Hawaii has many beautiful flowers that attract butterflies for their nectar, as well as various palm trees like the thorny Kiawe tree on Maui. There are also many unusual tropical plants in Hawaii, including endangered flowers.
Eloah Rocha works as a counselor in Los Angeles but also spends time exploring parks in Florida. Located at the southern tip of Florida, Everglades National Park covers 1.5 million acres of wetlands and is home to a diverse ecosystem of birds, reptiles, fish, rivers, and marshes. Though many tourists visit other areas of Florida, the Everglades are worth visiting for those interested in nature due to the chance to see wildlife like panthers, alligators, and dolphins and participate in activities such as hiking, bird watching, canoeing, and fishing. Due to the park's large size, visitors should plan their trip in advance by checking operation hours on the national park
Hawaiian leis are made from fresh tropical flowers, as Hawaii has many unusual tropical plants and flowers including the state flower, the hibiscus, and the state tree, the candlenut tree. There is also a variety of palm trees found on the island of Maui.
Hawaiian plants and flowers grow best in warm, shaded areas and include the yellow hibiscus state flower as well as many other tropical plants and flowers that are often used to make fresh leis, an important Hawaiian tradition.
The document discusses flora, which refers to the plant life that is native to a particular region. It provides examples of two types of flowers, orchids and sunflowers, noting characteristics of each. It also states that Ecuador has a territory that includes 25,000 species of vascular plants, and scientists have identified that 11% of the world's existing plant species are found in Ecuador.
Ecuador has a diverse indigenous plant life, with over 25,000 vascular plant species identified within its territory. This represents approximately 11% of all plant species globally. Specific flowers mentioned that are native to parts of North and South America include orchids, known for having some petals larger than others, and sunflowers, of which about 70 species originate in North America with three from South America.
Del Thomas and Bettina Gollnow have decades of experience in floristry and horticulture. Their book distills their knowledge of over 146 cut flower and foliage products grown worldwide. It provides details on sourcing, handling, and selling each product, including botanical names, colors, care instructions, and uses in floral design. Color photos illustrate each flower to aid identification. The book is an essential reference for florists, students, and flower enthusiasts.
The national symbols of Belize include the mahogany tree, black orchid flower, toucan bird, and tapir animal. The red, white, and blue flag represents national unity under the motto "Under the Shade I Flourish". The toucan is a colorful bird that eats fruits, while the mahogany tree can grow over 100 feet tall. The tapir is Belize's largest land mammal, resembling a donkey, and the black orchid flowers nearly year-round on trees in damp areas.
The document summarizes key aspects of the Northwest region of the United States, including the location, types of native dwellings, common plants, animals, and traditional clothing. It discusses plants that grow in Alaska and California, such as the bird vetch, orange hawkweed, red stem dogweed, and Douglas iris. Animals that were important as food sources for villages in the region include salmon, oysters, clams, and whales. The clothing worn by native peoples included ceremonial dresses and items made from cedar.
A luau is a Hawaiian feast and celebration where hula dancing takes place and food like pig, salmon, poi, and coconut pudding are served. Luaus are often held for graduations, weddings, and birthdays.
Beaches and shells are discussed, with some shells containing clams or being small in size, and Hawaii is noted as having famous beaches where sand castles can be built from differently colored sands.
Surfing originated in Hawaii where the native Hawaiian people saw it as an art form rather than a sport. Pipeline in Oahu is famous for its huge waves breaking in shallow water. While surf boards used to be 16 feet long, they are now typically only 6 feet as the sport has evolved.
The poem describes the "12 Days of Recycling," where Mrs. Cole gives the speaker a different recycled item each day, counting up from one magazine to 12 plastic containers. The poem uses the familiar structure of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" to list various recyclable materials.
The document summarizes the Bill of Rights in simpler language. It explains:
1) The 1st Amendment protects freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and the right to petition the government.
2) The 2nd Amendment protects the right of citizens to bear arms for self-defense.
