Games and Smart TV: this convergence will operate
through a new form of interactivity which has to be
designed by audiovisual players, TV channels and
El documento describe los pasos para descargar videos de YouTube utilizando el programa Atube Catcher: 1) instalar el programa desde su sitio web, 2) copiar la URL de un video de YouTube, 3) pegar la URL en Atube Catcher, seleccionar la ubicaci坦n y formato de descarga, y 4) el video se descargar叩 para su uso posterior.
Ayudar a las personas a mejorar su uso con atube catcher, y hacer una breve profundizaci坦n a cerca de las caracter鱈sticas o cualidades que contiene el programa Atube Catcher.
El documento describe el programa aTube Catcher, el cual permite descargar videos de sitios web en diferentes formatos. Tambi辿n se puede usar para buscar y descargar videos de YouTube. El programa ofrece ventajas como descargar videos gratis y cambiar sus formatos, aunque algunos videos no se pueden descargar debido a los derechos de autor.
O documento fornece instru巽探es sobre como usar o programa Atube Catcher, que permite baixar v鱈deos e m炭sicas da internet, converter entre formatos de v鱈deo e 叩udio, e gravar em DVDs e Blu-Rays. Explica como fazer download e convers達o de arquivos, al辿m de pesquisar e baixar m炭sicas pelo t鱈tulo, artista ou 叩lbum.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo descargar videos de YouTube y otros sitios web utilizando el programa aTube Catcher. Explica que aTube Catcher permite descargar videos de sitios como YouTube, Dailymotion y Metacafe, y convertirlos a formatos como MP4, AVI y MP3. A continuaci坦n, detalla el proceso sencillo de descargar e instalar el programa, seleccionar un video, copiar su URL, elegir un formato y hacer clic en "Descargar" para guardar el video en la ubicaci坦n deseada.
Maker Faire 2016 - Microbit & Nano SatelliteLilian Kasem
This document discusses a new satellite inventor's kit for the BBC micro:bit that is meant to inspire students to get interested in science and engineering. The kit allows students to build their own small satellite and collect data using sensors like temperature, light, and cameras. It is designed to help teach a variety of subjects like coding, physics, chemistry, biology and geography. Teachers can use the kit for classroom activities and experiments. Data from the student satellites can be collected and shared through a mission control system to analyze results.
Wearables and Learning - SIG WELL, EC-TEL 2016Ilona Buchem
Wearables and Learning - Prototypes and Experiences with Wearable Enhanced Learning (WELL). Opening Presentation at the 4th Workshop of SIG WELL at EC-TEL 2016 in Lyon, France.
Backstage is the BBC's developer network that encourages and supports UK developers in reusing BBC content. It provides access to data, feeds, and APIs under a license similar to CC non-commercial. Backstage has a new website and Idea Store for sharing development ideas. Recent events included building an RFID weather bot and sponsoring smaller tech events around the UK. The Homura open source games engine and Feeds Hub project were also discussed.
The document discusses the BBC Research & Development's work in developing future media technologies. Some key points include:
1) BBC R&D aims to maintain the BBC's position as a leader in broadcasting research and ensure new technologies are openly available.
2) Past achievements include pioneering digital radio and TV technologies in the 1950s-2000s.
3) Current research priorities include high quality media storage and new formats for immersive and personalized experiences.
4) The goal over the next 5 years is to help create a new "broadcasting" system based on internet protocols and more personalized media experiences.
MicroPython is an implementation of Python 3 optimized for microcontrollers and embedded systems. It runs on low-cost boards with as little as 256KB of flash memory and 16KB of RAM. MicroPython enables microcontrollers to be programmed using the Python language, making IoT development easier and more accessible. During the presentation, the speaker demonstrates installing MicroPython on a microcontroller board and implements a simple IoT device with sensors through live coding.
The document provides an overview of the BBC micro:bit initiative and the BBC micro:bit device. It discusses the goals of the initiative to inspire coding and digital creativity in children. It then describes the features and capabilities of the BBC micro:bit device, including its LED matrix display, buttons, pins for inputs and outputs, accelerometer, compass, and Bluetooth connectivity. It also discusses supported coding environments and the BBC micro:bit website for accessing tutorials, projects, and a community forum.
