreadsheets showingthe progress of his staffs efforts to collectdebts, for speakingwith individualswho wish to speak with a supervisor and for approvingand allowsettlement and payment options. Superviseand coordinateactivities of workers engaged in collectingoverdue payments for charge accounts,creditc ard accounts,or loans from customers of banks,loan companies,department stores,oil companies,or other credit-card-issuingcompanies. Review delinquent accountrecords to determine which customers must be contacted for collection of overdue accounts. Organizecollection work load accordingto degree and amount of delinquency and assign accounts to workers for collection. Write letters or approveform letters for use in collection attempts. Authorize or refer accounts to manager for repossession and legal actions againstdebtors. Assistsubordinates with collection activitiesin difficultcases. Superviseand coordinateactivities of clerical workers in related activities. Mar 2009 April 2010 Tele-calling agent, Collection Department Citibank-Egypt Responsiblefor managingportfolio of customers who failed to make their payment on their credit facilitiesto Citibank .job included developingstrategies to communicate with customers, review of MIS to effectively manage the portfolio and negotiation / reschedulingof debit customers who arestrugglingto pay. Trackingand analyzingmonthly flows through rates and meet cycle targets of accounts and effectiveness. Providefeedback to collections head on operationsand flowof work with ideas for improvement of certain process where appropriate.
  • 3. Increasepublic awareness and educatingcustomers on timely payments by conductingan average of 150 out-going call/day to decreaseand minimizethe number of defaulted customers by usingCRM programs e.g CACS,Systematic, etc 75 % of the time the targets were either exceeded or met. Responsiblefor researchingthe different reasons and causes of disablingcustomers frompayingtheir dues. Assumed extra rules and responsibilities pertainingto the head based on personal initiative. Received an orientation trainingprograms through being exposed on the followingdepartment: Customer Services,Citi Phone, Operations , AFU and Marketing. Trained couched and responsiblefor the development of six new team members. The Trainingcovered the followingareas:Technicalities of the system , dealingwith customers, expected on the job problems and their solutions. Analyze and improve productivity,efficiency and effectiveness through benchmark with historical data by utilizing specially designed reports generated by the MIS function in a daily basis. Aug 2007 March 2009 Agency Coordinator, Legal Action Dept. Collection Dept. Citibank Egypt Managingthe Agency Office and the Agency Collectors. Coachingand leadingcollectors to achieveexcellence. Dividingworkload equally by assigningcollectors for unpaid accounts. Closely followingup to achievemonthly target. July 2004 July 2007 Collection Officer, Collection Dept. Citibank Egypt Leadership on the following tasks: Contributingsignificantly in minimizingthe monthly credit NCL (Net Credit Loss),as well as the recoveries effectiveness. Work towards normalizingall thereferred credit delinquentaccounts through effective field visitations. Track & review all the delinquent accounts routed to the in -house unit & assigning them among the team members, to ensure meeting/beating up the delinquency & flow rate targets set for the unit. Resolve all the referred delinquent customers' complaints in a timely & professional fashion Handlingescalated cases / problematic delinquentcustomers with an approach thatreflects a delicatebalancebetween providingan excellent customer service& abidingeffectively by the stipulated collectionsstrategies. Ensuringfull complianceamong the unitmembers to the collections policies,procedures as well as to the acceptable code of ethics & conductwhen dealingwith the delinquent customers. Schedulingall the due outstandingdebts of the referred delinquent cus tomers in specific data over the shortest possible time frames. Followup on the reached payment promises & affect updates on CACS system accordingly. Providingfrequent markets feedback for the major reasons of delinquency to collections manager Mar 2002 July 2004 Corporate Sales Executive, Sales Department Citibank-Egypt Acquire new corporateclients in the specified region / market Achieve the sales / revenue targets Create/maintain excellent relationshipswith clients and beableto tailor products pitch accordingto their specifications Ensure timely collection of revenue from clients Fulfillmentof Sales quota annually viaNew Sales acquisition Give business presentations to senior management team Map potential sectors Achieve target plan Developing new ideas to achievesales growth Interact regularly with the clients to ensure a committed and partnership based relationship. Comply with Sales process and mechanismof the company to ensure Business Professionalism& Integrity Sep 1999 Jan 2002 Customer Service Rep, Bank of America, Connecticut, USA. Takingincomingcallsfromcustomers that hold BoA creditcards. Dealingwith queries varyingfrom payingtheir bill to settingup direct debits & arrangingto increasecreditlimits.
  • 4. Achievingtargets for sales needs. Rapport buildingwith customers,by being friendly and havinggenuine desireto go that extra mile. Feb 1998 - Aug 1998 Market Research for Orient Co. for Paints. Jun 1996 - Jan 1997 Correspondence, El Fath Co. for Imports & Exports. Summer 1995, Trainee, El Ahly Societe General Bank. 1996 & 1997 Languages Excellent command of spoken and written English and Arabic Personal Interests Soccer, squash,Information Technology and Traveling. Personal Data Date of Birth: 12/10/1974 Placeof Birth: Cairo Nationality:Egyptian Military Status:Exempted Marital Status:Single