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By Oscar Wilde
Group 59
 Where alcohol is craved, the rich are getting richer, and life is
 Here you will find young couples facing the issues of morality and the
harsh struggles of the upper-class.
Group 59
 The Importance of being Earnest
 John Worthing, J.P.
 Algernon Moncrieff
 Rev. Canon Chasuble, D.D.
 Merriman, Butler
 Lane, Manservant
 Lady Bracknell
 Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax
 Cecily Cardew
 Miss Prism, Governess
 John Worthing would be played by Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio,
because John is a respectable responsible adult, he has a double side
to him as well and this play would be perfect for Leonardo DiCaprios
acting styles.
 Algernon would be played by Johnny Depp. Algernons character is
mischievous and witty. Algernon has Cecily loving him before she
even knows him. Johnny Depp possesses the mysterious, witty, and
mischievous attitude that is needed for the character of Algernon.
 Rev. Canon would be played by Bradley Cooper, he can be discreet
about his love for Miss Prism, he is also humorous and flirtatious in
his acting styles.
 The butler would be played by Michael Caine, he has the
experience and acting styles to be the perfect butler.
 Lane would be played by Jack Nicholson, hes humorous, but at the
same time can keep a secret since he is the only one that will know
about Algernons secret of Bunburying
 Lady Bracknell would be played by Sandra Bullock, she is the
mother of Gwendolyn, so her acting experiences would fit it perfect.
She has that mother instinct to show her daughter which young male
she needs to choose to marry, but at the same time she can value
 Fairfax would be played by Amy Adams because she could portray
as the model, smart and the pretty girl that they describe her as. She
also has a crush on Worthing, so she would be able to play that part
very well.
 Cardew would be played by Isla Fisher, because of her knowledge
and age, she took care of Worthing since she was a young child and
looks after him.
 Miss Prism would be played by Anna Faris, she can be romantic in
the play, but she also stands behind Worthing in the play.
 The spine would be the romance life of Jack with Gwendolen;
Gwendolen is also obsessed with the word earnest. She even finds
out that Jack and Algernon were lying about their names. There is also
a twist at the end where Miss Prism comes out with a huge surprise
that she was the one that abandoned Jack.
 Upper class 1925 theme
 Comedy style would be the route to go because of how everybody
is a comedian in this play.
 To make a comedy play that the audience will enjoy, I want
everybody in the audience to remember this play for years to comes.
The director would make everybody in the play use the word over-
word earnest repetitively.
Act 1 Act 2 Act 3
Act 1 Act 2 Act 3
Act 1 Act 3
Act 1 Act 2 Act 3
Act 2 Act 3
Act 2 Act 3
Act 2 Act 3
Acts 2&3
 Design Concept: Welcome to the Roaring Twenties
 Realistic Theatre
 Style: uplifting, rich, grandeur lifestyle
 Through the design concept, the viewer should feel that they are
immersed in 1925.
 Set portrays the lifestyle of the upper-class in 1925
 Ruling Metaphor: Food
Theatre Group 59 Complete Powerpoint
Rug in Apartment
Style represented in apartment
Theatre Group 59 Complete Powerpoint
Curtains in Gold Mirror on wall Art in apartment is of city
Couches in Apartment
Bar in Apartment
Bar Accessories
Jacks Cigarette Case
Salvers for food and Cigarette Case
Algernons Tea
Theatre Group 59 Complete Powerpoint
This is the House that
Jacks Hampton Home
will be modeled after
for back drop and steps
leading up to the round
French doors. Back
Drop will consist of
brick, arched windows,
and vines.
Garden will resemble the
rectangular garden. With
bushes composing the
outside and roses in the
Table in Chairs that are under the tree in the garden German Tea Set from the 1920s used in Act Two
Theatre Group 59 Complete Powerpoint
Design Concept for
morning room at
Jacks country home.
1925 Hampton Home
with Feminine for
Morning Room Rug Morning Room Curtains
Lamp for Morning Room Chandelier
Couches for Morning Room
Ottoman for Morning Room
The Bag that
Miss Prism lost
and that Jack
was found in as
a baby.