Rufo Guerreschi is the CEO of a startup building privacy-focused consumer electronics. They are developing a thin handheld device called the CivicPod and a TV box called the CivicBox that greatly improve security and privacy for communications and entertainment. The devices will anonymize digital communications and allow users to access content and apps from their phones on a TV screen. The startup is a spin-off of the Trustless Computing Consortium, which provides unique security expertise. They plan to launch the CivicPod and dongle in the next year, targeting high-net-worth individuals, and roll out the CivicTV more widely thereafter through partnerships with telcos and content providers. The goal is to scale exponentially to
We are building a mass-market 2mm-thin handheld and a TV-connected boxthat, jointly, radically exceed state-of-the art in (A) the privacy and security of your communications, and (B) in the choice of content and quality of experience of your home entertainment.
The BBC has led technological revolutions in broadcasting through services like iPlayer and Ceefax. John Linwood, the BBC's chief technology officer, aims to reform outsourcing practices and spearhead the corporation's technology direction. The BBC uses robotic cameras in its newsrooms and studios to repeat shots smoothly. It also uses its Red Button service to integrate TV, online, and iPlayer content without leaving the program being watched. However, the BBC's experiments with 3D TV were deemed a flop by consumers as the experience was seen as too chaotic.
This presentation was given at WorkTech 2010 Conference at Salford Quays.
It covers the following:
1. The BBC in the digital age
2. Future Media & Technology at MediaCity:UK
3. BBC Research & Development
4. A moment to ponder on innovation
5. Current activities around MediaCity:UK
The document summarizes the BBC Research & Development's work in collaborating with academic and industry partners to develop new broadcasting technologies. Some key areas of focus include developing IP networks for content distribution, exploring new formats for non-linear viewing experiences, and creating spatially aware devices. The BBC aims to help shape the future of media through partnerships that bring together diverse expertise from different organizations.
BBC Research & Development use case for EOSC-DIHEOSC-hub project
The document discusses the BBC's use of high performance computing for video compression and artificial intelligence applications. It describes the BBC's research division and their work developing new video coding standards like HEVC and VVC to enable distribution of ultra high definition content. It provides examples of EU projects applying machine learning to video content and outlines the large computing resources needed for training deep neural networks on high resolution video.
The document discusses new trends in television as the lines between television and the web continue to blur, with television content increasingly available online and web content augmenting the television experience. It covers the growth of content available on the web and through streaming services, as well as innovations that allow social media and web content to be integrated with television viewing. Examples of devices and platforms that combine television and web content are also provided.
The document discusses new trends in television involving integrating TV and the web. It describes how TV content is increasingly being delivered over the web and how web content is being integrated into the TV experience. It also discusses concepts of social TV, which aims to connect the TV experience with social networks, and semantic TV, which adds formal semantic descriptions to TV programs and schedules to enable new methods of filtering and augmenting TV content. The NoTube project is working to integrate TV and the web using semantics.
EBV e Freescale: cosa possono fare per lo sviluppo delle vostre applicazioni ...QT-day
Presentazione offerta embedded Freescale/EBV e carrellata di soluzioni della famiglia Freescale iMX (Arm9/CortexA8/A9) per la gestione delle soluzioni grafiche embedded con Qt.
Using Eclipse technologies to develop the BRAIN-IoT model-based framework for...Brain IoT Project
This talk presents an overview of the BRAIN-IoT framework that implements a model-based approach to enable composability and deployment of heterogeneous IoT platforms in a secure way. We will highlight how Eclipse sensinAct and Eclipse Papyrus are used in BRAIN-IoT to provide some of the platforms capabilities.
Martin P. Bates - Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers_ Embedded Design by Intera...ssusercf2bc0
The PIC 16F877 microcontroller contains the main components of a computer system - a processor, memory, and input/output - all integrated onto a single chip. It has features like analog inputs that allow it to measure signals. The chapter introduces the architecture and instruction set of the PIC 16F877 microcontroller and discusses how its hardware and software work together. Circuit simulation software allows testing and debugging of microcontroller programs and circuits without building physical hardware.