3) The 3rd Amendment prevents the forced quartering of soldiers in private homes during peacetime without consent.
4) The 4th Amendment protects against unreasonable search and seizure of persons, homes, and properties without a warrant.
This document summarizes the Bill of Rights in simpler language for children. It rewrites each of the first ten amendments in more basic terms. For example, the First Amendment is summarized as "Congress can't stop you from your religion. They can't keep you from talking about what you want or having a demonstration to change things." Pictures are included with each rewritten amendment to help illustrate the concepts.
Surfing involves riding waves on a surfboard, with terms like "hang ten" used when balancing on the front of the board, while a "wipeout" refers to falling off the board. Surfing is a popular water sport, especially in Hawaii which has ideal conditions for learning to surf.
Dolphins and fish live in the ocean, with dolphins being mammals and fish swimming in coral reefs. Starfish have 5 arms and the clownfish was featured in the movie Finding Nemo. Sharks hunt other ocean animals in the sea.
Hawaii is home to several unique land animals including the Amakihi bird, wild pigs that enjoy the warm climate, and the monk seal which is the state mammal. The Hawaii hoary bat is the only land animal truly native to Hawaii, while the greenhouse frog is an invasive species that will eat anything. Birds are a common sight, with many types living on the islands.
Eighth grade students learned basic Computer Aided Design skills using Google Sketch Up to create original chair designs for a city planning project. They each designed their own unique chair and learned CAD software skills in the process. The document lists the initials of 9 students who participated in the project.
The poem describes Mrs. Cole giving various recycled items to someone over the course of 12 days, with each day corresponding to a line in the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas." On each successive day, Mrs. Cole provides an increasing number of recycled items, including magazines, plastic bags, paper cups, bottle caps, pop cans, paper napkins, cardboard boxes, empty milk jugs, piles of paper, food containers, plastic bottles, and plastic containers.
The poem describes the "12 Days of Recycling", where on each successive day Mrs. Cole gives the speaker a different type of recyclable material, including magazines, plastic bags, paper cups, bottle caps, pop cans, paper napkins, cardboard boxes, empty milk jugs, piles of paper, food containers, plastic bottles, and plastic containers. The poem lists the various recyclable items Mrs. Cole provided over 12 days to encourage recycling.
This document discusses several ocean animals including dolphins that breathe air through a blow hole, the trigger fish being the state fish, sea turtles living in the Pacific Ocean, the endangered Hawaiian monk seal living near Hawaii, and the humpback whale being named Hawaii's state marine mammal in 1979.
The document discusses several animals found in Hawaii, including the liwi and nene birds native to Hawaii, with the nene also being the Hawaiian state bird, as well as mentioning a baby monkey, the Indian mongoose sometimes called the Hawaiian squirrel, and the gold dust day gecko that can be found in trees and houses.
A luau is a Hawaiian feast and celebration where hula dancing takes place and food like pig, salmon, poi, and coconut pudding are served. Luaus are often held for graduations, weddings, and birthdays.
Beaches and shells are discussed, with some shells containing clams or being small in size, and Hawaii is noted as having famous beaches where sand castles can be built from differently colored sands.
Surfing originated in Hawaii where the native Hawaiian people saw it as an art form rather than a sport. Pipeline in Oahu is famous for its huge waves breaking in shallow water. While surf boards used to be 16 feet long, they are now typically only 6 feet as the sport has evolved.
The poem describes the "12 Days of Recycling," where Mrs. Cole gives the speaker a different recycled item each day, counting up from one magazine to 12 plastic containers. The poem uses the familiar structure of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" to list various recyclable materials.
The document summarizes the Bill of Rights in simpler language. It explains:
1) The 1st Amendment protects freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and the right to petition the government.
2) The 2nd Amendment protects the right of citizens to bear arms for self-defense.
3) The 3rd Amendment prevents the forced quartering of soldiers in private homes during peacetime without consent.
