This document summarizes research on the electro-thermal and semiconductivity properties of a natural sintered complex carbonate ore for potential thermo-technological applications. The ore was subjected to sintering treatments at temperatures between 573-1273 K. Analysis showed the sintered ore exhibited increased electrical conductivity with higher sintering temperatures due to electron recombination processes. The formation of Fe3O4 at high temperatures induced crystallinity, producing a more ordered crystal structure. Electrical conduction occurred through free or n-type electrons in the conduction band, with electron hopping between Fe2+ and Fe3+ being the main charge carriers.
The document is a song about drinking and partying. It describes getting drunk the night before and having a hangover, as well as not wanting to grow up and wanting to keep drinking and partying. The lyrics celebrate drinking alcohol until throwing up and staying out late partying.
Business is people. People do, buy, sell, share, work, learn, recommend. Our business is understanding people as part of strategy implementation. We intregrate this understanding to business processes.
This document discusses Philips' strategy to focus on consumables by improving relationships with existing customers and finding new business partnerships. It proposes solutions like providing information, support, and incentives to retailers, distributors, and consumers. Examples are given of product lines like baby monitors, air fryers, and coolers that could be promoted to new customer groups. A flagship store concept is outlined to demonstrate products and provide experiences for customers. The goal is to maintain Philips' leadership position through strong customer relationships.
The document discusses a survey conducted by CADMUN students to determine the viability of selling CADMUN merchandise. The survey found that people would be willing to buy CADMUN products, pay $50-$100, and that cell phone cases were the most popular option. Based on this, the students decided to order 4 iPhone 5 cases to sell for $120 Mexican pesos each. They received 24 total orders for iPhone 4 and 5 cases, which will generate a $480 Mexican peso profit.
This document describes a scale-up framework for life cycle assessment (LCA) of chemical processes from the laboratory to an industrial scale. It presents a case study on the scale-up of a nanocellulose production process called NanoCelluComp. The case study compares different scenarios for producing 1 kg of spun nanocellulose yarn and analyzes the impacts of variables like the starting material (whole carrots or carrot pomace), enzyme deactivation method, and solvent recovery system. The LCA results help identify key contributors to environmental impacts and opportunities to optimize the process.
This document is an advertisement for an industrial departmental store called Engineering Approach that is an authorized distributor of various industrial parts and equipment. It lists locations across Maharashtra and products distributed including bearings, belts, couplings, taps, dies, burrs, chains, lubricants, fasteners, sprockets, gaskets, and tools. Contact information is provided for the main office in Aurangabad.
Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council PresentationAg 1 Source
This document discusses various recruitment and retention strategies for businesses. It outlines challenges such as a shortage of college-educated workers and retiring baby boomers. It recommends strategies to reduce turnover like improving communication, training, and career development opportunities. It also suggests targeting passive job seekers, focusing on performance over skills, and promoting the business as a destination employer through internships and community involvement.
This document provides information and tips for using LinkedIn effectively. It discusses setting up a professional LinkedIn profile with a complete background and experience section. It emphasizes using keywords, a professional photo, and an active status. The document also covers using LinkedIn groups to expand your network and generate leads. It provides instructions for creating a professional LinkedIn company page and strategies for engagement. Resources with additional LinkedIn training and best practices are also included.
The cutting tool is a PVC box sample maker cutting plotter machine. It has a vacuum absorbing platform to securely hold materials like PVC, paper, and film. The machine can cut materials up to 2mm thick with precision of 0.1mm using interchangeable tools like pens, knives, and creasing wheels. It draws, cuts, scores, and makes samples and short runs of parts at speeds up to 1000mm/s. The machine requires a computer to operate but one is not included. After-sales support includes one year of free maintenance with payment required for extended coverage.
Norton Scientific Canada provides investment reviews and summaries of documents. This document summarizes an article about Norton Scientific Reviews. It discusses upcoming events in Vienna and Great Falls, Virginia around photography, trails, and bats. It also advertises a fundraiser for the Friends of the Fairfax County Animal Shelter. The summary then shifts to discussing Ralph Ellison's novel Invisible Man, providing background on its publication and critical reception. It gives a brief plot introduction and summary of the novel's beginning, covering the protagonist's experiences in college and aftermath.
The document discusses recruiting and retention strategies for businesses in agriculture. It notes that 50% of the agriculture employee base will retire in the next 10 years as baby boomers leave the workforce. There is also limited supply of potential employees in rural areas and a decreasing number of graduates with agriculture degrees. The presentation recommends focusing on retaining current employees by improving internal communication, developing career paths, and emphasizing growth opportunities. It also suggests recruiting passive job seekers by highlighting the future impact, challenges, and opportunities a role provides rather than just listing job requirements.
