Jestem doświadczonym Visual Merchandiserem, specjalizującym się w aranżacji witryn sklepowych. W sprawie zleceń, proszę o kontakt mailowy, podany w portfolio.
I am an experienced Visual Merchandiser and Window Dresser, seeking experience, work and valuable connections in the design of window displays. I am available for freelance projects. Please contact me by email, given in the portfolio.
The document discusses different types of cable structures. It describes cable systems as major structural systems that redirect external forces through simple normal stresses of tension or compression. Suspension cable structures form a funicular shape to support loads. Steel cables are commonly used due to their high tensile strength to span large distances. Dynamic effects of wind can cause fluttering in flexible cable roof structures. Preventive measures include increasing dead load, adding anchoring cables, or using crossed cable systems. Case studies on the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge and Penang Bridge demonstrate single and double cable structural designs.
This document discusses long span building structures. It defines long span as structures with spans larger than 20m that cannot be achieved with ordinary reinforced concrete structures. It lists various loads that act on structural systems including dead, live, wind, and temperature loads. It also lists common materials that can be used for long span structures such as reinforced concrete, steel, timber, and composites. Common structural forms including insitu and precast concrete, steel structures, and portal frames are discussed. Long span structures are classified into form active, vector active, section active, and surface active systems with examples provided. Design considerations for long span beams are also mentioned, noting benefits such as flexible column-free spaces. Long span buildings create large column-
The lecture is in support of:
(1) The Design of Building Structures (Vol.1, Vol. 2), rev. ed., PDF eBook by Wolfgang Schueller, 2016: chapter 9.
(2) Building Support Structures, Analysis and Design with SAP2000 Software, 2nd ed., eBook by Wolfgang Schueller: chapter 11.
1. Structural systems include architectural structures like buildings that are assemblages of components designed to support loads through interconnected members.
2. Loads on structures can be static like dead loads or dynamic like wind loads, and forces like tension, compression, bending, and shear act on structural members.
3. Common structural forms include trusses, arches, shells, frames, and cable nets which use specific geometries and materials like steel and concrete to transfer loads.
Civil Engineering – Oldest Yet A Highly Sought After Career Choice in IndiaAnkur Tandon
Civil engineering is among few oldest engineering domains which have helped world civilization shape up its future. As an engineering domain directly related to the infrastructural development of the country, civil engineering has helped the world develop its existing identity.
Read more interesting content, at - We intend to inform and inspire recruiters, job seekers and anyone with an interest in the workplace and HR technology.
Hope you enjoyed reading the Infographic.
Feel free to share your feedback with us at @CareerBuilderIn
A presentation that explains the various systems and techniques of employing steel and concrete to support long span structures. The range varies from conventional beams, to trusses and portal frames.
An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit
I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at
iCON Office w obsłudze chmur punktów | 3D GeosystemyMichaJakiewicz7
Pokazujemy jak wiele funkcjonalności związanych z obsługą chmur punktów zapewnia program iCON Office.
Do programu wcjhodzimy z chmurami obliczonymi z fotogrametrii programó trzecich; zaróno z wykonaną klasyfikacją, jak i bez niej. Program posiada funkcję automatycznego wycinania szumów (artefaktów) generując NMT z NMPT.
Program radzi sobie bardzo sprawnie na słabszych komputerach z dużymi chmurami, np. z darmowych nalotów LiDAR z Geoportalu; np. 8 kafelków. Zobacz film pod linkiem:
Zamów bezpłatny test programu pod adresem:
iCON Office w budownictwie kolejowym | 3D GeosystemyMichaJakiewicz7
Pokazaliśmy możliwości programu w modelowaniu 3D warstw technicznych oraz niwelet i przechyłek torowisk w budownictwie kolejowym.