4) The 4th Amendment protects against unreasonable search and seizure of persons, homes, and properties without a warrant.
This document summarizes the Bill of Rights in simpler language for children. It rewrites each of the first ten amendments in more basic terms. For example, the First Amendment is summarized as "Congress can't stop you from your religion. They can't keep you from talking about what you want or having a demonstration to change things." Pictures are included with each rewritten amendment to help illustrate the concepts.
Surfing involves riding waves on a surfboard, with terms like "hang ten" used when balancing on the front of the board, while a "wipeout" refers to falling off the board. Surfing is a popular water sport, especially in Hawaii which has ideal conditions for learning to surf.
Dolphins and fish live in the ocean, with dolphins being mammals and fish swimming in coral reefs. Starfish have 5 arms and the clownfish was featured in the movie Finding Nemo. Sharks hunt other ocean animals in the sea.
Hawaii is home to several unique land animals including the Amakihi bird, wild pigs that enjoy the warm climate, and the monk seal which is the state mammal. The Hawaii hoary bat is the only land animal truly native to Hawaii, while the greenhouse frog is an invasive species that will eat anything. Birds are a common sight, with many types living on the islands.
Eighth grade students learned basic Computer Aided Design skills using Google Sketch Up to create original chair designs for a city planning project. They each designed their own unique chair and learned CAD software skills in the process. The document lists the initials of 9 students who participated in the project.
The poem describes Mrs. Cole giving various recycled items to someone over the course of 12 days, with each day corresponding to a line in the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas." On each successive day, Mrs. Cole provides an increasing number of recycled items, including magazines, plastic bags, paper cups, bottle caps, pop cans, paper napkins, cardboard boxes, empty milk jugs, piles of paper, food containers, plastic bottles, and plastic containers.
The poem describes the "12 Days of Recycling", where on each successive day Mrs. Cole gives the speaker a different type of recyclable material, including magazines, plastic bags, paper cups, bottle caps, pop cans, paper napkins, cardboard boxes, empty milk jugs, piles of paper, food containers, plastic bottles, and plastic containers. The poem lists the various recyclable items Mrs. Cole provided over 12 days to encourage recycling.
This document discusses several ocean animals including dolphins that breathe air through a blow hole, the trigger fish being the state fish, sea turtles living in the Pacific Ocean, the endangered Hawaiian monk seal living near Hawaii, and the humpback whale being named Hawaii's state marine mammal in 1979.
The document discusses several animals found in Hawaii, including the liwi and nene birds native to Hawaii, with the nene also being the Hawaiian state bird, as well as mentioning a baby monkey, the Indian mongoose sometimes called the Hawaiian squirrel, and the gold dust day gecko that can be found in trees and houses.
Hawaiian luaus are Hawaiian feasts where hula dancing takes place as part of celebrations and parties, with hula dancing being a common activity at luaus in Hawaii.
Dolphins breathe through blowholes on their back and are playful, manta rays do not have stingers, and seals give birth and care for their young like mammals despite living in the ocean.
Menehunes are legendary little people from Hawaii who can be boys or girls and live hidden in the mountains, only allowing very special people to see them.
Kamehameha was the first king of the Kingdom of Hawaii who ruled for many years and had a big palace; his name means "the lonely one" and June 11th is observed as Kamehameha Day, a public holiday in Hawaii in his honor.
Hawaii is known for its palm trees, beautiful sunsets, and white sand beaches like Waikiki. There are beaches with different colored sands such as black sand beaches which are made from crushed lava, and some have unusual names like Toilet Bowl.
Hula dancing originated in Hawaii as a way for Polynesians to tell stories through dance accompanied by chant or song, and has since developed into a form of entertainment where dancers wear colorful necklaces, bracelets, anklets and headpieces.
The USS Arizona was a battleship that was bombed at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, resulting in 1,177 men dying and only 334 surviving the attack. The USS Arizona remains located at Pearl Harbor on Oahu as a memorial to those lost in the attack.
