This document discusses how Apple has built a highly profitable company culture. It summarizes that Apple achieved $1 trillion in revenue by focusing on getting customers to buy products, buy again through subsequent purchases, and tell their friends through word-of-mouth marketing. Apple accomplishes this through creating insanely great products, an interlinked ecosystem, and delivering a wow customer experience. The company culture fosters alignment, teamwork, ownership, communication, innovation and delivering world-class customer service. Tim Cook emphasized the values of focus, collaboration and excellence that are deeply embedded in Apple's culture.
The document discusses various perspectives on leadership. It provides definitions of leadership from management gurus like Peter Drucker, Warren Bennis, and Bill Gates. It notes that there is no single definition of leadership and definitions may vary between people. It explores the debate on whether leaders are born or made and provides arguments for both sides. The document then gives recommendations for behaviors of a good leader, including taking responsibility, effective communication, empowering others, and leading by example. It discusses the importance of hierarchy, accountability, and delegation in organizations.
Good leaders are made, not born. The document discusses the process of great leadership and provides guidance on how to be a strong leader. It explains that great leadership involves three key aspects - being a good role model with strong character, knowing your job and human nature, and taking action to provide direction, implement plans, and motivate others. The document also lists eleven principles of leadership, such as knowing yourself, being technically proficient, setting a good example, and developing responsibility in your workers.
The document discusses the true nature of leadership. It argues that real leaders see themselves as serving others rather than seeking power or glory. A true leader works as a team player, making sacrifices for others and sharing their skills as a teacher and mentor to help upcoming leaders. The document also provides biographical details about the author, an international student from Haiti who volunteers as a tutor and helps other immigrants adapt while also building their own startup company.
This document discusses different theories of leadership. It begins by stating that good leaders are made, not born, through self-study, education, training, and experience. It then defines leadership as influencing others towards a common goal. The document outlines four factors of leadership: the leader, followers, situation, and communication. It provides examples of how each factor impacts leadership effectiveness. The document also summarizes trait, behavioral, situational, and participative leadership theories.
Leaders are made, not born according to the literature review. The document discusses that leadership qualities come from communication, putting the right people in the right roles, and looking at challenges from others' perspectives. Poor management, lack of career growth, and poor communication are cited as the top reasons employees leave organizations. The conclusion is that a strong sense of purpose can help one overcome obstacles, and effective leadership is learned through communication and experience.
Evaluasi program pelatihan oleh Eli Rustinar, M. Humpagardewa
Dokumen tersebut membahas pengertian, fungsi, model, tingkat, komponen, dan metode evaluasi program pelatihan manajemen organisasi untuk mengetahui keberhasilan pencapaian tujuan pelatihan.
The document summarizes several behavioral leadership theories from the 1940s-1950s. The Ohio State and University of Michigan studies identified two key leadership behaviors: consideration and initiating structure. Michigan researchers also identified two orientations that influence employee performance: employee orientation and production orientation. Additionally, the Managerial Grid theory presents five leadership styles that combine concern for production with concern for people, advocating for a 9,9 team leadership approach.
This document discusses the ROI of investing in company culture. It provides statistics that show culture pays off by helping companies save money recruiting, save time recruiting, increase candidate quality, raise productivity levels, and increase retention rates. The document includes case studies of how Expedia and HubSpot have benefited from prioritizing culture. It emphasizes that culture should be a top priority, as products and strategies may change but culture remains constant for winning teams.
This document discusses emotional intelligence (EI), including definitions from experts like Dr. Travis Bradberry. EI is defined as the ability to identify, assess and control one's own emotions and the emotions of others. It involves four core skills under two competencies: personal competence and social competence. Research shows EI relates to important workplace outcomes. For example, over 75% of Fortune 500 companies use EI training and 90% of top performers have high EI. EI helps with leadership, decision-making, teamwork and conflict resolution.
This document outlines 14 ways for a job candidate to research a company's culture before accepting a position. Some key methods include asking to interview current employees about what they enjoy, taking a walkthrough of the office to observe interactions, reviewing sites like Glassdoor for employee reviews, inquiring about what behaviors are rewarded or punished, and asking how the company supports continued learning and accountability. The document encourages candidates to ask direct but unorthodox questions of hiring managers to seriously evaluate cultural fit.
