Cine sunt eu?
Lucrare de Ana Antoniuc, Psiholog colar, Liceul Teoretic Ion Creang, or. Fleti
Lucrare finala elaborat 樽n cadrul cursului de instruire la distan Dialog Intercultural 樽n Moldova.
Cursul de e-learning este realizat 樽n cadrul proiectului Dialog Intercultural 樽n Moldova, implementat de Consiliul Naional al Tineretului din Moldova cu suportul financiar al Fundaiei pentru Copii Pestalozzi. Cursul de e-learning este implementat cu suportul financiar al programului Region in Transition" RITA Program of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation implementat de Funda釘ia Educa釘ie pentru Democra釘ie din Polonia.
Rspunderea este exclusiv a autorilor i nu conine, sub nici o form, poziiile donatorilor.
Cine sunt eu?
Lucrare de Ana Antoniuc, Psiholog colar, Liceul Teoretic Ion Creang, or. Fleti
Lucrare finala elaborat 樽n cadrul cursului de instruire la distan Dialog Intercultural 樽n Moldova.
Cursul de e-learning este realizat 樽n cadrul proiectului Dialog Intercultural 樽n Moldova, implementat de Consiliul Naional al Tineretului din Moldova cu suportul financiar al Fundaiei pentru Copii Pestalozzi. Cursul de e-learning este implementat cu suportul financiar al programului Region in Transition" RITA Program of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation implementat de Funda釘ia Educa釘ie pentru Democra釘ie din Polonia.
Rspunderea este exclusiv a autorilor i nu conine, sub nici o form, poziiile donatorilor.
Maarten Vansteenkiste, professor at UGent Belgium and international expert on Self-Determination, visited TU/e on 11 March 2016 to talk about increasing students motivation. The interactive lecture was attended by some 50 participants, many of them lecturers.
Vansteenkiste provided practical tips in an interactive lecture and explained that interaction with students, the learning activities and assessments, and the choices given to students are very important. Jan Vleeshouwer, lecturer and study counsellor at electrical engineering, was inspired by the workshop: What caught me most, was the fact that when I shape a course in a way that stimulates students intrinsic motivation, I stimulate my own motivation (as a teacher) just as well. So the next time I find myself busy with a tedious teaching chore, I have much more reason to change that.
This presentation discusses effective approaches for increasing student motivation in the classroom. It explores establishing a conducive learning environment, varying learning experiences through incorporating positive competition and other techniques. Research and the presenter's teaching experiences are used to demonstrate the important role motivation plays in student learning. Strategies discussed include setting goals, developing time management and study skills, using interactive materials and social media, and providing feedback to students. The overall goal is to help instructors maximize the value of student motivation.
The document discusses 9 temperament traits identified by child development researchers Chess and Thomas: activity level, distractibility, intensity, sensory threshold, regularity, approach/withdrawal, adaptability, persistence, and mood. Each trait is defined and examples are provided to illustrate how it appears in children. The document also provides parenting strategies for children with very intense temperaments or who are slow to adapt to change.
樽nsuirile care determin ritmul
personal de activitate,sau cu alte
cuvinte, forma i modurile constante
de reac釘iune ale individualit釘ii.
trsturile dinamico-energetice ale
lumea intern
propiile idei despre lucruri si despre sine
energiile se 樽ndreapt 樽nspre subiect
aten釘ia interioar,g但ndire