Hula dancing is a type of dance developed in Hawaii by Polynesians as a way to tell stories through performances considered a form of entertainment, with dancers wearing leis and grass skirts and even children able to participate in the hula.
Halu is the Hawaiian word for surfing, which is most popular in Hawaii. This girl is surfing small beginner waves, while Pipeline in Oahu is famous for its shallow waves.
The document discusses several land animals native to the Hawaiian Islands, including bats, caterpillars, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. It notes that the Hawaiian Islands are home to five species of amphibians and 28 species of reptiles. It also states that the Hawaiian hawk is only found on the Hawaiian Islands and many native Hawaiian birds are endangered.
King Kamehameha had a big palace and was a good ruler of Hawaii. On June 11th, which is King Kamehameha Day, people in Hawaii celebrate with a parade in Honolulu and place leis on a statue of King Kamehameha to honor him as the lonely, but powerful, ruler who united the Hawaiian islands.
Surfing is a challenging activity where some surfers are very skilled at riding huge waves using modern shorter surf boards, with some of the best surfing taking place on the North Shore.
Hawaii is known for growing coffee, sugarcane, and fruits like pineapple, coconuts, and bananas. Traditional Hawaiian foods include kalua pig which is popular at luaus, and rice and poi which are commonly served alongside meat dishes.
The bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces on December 7, 1941 resulted in over 2,400 American deaths and the sinking of the USS Arizona, killing over 1,000 people on board. This surprise attack brought the United States into World War 2 and destroyed 188 American planes.
The Hawaiian Islands consist of 8 islands located in the North Pacific Ocean, known for their tropical climate and natural beauty. Kauai is nicknamed the Garden Isle, home to pretty waterfalls. The islands feature many mountains and waterfalls throughout, with temperatures typically between 60 and 90 degrees.
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Business, Art, Fashion, Technology and Alcohol Quiz for Odyssey '25 at IIIT D...Ramish Abdali
A fun BAFTA (Business, Art, Fashion, Technology and Alcohol) quiz ran originally in 2025. Approachable for beginners and pleasurable for veterans.
This is the finals (ie. second part) of the quiz. This set was originally run with the help of IIIT Delhi's Quiz Club, Trivialis, and its Cultural fest, Odyssey. Further information can be found on their Instagram handle(s).
The Last Anthill of the Wild Wild North.pptxLeeFrank12
A slideshow presenting The Last Anthill of the Wild Wild North - a tragi-comedy musical based on the meteoric rise and fall of the larrikin bushman who inspired Crocodile Dundee. The production explores themes of identity, fame, evolving perceptions of Australian identity, and the poignant irony of aspiring to embody a fictionalized version of oneself. Songs from the play can be heard here
As for the play itself: The play opens in a dreamlike swirl of sound and movement—a lone boy’s melody drifting through a landscape of towering anthills as Holden Lee, an enigmatic actor, arrives, setting the wheels of fate in motion.
At an awards night, Jack Hendricks, a rugged buffalo hunter, stands in the spotlight, clutching the Territorian of the Year trophy. Applause echoes, but in the haze of flashbulbs and swirling voices, he glimpses Holden in the crowd, the man who has turned Jack’s life into fiction.
Jack’s story unfolds—his reckless charm, his fling with Merle, and the three months he survived alone in the Kimberlies, a feat that made him a legend. Holden, desperate for stardom, latches onto this legend, shaping it into a hit film. Jack, lost between admiration and resentment, watches Holden’s version of him take on a life of its own.
Merle and Jack try to harness this success, buying a buffalo farm, but the dream turns sour. The land becomes infested with gamba grass, Jack drifts into drugs, and the walls of his reality begin to collapse. He sees conspiracies everywhere—the government plotting to steal his property, his ex-wife’s Mormon community scheming to take his sons. Merle, clinging to him, finds herself drowning too.