Multi-network Solutions in the Real World Forum at IBC 2013Verimatrix
Ivar Slavenburg, Business Innovation Manager
Creating Value on Hybrid Cable Networks
Spencer Stephens, CTO
Sony Pictures Entertainment
A Content Owners Perspective
Keith Wymbs, VP Marketing
Elemental Technologies
Balancing Multi-screen Capacity with Demand via the Cloud
Will Law, Chief Architect, Media Division
Maximizing the Pipe: Hybrid Protocols for Optimized OTT Delivery
David Price, Head of TV Business Development
Role of LTE Broadcast in Hybrid Networks
Tom Munro, CEO
Tomorrows Vision of a Hybrid Content Management Model
Nigel Walley, Managing Director
Decipher Media Consultants
Using Raspberry Pi 3 and an IOS App connected with an Ibeacon Profile
Video Presentation:
The BBC is the world's oldest national broadcasting organisation and largest broadcaster. It launched its first News App in 2010 which has since been redesigned and is now free to download on iOS and Android. The BBC News App sources its content from the BBC's global network of over 2000 journalists. It provides live streaming of BBC News, personalized news feeds, and sections highlighting the most read and watched stories.
NoTube: experimenting with Linked Data to improve user experienceMODUL Technology GmbH
Vicky Buser presented on the BBC's NoTube project, which uses linked data to improve the user experience of television and online content. Some key ways linked data can help include providing personalized recommendations to help users decide what to watch, offering additional context about programs by semantically enriching metadata, and building infrastructure to support social sharing and discussions around video content. The BBC has applied these techniques in several experiments and applications, and the presentation outlined open challenges and future directions for this work.
A Link Generator for Increasing the Utility of OpenAPI-to-GraphQL TranslationsIstvanKoren
The document describes an automatic link generator tool for OpenAPI specifications. It summarizes that GraphQL is gaining popularity as an alternative to REST APIs, but migrating existing REST APIs to GraphQL via tools like OpenAPI-to-GraphQL results in GraphQL schemas that lack connections between related resources. The presented link generator analyzes OpenAPI paths to identify hierarchical relationships and adds the missing link definitions to better integrate resources in the generated GraphQL schema. The tool has been tested on over 1500 real-world API specifications and was able to add links for about 34% of them.
Immersive Community Analytics for Wearable Enhanced Learning (HCI Internation...IstvanKoren
Nowadays, we can use immersive interaction and display technologies in collaborative analytical reasoning and decision making scenarios. In order to support heterogeneous professional communities of practice in their digital transformation, it is necessary not only to provide the technologies but to understand the work practices under transformations as well as the security, privacy and other concerns of the communities. Our approach is a comprehensive and evolutionary socio-technological learning analytics and design process leading to a flexible infrastructure where professional communities can co-create their wearable enhanced learning solution. In the core, we present a multi-sensory fusion recorder and player that allows the recordings of multi-actor activity sequences by human activity recognition and the computational support of immersive learning analytics to support training scenarios. Our approach enables cross-domain collaboration by fusing, aggregating and visualizing sensor data coming from wearables and modern production systems. The software is open source and based on the outcomes of several national and international funded projects.
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Similar to The BBC micro:bit - discover your inner maker! (20)
Backstage is the BBC's developer network that encourages and supports UK developers in reusing BBC content. It provides access to data, feeds, and APIs under a license similar to CC non-commercial. Backstage has a new website and Idea Store for sharing development ideas. Recent events included building an RFID weather bot and sponsoring smaller tech events around the UK. The Homura open source games engine and Feeds Hub project were also discussed.
The document discusses the BBC Research & Development's work in developing future media technologies. Some key points include:
1) BBC R&D aims to maintain the BBC's position as a leader in broadcasting research and ensure new technologies are openly available.
2) Past achievements include pioneering digital radio and TV technologies in the 1950s-2000s.
3) Current research priorities include high quality media storage and new formats for immersive and personalized experiences.
4) The goal over the next 5 years is to help create a new "broadcasting" system based on internet protocols and more personalized media experiences.
MicroPython is an implementation of Python 3 optimized for microcontrollers and embedded systems. It runs on low-cost boards with as little as 256KB of flash memory and 16KB of RAM. MicroPython enables microcontrollers to be programmed using the Python language, making IoT development easier and more accessible. During the presentation, the speaker demonstrates installing MicroPython on a microcontroller board and implements a simple IoT device with sensors through live coding.
The document provides an overview of the BBC micro:bit initiative and the BBC micro:bit device. It discusses the goals of the initiative to inspire coding and digital creativity in children. It then describes the features and capabilities of the BBC micro:bit device, including its LED matrix display, buttons, pins for inputs and outputs, accelerometer, compass, and Bluetooth connectivity. It also discusses supported coding environments and the BBC micro:bit website for accessing tutorials, projects, and a community forum.