The document is a song about drinking and partying. It describes getting drunk the night before and having a hangover, as well as not wanting to grow up and wanting to keep drinking and partying. The lyrics celebrate drinking alcohol until throwing up and staying out late partying.
Business is people. People do, buy, sell, share, work, learn, recommend. Our business is understanding people as part of strategy implementation. We intregrate this understanding to business processes.
This document discusses Philips' strategy to focus on consumables by improving relationships with existing customers and finding new business partnerships. It proposes solutions like providing information, support, and incentives to retailers, distributors, and consumers. Examples are given of product lines like baby monitors, air fryers, and coolers that could be promoted to new customer groups. A flagship store concept is outlined to demonstrate products and provide experiences for customers. The goal is to maintain Philips' leadership position through strong customer relationships.
The document discusses a survey conducted by CADMUN students to determine the viability of selling CADMUN merchandise. The survey found that people would be willing to buy CADMUN products, pay $50-$100, and that cell phone cases were the most popular option. Based on this, the students decided to order 4 iPhone 5 cases to sell for $120 Mexican pesos each. They received 24 total orders for iPhone 4 and 5 cases, which will generate a $480 Mexican peso profit.
This document describes a scale-up framework for life cycle assessment (LCA) of chemical processes from the laboratory to an industrial scale. It presents a case study on the scale-up of a nanocellulose production process called NanoCelluComp. The case study compares different scenarios for producing 1 kg of spun nanocellulose yarn and analyzes the impacts of variables like the starting material (whole carrots or carrot pomace), enzyme deactivation method, and solvent recovery system. The LCA results help identify key contributors to environmental impacts and opportunities to optimize the process.
This document is an advertisement for an industrial departmental store called Engineering Approach that is an authorized distributor of various industrial parts and equipment. It lists locations across Maharashtra and products distributed including bearings, belts, couplings, taps, dies, burrs, chains, lubricants, fasteners, sprockets, gaskets, and tools. Contact information is provided for the main office in Aurangabad.
Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council PresentationAg 1 Source
This document discusses various recruitment and retention strategies for businesses. It outlines challenges such as a shortage of college-educated workers and retiring baby boomers. It recommends strategies to reduce turnover like improving communication, training, and career development opportunities. It also suggests targeting passive job seekers, focusing on performance over skills, and promoting the business as a destination employer through internships and community involvement.
This document provides information and tips for using LinkedIn effectively. It discusses setting up a professional LinkedIn profile with a complete background and experience section. It emphasizes using keywords, a professional photo, and an active status. The document also covers using LinkedIn groups to expand your network and generate leads. It provides instructions for creating a professional LinkedIn company page and strategies for engagement. Resources with additional LinkedIn training and best practices are also included.
The cutting tool is a PVC box sample maker cutting plotter machine. It has a vacuum absorbing platform to securely hold materials like PVC, paper, and film. The machine can cut materials up to 2mm thick with precision of 0.1mm using interchangeable tools like pens, knives, and creasing wheels. It draws, cuts, scores, and makes samples and short runs of parts at speeds up to 1000mm/s. The machine requires a computer to operate but one is not included. After-sales support includes one year of free maintenance with payment required for extended coverage.
Norton Scientific Canada provides investment reviews and summaries of documents. This document summarizes an article about Norton Scientific Reviews. It discusses upcoming events in Vienna and Great Falls, Virginia around photography, trails, and bats. It also advertises a fundraiser for the Friends of the Fairfax County Animal Shelter. The summary then shifts to discussing Ralph Ellison's novel Invisible Man, providing background on its publication and critical reception. It gives a brief plot introduction and summary of the novel's beginning, covering the protagonist's experiences in college and aftermath.
The document discusses recruiting and retention strategies for businesses in agriculture. It notes that 50% of the agriculture employee base will retire in the next 10 years as baby boomers leave the workforce. There is also limited supply of potential employees in rural areas and a decreasing number of graduates with agriculture degrees. The presentation recommends focusing on retaining current employees by improving internal communication, developing career paths, and emphasizing growth opportunities. It also suggests recruiting passive job seekers by highlighting the future impact, challenges, and opportunities a role provides rather than just listing job requirements.
J炭lia Bertolin Boronat
Nivell: 6辿 de Primria
Col揃legi Abad Sola . Curs: 2011-12
-Caracter鱈stica principal envelliment de la poblaci坦.
-Dues causes:
1. Baixa natalitat.
A Europa: naix 10 xiquet/1000 persones.
A frica: naixen 40 xiquets/1000 persones.
2. Laugment de ledat que pot
viure una persona (esperan巽a de viure):
A Europa: 74 anys
A frica: 50 anys.
3. -Per aquestes raons creixement natural negatiu (nombre
de naixements < nombre de defuncions)
-La gran arribada dimmigrants a Europa est ajudant
al creixement de la poblaci坦.