As paranoia takes hold, Jack arms himself and heads for a final confrontation. At a police roadblock, he mistakes reality for illusion, convinced Holden is still watching, still controlling the story. The shots ring out—one officer down, then Jack himself.
The play closes with Holden, on stage as Buffalo Brent, the myth he created, while the real Jack lies dying in the dust. A song swells, a lament for what is lost, as the last anthill crumbles.
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IPTV delivers television content over the internet rather than through conventional cable or satellite formats. This allows users to stream media on demand or through scheduled broadcasts using an internet connection. Unlike traditional TV, IPTV offers a personalized viewing experience, enabling users to watch what they want, when they want.
There are three main types of IPTV services:
Live IPTV – Real-time streaming of TV channels, similar to traditional broadcasting.
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Time-Shifted TV – The ability to replay previously aired programs at convenience.
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Introduction to Chinese New Year 2021.docxseonayan8
Introduction to Chinese New Year 2025
Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is one of the most significant cultural celebrations in the world. In 2025, the festivities will mark the beginning of the Year of the Snake according to the Chinese zodiac. It’s a time of renewal, reunion, and reflection, as families come together to honor traditions and welcome in a new cycle of luck and prosperity.
What Is Chinese New Year?
Chinese New Year is celebrated on the first day of the first lunar month, typically falling between January 21 and February 20. The festivities last for 15 days and end with the Lantern Festival, a celebration of light and family.
Year of the Snake
The Year of the Snake, one of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac, is often associated with wisdom, beauty, and subtlety. People born in the Year of the Snake are believed to possess these traits, making it a time to embrace introspection, renewal, and personal growth.
How People Celebrate
Chinese New Year traditions are rich with customs designed to bring luck and prosperity.
Family Reunions: It’s common for families to gather, enjoy large meals together, and share stories.
Red Envelopes (Hongbao): Exchanging red envelopes filled with money is a way to share good fortune.
Fireworks and Lion Dances: Fireworks are believed to scare away evil spirits, and lion dances bring joy and good luck.
Cleaning the House: People often clean their homes before the New Year to sweep away bad luck and make room for positive energy.
The Significance of Chinese New Year 2025
2025's celebration of the Year of the Snake will hold special meaning, as it represents transformation and reinvention. Whether you believe in the power of the zodiac or not, the occasion offers an opportunity to start anew, let go of past burdens, and focus on personal growth and improvement.
Celebrate Chinese New Year 2025 with Us
For a deeper dive into the festivities, traditions, and everything you need to know about Chinese New Year 2025, check out our detailed guide. From decorating your home to understanding the importance of each custom, this year is all about embracing prosperity, happiness, and good fortune.
Whether you're familiar with the holiday or experiencing it for the first time, Chinese New Year 2025 promises to be a year of transformation and positive energy. Let’s celebrate the new beginnings and wish for health, wealth, and happiness as we usher in this vibrant and meaningful festival.
Beyond the Headlines_ Unpacking the Britney Spears and Paul Richard Soliz Rel...voice ofarticle
The name Britney Spears evokes images of dazzling performances, chart-topping hits, and a life lived under the intense glare of the public eye. But beyond the glitz and glamour lies a complex human being navigating the complexities of love and life. Britney Spears Paul Richard Soliz and the dynamics of their relationship. has been a subject of intense public scrutiny, filled with intrigue, controversy, and a fair share of speculation. The nuances of their connection and exploring the questions surrounding who is Britney Spears, Paul Richard Soliz and the dynamics of their relationship.
Business, Art, Fashion, Technology and Alcohol Quiz for Odyssey '25 at IIIT D...Ramish Abdali
A fun BAFTA (Business, Art, Fashion, Technology and Alcohol) quiz ran originally in 2025. Approachable for beginners and pleasurable for veterans.
This is the prelims (ie. first part) of the quiz. This set was originally run with the help of IIIT Delhi's Quiz Club, Trivialis, and its Cultural fest, Odyssey. Further information can be found on their Instagram handle(s).