1. The document describes a large, global company called TIENS that operates in over 190 countries. It has over $1.25 billion in investments and annual production capacity of $4.5 billion.
2. The founder and CEO, Dr. Li Jin Yuan, is described as highly credible and philanthropic. He is ranked as one of the richest people in China and donates millions to charity.
3. TIENS produces various health products focused on cleansing, replenishing, strengthening, and balancing the body. Products include herbal teas, supplements, and massage devices with described health benefits.
4. The marketing plan outlines a multi-level structure with bonuses paid based on personal and team sales
This document provides information and guidance on being an ally to trans* people. It defines important terms like trans*, cisgender, and gender binary. It explains that trans* people experience discrimination and need allies to help make society more inclusive. The document offers dos and don'ts for being a good ally, such as using preferred pronouns and names, challenging transphobia, and listening without objectifying trans* people. The overall message is that everyone can play a role in promoting trans* inclusion and preventing transphobia.
Engagement is key to member loyalty and volunteering is the stickiest form of engagement - so lets optimize volunteer opportunity in your association through #VolunteerLove. Tips and ideas. Samples.
The first of 5 summary presentations around our Habit Fundamentals? training. A brief look at the four stages of learning, with a voiceover from me to give some context.
Deben elegirse a 2 comisionados del Instituto de Acceso a la Informaci¨®n P¨²bl...FUSADES
El Grupo Promotor LAIP expresa su preocupaci¨®n por el retraso en la elecci¨®n de dos comisionados del Instituto de Acceso a la Informaci¨®n P¨²blica (IAIP). Se ha realizado una tercera convocatoria debido a que no se presentaron suficientes candidatos en las dos convocatorias anteriores. El IAIP lleva un mes funcionando de forma irregular sin los nuevos comisionados. El Grupo Promotor sugiere medidas como agilizar la emisi¨®n de documentos requeridos para los candidatos y realizar la asamblea de elecci¨®n una vez concluya el pl
LegalThings was born from a common pain to almost everyone who has worked in a corporate environment: despite working with smart and organised people, we are still spending too much time on process management and reproduction of the same content.
Este documento describe un taller sobre compromiso p¨²blico dirigido a investigadores. El taller tiene como objetivo crear conciencia sobre la importancia del compromiso p¨²blico para los investigadores y la sociedad. El taller se divide en varias sesiones interactivas y pr¨¢cticas donde los participantes aprenden conceptos clave a trav¨¦s de ejercicios en grupos como dise?ar planes de compromiso p¨²blico y comunicar ideas clave de proyectos usando lenguaje accesible. El documento proporciona detalles sobre la duraci¨®n, objetivos y actividades de cada sesi¨®n del taller.
This document provides information and guidance on being an ally to trans* people. It defines important terms like trans*, cisgender, and gender binary. It explains that trans* people experience discrimination and need allies to help make society more inclusive. The document offers dos and don'ts for being a good ally, such as using preferred pronouns and names, challenging transphobia, and listening without objectifying trans* people. The overall message is that everyone can play a role in promoting trans* inclusion and preventing transphobia.
Engagement is key to member loyalty and volunteering is the stickiest form of engagement - so lets optimize volunteer opportunity in your association through #VolunteerLove. Tips and ideas. Samples.
The first of 5 summary presentations around our Habit Fundamentals? training. A brief look at the four stages of learning, with a voiceover from me to give some context.
Deben elegirse a 2 comisionados del Instituto de Acceso a la Informaci¨®n P¨²bl...FUSADES
El Grupo Promotor LAIP expresa su preocupaci¨®n por el retraso en la elecci¨®n de dos comisionados del Instituto de Acceso a la Informaci¨®n P¨²blica (IAIP). Se ha realizado una tercera convocatoria debido a que no se presentaron suficientes candidatos en las dos convocatorias anteriores. El IAIP lleva un mes funcionando de forma irregular sin los nuevos comisionados. El Grupo Promotor sugiere medidas como agilizar la emisi¨®n de documentos requeridos para los candidatos y realizar la asamblea de elecci¨®n una vez concluya el pl
LegalThings was born from a common pain to almost everyone who has worked in a corporate environment: despite working with smart and organised people, we are still spending too much time on process management and reproduction of the same content.
Este documento describe un taller sobre compromiso p¨²blico dirigido a investigadores. El taller tiene como objetivo crear conciencia sobre la importancia del compromiso p¨²blico para los investigadores y la sociedad. El taller se divide en varias sesiones interactivas y pr¨¢cticas donde los participantes aprenden conceptos clave a trav¨¦s de ejercicios en grupos como dise?ar planes de compromiso p¨²blico y comunicar ideas clave de proyectos usando lenguaje accesible. El documento proporciona detalles sobre la duraci¨®n, objetivos y actividades de cada sesi¨®n del taller.
- TIENS Group was founded in 1995 in Tianjin, China by Mr. Li Jinyuan and has since expanded to over 190 countries. It operates in fields including biotechnology, education, retail, tourism, finance, and e-commerce.
- Through charitable donations and corporate social responsibility programs, TIENS Group has donated over ?150 million to public welfare and social charities globally.
- The document provides an overview of TIENS Group and its founder, and describes some of its health products aimed at cleansing, replenishing, and strengthening the body for balanced health and wellness.