Rufo Guerreschi is the CEO of a startup building privacy-focused consumer electronics. They are developing a thin handheld device called the CivicPod and a TV box called the CivicBox that greatly improve security and privacy for communications and entertainment. The devices will anonymize digital communications and allow users to access content and apps from their phones on a TV screen. The startup is a spin-off of the Trustless Computing Consortium, which provides unique security expertise. They plan to launch the CivicPod and dongle in the next year, targeting high-net-worth individuals, and roll out the CivicTV more widely thereafter through partnerships with telcos and content providers. The goal is to scale exponentially to
We are building a mass-market 2mm-thin handheld and a TV-connected boxthat, jointly, radically exceed state-of-the art in (A) the privacy and security of your communications, and (B) in the choice of content and quality of experience of your home entertainment.
The BBC has led technological revolutions in broadcasting through services like iPlayer and Ceefax. John Linwood, the BBC's chief technology officer, aims to reform outsourcing practices and spearhead the corporation's technology direction. The BBC uses robotic cameras in its newsrooms and studios to repeat shots smoothly. It also uses its Red Button service to integrate TV, online, and iPlayer content without leaving the program being watched. However, the BBC's experiments with 3D TV were deemed a flop by consumers as the experience was seen as too chaotic.
This presentation was given at WorkTech 2010 Conference at Salford Quays.
It covers the following:
1. The BBC in the digital age
2. Future Media & Technology at MediaCity:UK
3. BBC Research & Development
4. A moment to ponder on innovation
5. Current activities around MediaCity:UK
The document summarizes the BBC Research & Development's work in collaborating with academic and industry partners to develop new broadcasting technologies. Some key areas of focus include developing IP networks for content distribution, exploring new formats for non-linear viewing experiences, and creating spatially aware devices. The BBC aims to help shape the future of media through partnerships that bring together diverse expertise from different organizations.
BBC Research & Development use case for EOSC-DIHEOSC-hub project
The document discusses the BBC's use of high performance computing for video compression and artificial intelligence applications. It describes the BBC's research division and their work developing new video coding standards like HEVC and VVC to enable distribution of ultra high definition content. It provides examples of EU projects applying machine learning to video content and outlines the large computing resources needed for training deep neural networks on high resolution video.
The document discusses new trends in television as the lines between television and the web continue to blur, with television content increasingly available online and web content augmenting the television experience. It covers the growth of content available on the web and through streaming services, as well as innovations that allow social media and web content to be integrated with television viewing. Examples of devices and platforms that combine television and web content are also provided.
The document discusses new trends in television involving integrating TV and the web. It describes how TV content is increasingly being delivered over the web and how web content is being integrated into the TV experience. It also discusses concepts of social TV, which aims to connect the TV experience with social networks, and semantic TV, which adds formal semantic descriptions to TV programs and schedules to enable new methods of filtering and augmenting TV content. The NoTube project is working to integrate TV and the web using semantics.
EBV e Freescale: cosa possono fare per lo sviluppo delle vostre applicazioni ...QT-day
Presentazione offerta embedded Freescale/EBV e carrellata di soluzioni della famiglia Freescale iMX (Arm9/CortexA8/A9) per la gestione delle soluzioni grafiche embedded con Qt.
Using Eclipse technologies to develop the BRAIN-IoT model-based framework for...Brain IoT Project
This talk presents an overview of the BRAIN-IoT framework that implements a model-based approach to enable composability and deployment of heterogeneous IoT platforms in a secure way. We will highlight how Eclipse sensinAct and Eclipse Papyrus are used in BRAIN-IoT to provide some of the platforms capabilities.
Martin P. Bates - Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers_ Embedded Design by Intera...ssusercf2bc0
The PIC 16F877 microcontroller contains the main components of a computer system - a processor, memory, and input/output - all integrated onto a single chip. It has features like analog inputs that allow it to measure signals. The chapter introduces the architecture and instruction set of the PIC 16F877 microcontroller and discusses how its hardware and software work together. Circuit simulation software allows testing and debugging of microcontroller programs and circuits without building physical hardware.