The objectives for lighting
1. Is to provide visibility
2. Reveal shapes and forms
3. Provide a focus onstage and create visual
4. Assist in creating mood and reinforcing style
5. Help establish time and place
6. Establish a rhythm of visual movement
7. Reinforce the central visual image, establish visual
information, or both
 In the beginning it is set inside Algernons flat in Half-moon street
1. The lighting should be soft since it is indoors
2. Piano music should be played until the butler has came in with the tea
3. There should be a sound of a door opening and closing to hear Jack
 Later on when Algernon and Jack are having a conversation
1. There should be the sound of a buzzer at the door
2. Sound of door opening and closing to hear Lady Bracknell and Miss
Fairfax entering
 The conversation between Jack and Miss Fairfax
1. When he kneels down to one knee as spot light should be put on just
them two because of the seriousness of the question
 The last conversation between Algernon and Jack
1. There should be piano music as Jack walks in room
 In this act it is at a garden at the Manor House
1. There should be a brighter light to show they
are outside and that it is sunny because they are in
2. You should hear birds chirping
3. There should also be a light running of water
when Cecily is watering the flowers
 The conversation between Cecily, Miss Prism
and Chasuble
1. When Miss prism and Chasuble leave you
should hear the noise of Cecily slamming the books
into the table
 It is early Morning at the Manor house
1. There should be dim lighting because they are inside of the house.
2. There will be a brighter light showing through a window as Cecily and Gwendolen look through
3. Jack and Algernon will be whistling as they enter the house.
 The last conversation between Lady Bracknell, Gwendolen, Algernon, Jack, Cecily, and Miss
1. The viewer will hear foot steps as jack runs up stairs. They will then hear the noise of trunks
being thrown around on the ground.
2. There will be a spotlight on Jack and Miss Prism to symbolize the importance of her telling him
that he was the baby in the bag.
Thank you for viewing!

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Theatre Group 59 Complete Powerpoint

  • 1. THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST By Oscar Wilde Group 59
  • 2. WELCO M E T O T HE RO A RI NG T WENT I ES.. Where alcohol is craved, the rich are getting richer, and life is extravagant Here you will find young couples facing the issues of morality and the harsh struggles of the upper-class.
  • 4. CHOOSING A SCRIPT The Importance of being Earnest
  • 5. CASTING John Worthing, J.P. Algernon Moncrieff Rev. Canon Chasuble, D.D. Merriman, Butler Lane, Manservant Lady Bracknell Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax Cecily Cardew Miss Prism, Governess
  • 6. JOHN/JACK WORTHING, J.P John Worthing would be played by Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio, because John is a respectable responsible adult, he has a double side to him as well and this play would be perfect for Leonardo DiCaprios acting styles.
  • 7. ALGERNON MONCRIEFF Algernon would be played by Johnny Depp. Algernons character is mischievous and witty. Algernon has Cecily loving him before she even knows him. Johnny Depp possesses the mysterious, witty, and mischievous attitude that is needed for the character of Algernon.
  • 8. REV. CANON CHASUBLE, D.D. Rev. Canon would be played by Bradley Cooper, he can be discreet about his love for Miss Prism, he is also humorous and flirtatious in his acting styles.
  • 9. MERRIMAN, BUTLER The butler would be played by Michael Caine, he has the experience and acting styles to be the perfect butler.
  • 10. LANE, MANSERVANT Lane would be played by Jack Nicholson, hes humorous, but at the same time can keep a secret since he is the only one that will know about Algernons secret of Bunburying
  • 11. LADY BRACKNELL Lady Bracknell would be played by Sandra Bullock, she is the mother of Gwendolyn, so her acting experiences would fit it perfect. She has that mother instinct to show her daughter which young male she needs to choose to marry, but at the same time she can value ignorance.
  • 12. HON. GWENDOLEN FAIRFAX Fairfax would be played by Amy Adams because she could portray as the model, smart and the pretty girl that they describe her as. She also has a crush on Worthing, so she would be able to play that part very well.
  • 13. CECILY CARDEW Cardew would be played by Isla Fisher, because of her knowledge and age, she took care of Worthing since she was a young child and looks after him.
  • 14. MISS PRISM, GOVERNESS Miss Prism would be played by Anna Faris, she can be romantic in the play, but she also stands behind Worthing in the play.