Materi Training esq, training motivasi, Training kepemimpinan - Aditya 087888...ESQ Leadership Center
Aditya - 087-888-765-439 | Training ESQ bermula dari sebuah buku yang ditulis oleh DR. H. C Ary Ginanjar Agustian, kemudian bertransformasi menjadi sebuah pelatihan sumber daya manusia. Berdiri sejak 16 Mei 2000, ESQ LC kini telah menjadi salah satu lembaga pelatihan terbesar di Indonesia dengan alumni sebanyak 1.2 juta orang dengan 7962 event.
Selama 10 tahun pertama ESQ melakukan personal transformation atau perubahan karakter individu melalui penggabungan 3 potensi manusia yaitu kecerdasan intelektual, emosional, dan spiritual.
Terselenggara hampir di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia juga mancanegara seperti Malaysia, Brunei, Singapura, Belanda, Amerika Serikat, Helsinski, Bangkok, Madrid.
Mulai tahun ke 11 ESQ bergerak pada pembangunan kultur atau budaya perusahaan dengan meluncurkan ACT (Accelerated Culture Transformation) Consulting yang membantu lembaga atau korporasi untuk melakukan pembangunan budaya.
Kami juga memberikan kelas In House untuk korporasi/organisasi, dengan materi yang dapat “customize” sesuai dengan misi, visi dan nilai serta makna yang ingin ditanamkan.
The document discusses how leadership is a skill that can be developed, not something someone is born with. It asserts that becoming a great leader is a process involving experience, repetition, and education/training over time. Several quotes are provided supporting this, such as Aristotle saying excellence requires training and habit, and Caesar saying experience is the greatest teacher. It encourages the reader to start their leadership journey and emphasizes that with hard work, anyone can become a leader.
Educational Leadership for Teachers and EducatorsTimothy Wooi
A glimpse of types of Educational Leadership for Teachers and Educators commonly practiced and situating appropriate Leadership styles aligned to 21st Century Teaching and Learning to apply in a School setting addressing current constant of school improvement- CHANGE!
Materi/狠狠撸 yang dibawakan dalam Inspirational Sharing di Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat UI, pada 26 Agustus 2013 mengenai bagaimana cara menjadi muslim yang menginspirasi.
Teknik Dasar Training - CerdasMulia TFTArry Rahmawan
狠狠撸 yang dibawakan oleh Renita Putri Maharani dalam Training for Trainer CerdasMulia tentang teknik-teknik dasar psikologis dalam training. Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi
This document discusses whether leaders are born or made. It presents arguments that some leaders are born with inherent qualities while others develop their skills over time through experience and training. The document also examines examples like Alexander the Great who had natural talents but still achieved more than expected, and Napoleon who became a great leader through his own efforts despite humble beginnings. Researchers conclude that both nature and nurture play a role, as leaders tend to have inherent traits but all improve their skills significantly through dedicated practice and experience.
Proposal Bedah buku dan Seminar Studentpreneur GuidebookArry Rahmawan
狠狠撸 ini merupakan proposal singkat dan sederhana untuk penawaran bedah buku dan seminar studentpreneur guidebook untuk institusi-institusi pendidikan Indonesia baik secara formal maupun informal.
Tugas Besar Simulasi Industri - Studi Kasus Model Rantai Pasokan Ikan tangkap...Arry Rahmawan
Dokumen tersebut merangkum tentang simulasi rantai pasokan perikanan di Indonesia, meliputi pembagian wilayah perairan Indonesia, kondisi saat ini yang mengakibatkan over eksploitasi dan under eksploitasi, permasalahan yang terjadi, pembuatan model dengan membagi kelompok laut dan darat serta jenis ikan yang akan dimodelkan, yaitu pelagis besar, pelagis kecil dan demersal.
How to be a YOUng Entrepreneur - CerdasMuliaArry Rahmawan
1) The document is a presentation by Arry Rahmawan on how to be a young entrepreneur. It discusses what entrepreneurship is, how to start a business, and how to make a business grow.