Zamów bezpłatny test programu pod adresem:
Leica iCON Office we współpracy z Leica RoadRunner - DrogiMichał Jaśkiewicz
Prezentacja współpracy programu biurowego Leica iCON Office z aplikacją polową Leica Road Runner z platform 1200, Viva i Captivate. Tworzenie modeli drogowych 3D do wytyczeń i obliczeń kameralnych.
Teaching effects after 128 hours of Building Information Modeling course in Cracow, Poland. Kamila works in Revit, Navisworks and Dynamo for BIM Coordination position. More or
This document discusses long span building structures. It defines long span as structures with spans larger than 20m that cannot be achieved with ordinary reinforced concrete structures. It lists various loads that act on structural systems including dead, live, wind, and temperature loads. It also lists common materials that can be used for long span structures such as reinforced concrete, steel, timber, and composites. Common structural forms including insitu and precast concrete, steel structures, and portal frames are discussed. Long span structures are classified into form active, vector active, section active, and surface active systems with examples provided. Design considerations for long span beams are also mentioned, noting benefits such as flexible column-free spaces. Long span buildings create large column-
The lecture is in support of:
(1) The Design of Building Structures (Vol.1, Vol. 2), rev. ed., PDF eBook by Wolfgang Schueller, 2016: chapter 9.
(2) Building Support Structures, Analysis and Design with SAP2000 Software, 2nd ed., eBook by Wolfgang Schueller: chapter 11.
1. Structural systems include architectural structures like buildings that are assemblages of components designed to support loads through interconnected members.
2. Loads on structures can be static like dead loads or dynamic like wind loads, and forces like tension, compression, bending, and shear act on structural members.
3. Common structural forms include trusses, arches, shells, frames, and cable nets which use specific geometries and materials like steel and concrete to transfer loads.
Civil Engineering – Oldest Yet A Highly Sought After Career Choice in IndiaAnkur Tandon
Civil engineering is among few oldest engineering domains which have helped world civilization shape up its future. As an engineering domain directly related to the infrastructural development of the country, civil engineering has helped the world develop its existing identity.
Read more interesting content, at - We intend to inform and inspire recruiters, job seekers and anyone with an interest in the workplace and HR technology.
Hope you enjoyed reading the Infographic.
Feel free to share your feedback with us at @CareerBuilderIn
A presentation that explains the various systems and techniques of employing steel and concrete to support long span structures. The range varies from conventional beams, to trusses and portal frames.
An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit
I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at
iCON Office w obsłudze chmur punktów | 3D GeosystemyMichaJakiewicz7
Pokazujemy jak wiele funkcjonalności związanych z obsługą chmur punktów zapewnia program iCON Office.
Do programu wcjhodzimy z chmurami obliczonymi z fotogrametrii programó trzecich; zaróno z wykonaną klasyfikacją, jak i bez niej. Program posiada funkcję automatycznego wycinania szumów (artefaktów) generując NMT z NMPT.
Program radzi sobie bardzo sprawnie na słabszych komputerach z dużymi chmurami, np. z darmowych nalotów LiDAR z Geoportalu; np. 8 kafelków. Zobacz film pod linkiem:
Zamów bezpłatny test programu pod adresem:
iCON Office w budownictwie kolejowym | 3D GeosystemyMichaJakiewicz7
Pokazaliśmy możliwości programu w modelowaniu 3D warstw technicznych oraz niwelet i przechyłek torowisk w budownictwie kolejowym.
Zamów bezpłatny test programu pod adresem:
Leica iCON Office we współpracy z Leica RoadRunner - DrogiMichał Jaśkiewicz
Prezentacja współpracy programu biurowego Leica iCON Office z aplikacją polową Leica Road Runner z platform 1200, Viva i Captivate. Tworzenie modeli drogowych 3D do wytyczeń i obliczeń kameralnych.