  • 15. SPINE The spine would be the romance life of Jack with Gwendolen; Gwendolen is also obsessed with the word earnest. She even finds out that Jack and Algernon were lying about their names. There is also a twist at the end where Miss Prism comes out with a huge surprise that she was the one that abandoned Jack.
  • 16. THEME Upper class 1925 theme
  • 17. STYLE Comedy style would be the route to go because of how everybody is a comedian in this play.
  • 18. DIRECTORIAL CONCEPT To make a comedy play that the audience will enjoy, I want everybody in the audience to remember this play for years to comes. The director would make everybody in the play use the word over- word earnest repetitively.
  • 21. JACK Act 1 Act 2 Act 3
  • 22. LANE
  • 30. SET DESIGN Design Concept: Welcome to the Roaring Twenties Realistic Theatre Style: uplifting, rich, grandeur lifestyle Through the design concept, the viewer should feel that they are immersed in 1925. Set portrays the lifestyle of the upper-class in 1925 Ruling Metaphor: Food
  • 32. ACT ONE Rug in Apartment Chandelier Style represented in apartment
  • 34. ACT ONE Curtains in Gold Mirror on wall Art in apartment is of city
  • 35. ACT ONE Couches in Apartment Bar in Apartment
  • 36. ACT ONE Bar Accessories Jacks Cigarette Case Salvers for food and Cigarette Case Algernons Tea
  • 38. ACT TWO This is the House that Jacks Hampton Home will be modeled after for back drop and steps leading up to the round French doors. Back Drop will consist of brick, arched windows, and vines.
  • 39. ACT TWO Garden will resemble the rectangular garden. With bushes composing the outside and roses in the center.
  • 40. ACT TWO Table in Chairs that are under the tree in the garden German Tea Set from the 1920s used in Act Two
  • 42. ACT THREE Design Concept for morning room at Jacks country home. 1925 Hampton Home with Feminine for Cecily.
  • 43. ACT THREE Morning Room Rug Morning Room Curtains
  • 44. ACT THREE Lamp for Morning Room Chandelier
  • 45. ACT THREE Couches for Morning Room Ottoman for Morning Room
  • 46. ACT THREE The Bag that Miss Prism lost and that Jack was found in as a baby.
  • 48. The objectives for lighting 1. Is to provide visibility 2. Reveal shapes and forms 3. Provide a focus onstage and create visual compositions 4. Assist in creating mood and reinforcing style 5. Help establish time and place 6. Establish a rhythm of visual movement 7. Reinforce the central visual image, establish visual information, or both
  • 49. ACT ONE In the beginning it is set inside Algernons flat in Half-moon street 1. The lighting should be soft since it is indoors 2. Piano music should be played until the butler has came in with the tea 3. There should be a sound of a door opening and closing to hear Jack entering Later on when Algernon and Jack are having a conversation 1. There should be the sound of a buzzer at the door 2. Sound of door opening and closing to hear Lady Bracknell and Miss Fairfax entering The conversation between Jack and Miss Fairfax 1. When he kneels down to one knee as spot light should be put on just them two because of the seriousness of the question The last conversation between Algernon and Jack 1. There should be piano music as Jack walks in room
  • 50. ACT TWO In this act it is at a garden at the Manor House 1. There should be a brighter light to show they are outside and that it is sunny because they are in July 2. You should hear birds chirping 3. There should also be a light running of water when Cecily is watering the flowers The conversation between Cecily, Miss Prism and Chasuble 1. When Miss prism and Chasuble leave you should hear the noise of Cecily slamming the books into the table
  • 51. ACT THREE It is early Morning at the Manor house 1. There should be dim lighting because they are inside of the house. 2. There will be a brighter light showing through a window as Cecily and Gwendolen look through it 3. Jack and Algernon will be whistling as they enter the house. The last conversation between Lady Bracknell, Gwendolen, Algernon, Jack, Cecily, and Miss Prism 1. The viewer will hear foot steps as jack runs up stairs. They will then hear the noise of trunks being thrown around on the ground. 2. There will be a spotlight on Jack and Miss Prism to symbolize the importance of her telling him that he was the baby in the bag.
  • 52. THE END Thank you for viewing!