Multi-network Solutions in the Real World Forum at IBC 2013Verimatrix
Ivar Slavenburg, Business Innovation Manager
Creating Value on Hybrid Cable Networks
Spencer Stephens, CTO
Sony Pictures Entertainment
A Content Owners Perspective
Keith Wymbs, VP Marketing
Elemental Technologies
Balancing Multi-screen Capacity with Demand via the Cloud
Will Law, Chief Architect, Media Division
Maximizing the Pipe: Hybrid Protocols for Optimized OTT Delivery
David Price, Head of TV Business Development
Role of LTE Broadcast in Hybrid Networks
Tom Munro, CEO
Tomorrows Vision of a Hybrid Content Management Model
Nigel Walley, Managing Director
Decipher Media Consultants
Using Raspberry Pi 3 and an IOS App connected with an Ibeacon Profile
Video Presentation:
The BBC is the world's oldest national broadcasting organisation and largest broadcaster. It launched its first News App in 2010 which has since been redesigned and is now free to download on iOS and Android. The BBC News App sources its content from the BBC's global network of over 2000 journalists. It provides live streaming of BBC News, personalized news feeds, and sections highlighting the most read and watched stories.
NoTube: experimenting with Linked Data to improve user experienceMODUL Technology GmbH
Vicky Buser presented on the BBC's NoTube project, which uses linked data to improve the user experience of television and online content. Some key ways linked data can help include providing personalized recommendations to help users decide what to watch, offering additional context about programs by semantically enriching metadata, and building infrastructure to support social sharing and discussions around video content. The BBC has applied these techniques in several experiments and applications, and the presentation outlined open challenges and future directions for this work.
A Link Generator for Increasing the Utility of OpenAPI-to-GraphQL TranslationsIstvanKoren
The document describes an automatic link generator tool for OpenAPI specifications. It summarizes that GraphQL is gaining popularity as an alternative to REST APIs, but migrating existing REST APIs to GraphQL via tools like OpenAPI-to-GraphQL results in GraphQL schemas that lack connections between related resources. The presented link generator analyzes OpenAPI paths to identify hierarchical relationships and adds the missing link definitions to better integrate resources in the generated GraphQL schema. The tool has been tested on over 1500 real-world API specifications and was able to add links for about 34% of them.
Immersive Community Analytics for Wearable Enhanced Learning (HCI Internation...IstvanKoren
Nowadays, we can use immersive interaction and display technologies in collaborative analytical reasoning and decision making scenarios. In order to support heterogeneous professional communities of practice in their digital transformation, it is necessary not only to provide the technologies but to understand the work practices under transformations as well as the security, privacy and other concerns of the communities. Our approach is a comprehensive and evolutionary socio-technological learning analytics and design process leading to a flexible infrastructure where professional communities can co-create their wearable enhanced learning solution. In the core, we present a multi-sensory fusion recorder and player that allows the recordings of multi-actor activity sequences by human activity recognition and the computational support of immersive learning analytics to support training scenarios. Our approach enables cross-domain collaboration by fusing, aggregating and visualizing sensor data coming from wearables and modern production systems. The software is open source and based on the outcomes of several national and international funded projects.
Augmented Reality Lernkontexte - Eine Europ辰ische PerspektiveIstvanKoren
Augmented Reality (AR) ist auf dem Weg, sich in der Wirtschaft und der Lehre zu etablieren. In den letzten Jahren sind durch Forschung und Entwicklung viele neue Technologien, Methoden und Softwareentwicklungswerkzeuge auf den Markt gekommen. Allerdings fehlen sowohl in der Erstellung von Lehrmaterialien, als auch in der Nutzung von AR in der Lehre einheitliche Richtlinien oder gar Standards. Dar端ber hinaus m端ssen in der Wirtschaft gen端gend gut ausgebildete Fachkr辰fte vorhanden sein, welche die aufgestellten AR-Konzepte umsetzen k旦nnen, so dass ein Transfer aus der Hochschule in die Wirtschaft notwendig ist. Daher gehen wir in diesem Beitrag sowohl auf Herausforderungen im Lernen mit AR, als auch auf die speziellen Bed端rfnisse des Lernens 端ber AR ein. Wir nehmen dazu als Informatiker eine europ辰ische, interdisziplin辰re und anwendungsnahe Perspektive ein, da unsere Erfahrungen aus mehreren gef旦rderten europ辰ischen Projekten in diesen Bereichen stammen. Dabei versuchen wir auch, neue Impulse in Lehrkontexten in unserem Rahmenwerk aufzunehmen, wie Gamifizierung, Learning Analytics und Experience Capturing. Zus辰tzlich weisen wir auf Standardisierungsbem端hungen wie IEEE ARLEM hin. Die konzeptuellen und technischen L旦sungsans辰tze stellen wir als Open Content und Open Source zur Verf端gung, um einer m旦glichst schnellen Verbreitung Vorschub zu leisten. Aus diesem Grund laden alle unsere Aktivit辰ten explizit zur aktiven Teilnahme ein.