-Efectes de la immigraci坦 (sol ser gent jove) sobre la
1. Creixement de la poblaci坦 activa: augment de les
persones en edat de treballar.
2. Creixement de la natalitat: augment del nombre
de naixements.
-La poblaci坦 europea es majoritriament urbana: 7/10
europeus viuen en ciutats.
(vore el mapa pg. 147 del llibre)
-Es distribueix de forma irregular en:
1. Zones bastant poblades: a la costa atlntica i
centre del continent.
2. Zones escassament poblades: al nord dEuropa.
(zones molt fredes)
-A Europa 辿s el que menys persones ocupa. Tan
sols 4 de cada 100 (4%).
-Caracter鱈stiques principals:
1. Lagricultura.
2. La ramaderia.
3. La pesca.
4. Lexplotaci坦 forestal.
7. 1) LAgricultura:
- Gran Plana Europea i R炭ssia cereals, cre誰lles i
- Conca mediterrnia: vinya, olivera, hortalisses.
8. 2) La Ramaderia:
揃 Nord i al centre dEuropa 辿s extensiva. Bestiar
ov鱈, bov鱈 i porc鱈.
揃 Litoral mediterrani 辿s extensiva. Bestiar ov鱈 i
9. 3) La Pesca:
-Activitat important a Europa.
-Destaquen en nombre de captures: R炭ssia,
Noruega, Islndia, Dinamarca, Espanya i Regne
10. 4) LExplotaci坦 forestal:
- Es localitza sobretot als pa誰sos del nord.
- Fusta dels arbres producci坦 de mobles i paper.
-Ocupa a Europa 30 de cada 100 persones (30%)
-Les ind炭stries principals s坦n:
1. La de base.
2. La de b辿ns dequip.
3. La de b辿ns de consum.
13. 1) Ind炭stria de base:
- Fabrica productes metal炭rgics i qu鱈mics.
- Es localitza a : Alemanya, Fran巽a, R炭ssia i Ucra誰na.
14. 2) Ind炭stria de b辿ns dequip.
-Fabrica mquines, autom嘆vils i material el竪ctric.
-Es localitza a: Alemanya, Fran巽a, Espanya, Itlia,
Regne Unit i Pa誰sos Baixos.
15. 3) Ind炭stria de b辿ns de consum:
- Sobtenen productes que les persones consumim
directamente (t竪xtils, productes farmac竪utics,
- Est repartida per tota Europa.
- Es on treballen m辿s persones: 66 de cada 100
- Les activitats m辿s destacades s坦n:
1) El comer巽.
2) El transport.
3) El turisme.
18. 1)El comer巽:
-Europa 辿s el continent amb m辿s intecanvis
-Exporta: productes qu鱈mics, metal揃l炭rgics, material
de transport i tecnol嘆gics entre altres.
-Importa: petroli i mat竪ries primes principalment.
*Hist嘆ria dels diners:
19. 2) El transport:
-Europa t辿 moltes carreteres i vies de ferrocarril.
-T辿 ports amb molt de trnsit de mercaderies.
-T辿 una de les xarxes de transport aeri m辿s important
i moderna del m坦n.
20. 3) El turisme:
-Europa 辿s el dest鱈 tur鱈stic mundial principal.
-Els ingressos es concentren a: Fran巽a, Espanya,
Itlia, Alemanya, ustria i Regne Unit.
-Espanya 辿s el set辿 pa鱈s m辿s poblat dEuropa.
-Comparteix amb leuropea: lenvelliment i el lent
creixement de la poblaci坦.
-Aix嘆 es degut a 2 factors:
1. Laugment de ledat que pot viure una persona
(esperan巽a de viure = 80 anys una de les m辿s
altes dEuropa)
2. La baixa natalitat creixement lent de la poblaci坦.
-La densitat de poblaci坦 dEspanya
辿s de 91 hab./km2 辿s m辿s alta
que la mitjana europea.
-La poblaci坦 espanyola tamb辿 est repartida
desigualment. La poblaci坦 es concentra a les costes, a
excepci坦 de Madrid.
-La majoria de la poblaci坦 espanyola, com la europea, viu
en ciutats 辿s poblaci坦 urbana.
Paisatges agraris dEspanya
1) Sector Primari: 辿s el que menys persones ocupa.
揃Europa mediterrnia vinya, olivera i cereals.
揃Nord dEspanya ramaderia bovina.
2) Sector Secundari: les ind炭stries que m辿s persones
ocupen s坦n: la metal揃l炭rgica, la de lautom嘆vil i la
qu鱈mica i tamb辿 la ind炭stria de b辿ns de consum.
3) Sector Terciari: 辿s el que m辿s persones ocupa.
Les activitats que m辿s persones ocupen s坦n: el
comer巽, el transport i el turisme.