2) Entrepreneurship is defined as building, organizing, and operating a business while taking financial risks to make a profit and benefit others. While opportunities exist everyday, becoming an entrepreneur requires learning strategies and tactics to sustain growth.
3) When starting a business, one should have a strong passion and calling, identify a great business idea based on usefulness and skills, and ensure there is a product/service to sell, customers willing to pay, and a way to deliver it.
Hiking in South Dakota is unlike any other state in the U.S. South Dakota trails have picturesque scenery and is exciting to trek at all times throughout the year. Visit my home state of South Dakota for an experience you will never forget!
Evaluasi program pelatihan oleh Eli Rustinar, M. Humpagardewa
Dokumen tersebut membahas pengertian, fungsi, model, tingkat, komponen, dan metode evaluasi program pelatihan manajemen organisasi untuk mengetahui keberhasilan pencapaian tujuan pelatihan.
The document summarizes several behavioral leadership theories from the 1940s-1950s. The Ohio State and University of Michigan studies identified two key leadership behaviors: consideration and initiating structure. Michigan researchers also identified two orientations that influence employee performance: employee orientation and production orientation. Additionally, the Managerial Grid theory presents five leadership styles that combine concern for production with concern for people, advocating for a 9,9 team leadership approach.
This document discusses the ROI of investing in company culture. It provides statistics that show culture pays off by helping companies save money recruiting, save time recruiting, increase candidate quality, raise productivity levels, and increase retention rates. The document includes case studies of how Expedia and HubSpot have benefited from prioritizing culture. It emphasizes that culture should be a top priority, as products and strategies may change but culture remains constant for winning teams.
This document discusses emotional intelligence (EI), including definitions from experts like Dr. Travis Bradberry. EI is defined as the ability to identify, assess and control one's own emotions and the emotions of others. It involves four core skills under two competencies: personal competence and social competence. Research shows EI relates to important workplace outcomes. For example, over 75% of Fortune 500 companies use EI training and 90% of top performers have high EI. EI helps with leadership, decision-making, teamwork and conflict resolution.
This document outlines 14 ways for a job candidate to research a company's culture before accepting a position. Some key methods include asking to interview current employees about what they enjoy, taking a walkthrough of the office to observe interactions, reviewing sites like Glassdoor for employee reviews, inquiring about what behaviors are rewarded or punished, and asking how the company supports continued learning and accountability. The document encourages candidates to ask direct but unorthodox questions of hiring managers to seriously evaluate cultural fit.
Materi Training esq, training motivasi, Training kepemimpinan - Aditya 087888...ESQ Leadership Center
Aditya - 087-888-765-439 | Training ESQ bermula dari sebuah buku yang ditulis oleh DR. H. C Ary Ginanjar Agustian, kemudian bertransformasi menjadi sebuah pelatihan sumber daya manusia. Berdiri sejak 16 Mei 2000, ESQ LC kini telah menjadi salah satu lembaga pelatihan terbesar di Indonesia dengan alumni sebanyak 1.2 juta orang dengan 7962 event.
Selama 10 tahun pertama ESQ melakukan personal transformation atau perubahan karakter individu melalui penggabungan 3 potensi manusia yaitu kecerdasan intelektual, emosional, dan spiritual.
Terselenggara hampir di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia juga mancanegara seperti Malaysia, Brunei, Singapura, Belanda, Amerika Serikat, Helsinski, Bangkok, Madrid.
Mulai tahun ke 11 ESQ bergerak pada pembangunan kultur atau budaya perusahaan dengan meluncurkan ACT (Accelerated Culture Transformation) Consulting yang membantu lembaga atau korporasi untuk melakukan pembangunan budaya.
Kami juga memberikan kelas In House untuk korporasi/organisasi, dengan materi yang dapat “customize” sesuai dengan misi, visi dan nilai serta makna yang ingin ditanamkan.
The document discusses how leadership is a skill that can be developed, not something someone is born with. It asserts that becoming a great leader is a process involving experience, repetition, and education/training over time. Several quotes are provided supporting this, such as Aristotle saying excellence requires training and habit, and Caesar saying experience is the greatest teacher. It encourages the reader to start their leadership journey and emphasizes that with hard work, anyone can become a leader.