The Exploitation of OpenAPI Documents for the Generation of Web FrontendsIstvanKoren
This presentation discusses generating web frontends from OpenAPI API documentation. It introduces OpenAPI and the Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) used to model user interactions. The transformation approach involves parsing the OpenAPI file, designing an IFML model, and generating HTML. A live demo shows an address book application generated this way. Challenges include synchronization across technologies and limitations of the input. The methodology enables automatic frontend creation but future work includes empirical evaluation and additional features.
Smart Ambient Learning with Physical Artifacts Using Wearable Technologies - ...IstvanKoren
Presentation we gave at iLRN 2015 conference in Prague on July 13th, 2015 together with my colleague Ralf Klamma. We present our initial work about a construction exhibition and advertise Open Standards, Open Documentation and Open Source!
Requirements Bazaar - Meet your Users on the WebIstvanKoren
The document discusses the Requirements Bazaar, an online tool that allows end users to submit ideas and requirements that can then be accessed by open source software developers. It aims to help innovative end-user ideas reach developers by providing a more user-friendly interface compared to traditional requirements engineering tools. The Requirements Bazaar website integrates directly into software development workspaces to streamline the process of gathering and implementing user requirements.
We gave this lightning talk about the Layers Box approach in Agder, Norway on May 12, 2015. It highlights the Layers Adapter that proxies requests to our microservice architecture in the backend, secured by OpenID Connect
We gave this lightning talk about Docker and DevOps in Agder, Norway on May 12, 2015. Both the DevOps culture and the Docker technology are an essential part of our Layers Box approach.
Requirements Bazaar powered by AngularJS and Polymer - Talk at Google Develop...IstvanKoren
In this talk that we gave on April 21st, 2015 at the GDG Brussels, we presented the Requirements Bazaar with a special focus on its front end that is built with AngularJS and Polymer.
In this Lightning Talk we want to present Requirements Bazaar 2.0 that aims to be a social continuous innovation platform to bring developers and end-users together. In years of research we have developed and actually operated an open innovation platform for gathering requirements for prototypes in large international academic projects. The last version of the current product is available under . End-users can enter their requirements by providing short descriptions including user stories, screenshots and other images. The requirements can then be shared amongst its users. On the other side of the chain, developers may take up ideas and transfer the accepted requirements to an issue system like JIRA.
Over the last years it turned out that people want more lightweight and mobile-friendly tools; we found the old monolithic system to be very hard to maintain to add new features. Therefore we are currently redeveloping it from scratch integrating many ideas from our users and incorporating new research findings. We are further driven by a mobile-first approach to support a wide variety of devices. We additionally want to support various social features like sharing on social networks or blogs and allowing discussions and rating amongst end-users and developers.
At FOSDEM we would like to encourage open source developers in rethinking the way requirements are currently gathered from the crowd. How do we want to collect new software ideas or simply feature requests from our users. Will it really be through feedback forms in our apps About menu? Do our users really think in terms of issues like we developers do? How can gamification be used to reward actual end-users of software? We hope Requirements Bazaar can answer these questions and fill the gap!
DireWolf Goes Pack Hunting: A Peer-to-Peer Approach for Secure Low Latency Wi...IstvanKoren
Widget-based Web applications are outperforming monolithic Web applications in terms of distribution of the user interface on many devices and many standard browsers. However, latency of the remote inter-widget communication may be an obstacle for the uptake of Widget-based Web applications in near real-time domains like Web gaming and augmented reality. In this demo paper we show DireWolf 2.0 which is replacing the XMPP server of the DireWolf approach by a client-side relay realized by the means of WebRTC. This is not only decreasing the latency of the distributed interface for any application but also increasing the security by avoiding man-in-the-middle attacks on the XMPP server. This progress is enabling further uptake in Widget-based solutions in advanced Web engineering.