Teaching effects after 128 hours of Building Information Modeling course in Cracow, Poland. Kamila works in Revit, Navisworks and Dynamo for BIM Coordination position. More or
Milena Jaśkielewicz-Pawlak - BIM School Course in Krakó
Teaching effects after 128 hours of Building Information Modeling course in Cracow, Poland. Milena works in Revit, Navisworks and Dynamo for BIM Coordination position. More or
Anna Manys - BIM School Course in Krakó
Teaching effects after 128 hours of Building Information Modeling course in Cracow, Poland. Working in Revit, Navisworks and Dynamo for BIM Coordination position. More or
The document discusses BIM and structural design software. It summarizes StruSoft, a producer of structural design software including FEM-Design. FEM-Design allows accurate and effective structural analysis with features like automatic mesh generation and element design. The document focuses on connecting FEM-Design with Revit through a StruXML add-in. The add-in allows exporting Revit models to FEM-Design for analysis and updating models between the programs. Issues in BIM workflows are recognized, such as inconsistencies between physical and analytical models.
This document discusses how BIM can be used across all stages of a construction project lifecycle, from planning and design through construction and asset management. It provides examples of projects where BIM delivered benefits like reduced costs, improved coordination and clash detection. BIM was used for tasks like 4D construction planning, 5D cost estimation, design optimization and prefabrication. Asset information from BIM models can also be used to support long-term facility management.
3. Public
Kampania informacyjna BIM
BIM - PoczÄ…tek w Polsce w roku 2005
Projekt A1 – Gdańsk - Toruń
• 60 systemów 3D Leica
(spycharka, równiarka, koparka,
• Oprogramowanie
Autodesk, SBG / Leica
6. Public
BIM Civil w roku 2014 - projekty
• Projekty drogowe
modelowanie warstw konstrukcyjnych
modelowanie korpusu drogowego
modelowanie pasów kołowania - lotniska
• Projekty kolejowe
modelowanie warstw podtorza
7. Public
BIM Civil w roku 2014 - projekty
• Projekty kubaturowe
modelowanie dróg manewrowych,
miejsc postojowych, robot ziemnych wewnÄ…trz hali
• Projekty hydro-inżynieryjne
modelowanie koryta rzeki
modelowanie zbiorników wodnych
10. Public
System do maszyny
Wysyła informacje o
konfiguracji elementów
Odbiornik GPS
Wysyła dokładne współrzędne
pozycji anteny GPS
do komputera
Program i Komputer
Oblicza współrzędne elementu
roboczego maszyny
i lokalizuje na trójwymiarowym wykresie
Stacja referencyjna
Wysyła poprawki do sygnałów
satelitów GPS
Zasada działania maszyn 3D
11. Public
zasięg pracy10-20 km.
Transmisja radiowa lub GPRS
Odbiornik GPS + radiomodem
Technologie XXI wieku – BIM – Roboty ziemne 3D
Satelity GPS / GLONASS
14. Public
 Brak tyczenia skarp
 Brak nadzoru i prac fizycznych
 Estetyka wykonania
 Niezależność od warunków pogodowych
 Praca w każdym miejscu w każdym czasie
 Dokładność wykonania do ±2cm
Projekt – budowa drogi ekspresowej
Wydajność koparki z systemem 3D
15. Public
 Brak tyczenia szpilek
 Mobilność pracy
 Brak osób z nadzoru
 Bezpieczeństwo pracy
 Decyzja o wykonaniu warstwy w każdym
miejscu w każdym czasie
 Dokładność wykonania do ±1cm
Projekt – budowa drogi ekspresowej
Wydajność równiarki z systemem 3D
16. Public
BIM Civil – kluczowe korzyści
Oszczędność materiałów wynikająca z dokładnego wyrównania nawierzchni
 Możliwość przełożenia systemu na inną maszynę
 Operator o niższych kwalifikacjach może wykonać trudniejsze zadania
 Możliwość znacznego przyspieszenia prac nawet w trudnych warunkach,
np. w nocy
 Wyeliminowanie pośrednich pomiarów i wytyczeń