Educational Leadership for Teachers and EducatorsTimothy Wooi
A glimpse of types of Educational Leadership for Teachers and Educators commonly practiced and situating appropriate Leadership styles aligned to 21st Century Teaching and Learning to apply in a School setting addressing current constant of school improvement- CHANGE!
Materi/狠狠撸 yang dibawakan dalam Inspirational Sharing di Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat UI, pada 26 Agustus 2013 mengenai bagaimana cara menjadi muslim yang menginspirasi.
Teknik Dasar Training - CerdasMulia TFTArry Rahmawan
狠狠撸 yang dibawakan oleh Renita Putri Maharani dalam Training for Trainer CerdasMulia tentang teknik-teknik dasar psikologis dalam training. Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi
This document discusses whether leaders are born or made. It presents arguments that some leaders are born with inherent qualities while others develop their skills over time through experience and training. The document also examines examples like Alexander the Great who had natural talents but still achieved more than expected, and Napoleon who became a great leader through his own efforts despite humble beginnings. Researchers conclude that both nature and nurture play a role, as leaders tend to have inherent traits but all improve their skills significantly through dedicated practice and experience.
Proposal Bedah buku dan Seminar Studentpreneur GuidebookArry Rahmawan
狠狠撸 ini merupakan proposal singkat dan sederhana untuk penawaran bedah buku dan seminar studentpreneur guidebook untuk institusi-institusi pendidikan Indonesia baik secara formal maupun informal.
Tugas Besar Simulasi Industri - Studi Kasus Model Rantai Pasokan Ikan tangkap...Arry Rahmawan
Dokumen tersebut merangkum tentang simulasi rantai pasokan perikanan di Indonesia, meliputi pembagian wilayah perairan Indonesia, kondisi saat ini yang mengakibatkan over eksploitasi dan under eksploitasi, permasalahan yang terjadi, pembuatan model dengan membagi kelompok laut dan darat serta jenis ikan yang akan dimodelkan, yaitu pelagis besar, pelagis kecil dan demersal.
How to be a YOUng Entrepreneur - CerdasMuliaArry Rahmawan
1) The document is a presentation by Arry Rahmawan on how to be a young entrepreneur. It discusses what entrepreneurship is, how to start a business, and how to make a business grow.
2) Entrepreneurship is defined as building, organizing, and operating a business while taking financial risks to make a profit and benefit others. While opportunities exist everyday, becoming an entrepreneur requires learning strategies and tactics to sustain growth.
3) When starting a business, one should have a strong passion and calling, identify a great business idea based on usefulness and skills, and ensure there is a product/service to sell, customers willing to pay, and a way to deliver it.
Hiking in South Dakota is unlike any other state in the U.S. South Dakota trails have picturesque scenery and is exciting to trek at all times throughout the year. Visit my home state of South Dakota for an experience you will never forget!
The document discusses several hunting apps available for purchase or free download. iHunt by Atlas Brands allows users to log hunt details including animal calls used and weather conditions for $5.99. Hunting Journal Pro by Mt. Lookout Media lets users record weather, moon phase, and game sightings, sharing locations and stories with other hunters for $3.99. HuntStand Lite by TerraStride Inc. tracks user locations and scents during hunts and includes map icons for marking objects, free of charge. Hunt Predictor by Jeffrey Courter provides hunting predictions and location plotting for deer, turkey, and waterfowl at no cost. ActInNature Hunting from GEOPAK ApS maps
South Dakota offers a variety of hunting opportunities across different landscapes including forests, grasslands, mountains, and river bottoms. Hunters can pursue pheasants, waterfowl like ducks and geese, wild turkey, and big game such as whitetail and mule deer. The document provides recommendations for hunting different species, including using shotguns with smaller gauges for pheasants, having a discreet blind and decoy strategy for waterfowl, scouting turkeys to get close, and using rifles like the 270 Winchester for deer.
Michael A. Duch | World's Most Beautiful Churches 2Michael A. Duch
The document lists and provides brief descriptions of 14 of the world's most beautiful churches. It includes details such as construction dates, notable architectural features like intricate gold mosaics or being carved from solid rock, and historical significance like being the site where Jesus Christ was believed to be born. The churches highlighted are located across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East and range in date from the 4th to 18th centuries.
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