Shared Editing on the Web: A Classification of Developer Support FrameworksIstvanKoren
This document discusses developer support libraries for shared editing on the web. It begins by outlining server-push technologies like Ajax, Comet, and WebSockets that enable real-time collaboration. Consistency algorithms like operational transformation and differential synchronization that power collaborative editing are also introduced. Popular libraries are then surveyed, including Google Drive Realtime API, OpenCoweb, MobWrite, and ShareJS. The document concludes by discussing the ROLE SDK and collaborative tools built with it, along with an outlook on future work.
XMPP The Potential Heartbeat of Global-Scale Pervasive Computing. Dr. Daniel Schuster will give a talk on Thursday, July 18th at 4:30 pm in Informatik-Zentrum, AH I about how XMPP can connect diverse devices and enable new applications like augmented reality gaming, remote robot control via mobile devices, and distributing user interfaces across multiple screens. The ACIS group at RWTH Aachen University also offers student research opportunities in these and other related areas.
Most Trusted Home Automation Company in India- Jasmine Smart Homessanskar01021985
Jasmine Smart Homes specializes in providing state-of-the-art smart home solutions that enhance comfort, security, and energy efficiency. Our products include smart lighting systems, automated thermostats, security cameras, and a virtual home assistant for seamless control of your home environment.
Materials, Sensors and Actuators in MEMS technology evolution.pptxDhamodharanSrinivasa1
Materials, Sensors, and Actuators in MEMS Technology Evolution
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) technology has revolutionized various industries, including automotive, healthcare, aerospace, and consumer electronics. MEMS devices integrate mechanical and electrical components at the microscale, enabling precise sensing, actuation, and control. The evolution of MEMS has been significantly influenced by advancements in materials, sensors, and actuators. This document provides a comprehensive analysis of the role of materials, sensors, and actuators in the development of MEMS technology.
1. Introduction to MEMS Technology
MEMS technology refers to miniaturized mechanical and electro-mechanical devices fabricated using microfabrication techniques. These systems typically include sensors, actuators, and electronic components integrated onto a single chip. The advancements in MEMS technology have been driven by the development of novel materials, improved fabrication techniques, and enhanced sensor-actuator performance.
Key Features of MEMS Technology:
Miniaturization of mechanical components
Integration of electronic circuits and mechanical systems
High precision and sensitivity
Low power consumption
Cost-effective mass production
2. Materials in MEMS Technology
The choice of materials plays a crucial role in determining the performance, reliability, and efficiency of MEMS devices. MEMS materials can be broadly classified into structural materials, functional materials, and packaging materials.
2.1 Structural Materials
Structural materials form the backbone of MEMS devices and are responsible for mechanical strength, stability, and durability.
(a) Silicon-Based Materials
Single-Crystal Silicon (Si): The most widely used material in MEMS due to its excellent mechanical properties, low cost, and compatibility with semiconductor fabrication.
Polycrystalline Silicon (Poly-Si): Commonly used for microstructures such as beams, membranes, and cantilevers.
Silicon Carbide (SiC): Offers high-temperature stability and chemical resistance, making it suitable for harsh environments.
(b) Metal-Based Materials
Aluminum (Al): Used for interconnects and microstructures due to its good electrical conductivity and ease of deposition.
Gold (Au) and Platinum (Pt): Preferred for biomedical applications due to their biocompatibility.
Titanium (Ti): Provides high strength and corrosion resistance for specialized MEMS applications.
(c) Polymer-Based Materials
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS): Widely used in biomedical MEMS due to its flexibility and biocompatibility.
SU-8: A high-aspect-ratio photoresist polymer used in microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip applications.
Polyimide: Provides good mechanical and thermal properties for flexible MEMS applications.
2.2 Functional Materials
Functional materials exhibit specific electrical, magnetic, thermal, or optical properties that enhance MEMS device performance.
(a) Piezoelectric Materials
Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT): Common
Meffier Infra Group exemplifies economic diversification and expansion of its presence across different industries and nations. It started by establishing Meffier Globale Exports Pvt Ltd, which is one of India's leading merchant exporters. It brought quality, low-cost products to customers around the world.