This document is a summary of the 2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report by Michael A. Stelzner. Some key findings from the report include:
1) The top questions marketers want answered about social media marketing are how to measure ROI, how to find their target audience, and how to engage their audience.
2) Three-quarters of marketers plan to increase their use of video marketing through YouTube in the future.
3) While only 40% currently use Google+, 70% of marketers want to learn more about it and most plan to increase their Google+ activities.
4) The top benefits of social media marketing reported are generating more business exposure, increasing website traffic, and providing
Brooke McMillan, Senior Digital Strategist, Gray Digital GroupTwitter Handle: @McMillanATX
The Facebook ^free train ̄ has left the station, but should you abandon your page for another social network or should you stick around and ^pay to play ̄? Learn more about how and when to promote posts on Facebook and how even the smallest of budgets can leverage Facebook Ads.
This document provides information about a music performance. Caitlin Delaney will be performing cello music. The performance is by the musical group Hy-Van.
10 Tragic Plane Crashes that Wiped Out Entire Sports TeamsEList Mania
We take a look at the distressing plane crashes that wiped out entire sports teams. Let's relive some of the harrowing moments!
Read more:
O documento fornece detalhes sobre um artigo, incluindo sua tiragem, pa┴s, per┴odo de publica??o, │rea e escopo. Ele tamb└m fornece um ID, data e link para mais detalhes sobre o artigo.
1. The company launched several voluntary projects aimed at creating an autonomous, innovative, productive and happy work environment for employees.
2. Projects focused on reforming HR practices to remove internal competition and result-based payment, improving communication through internal social media, and promoting diversity and inclusion.
3. The overarching aim of the projects was to make employees, customers, business partners, societies, and the world happy by cultivating motivation, autonomy, and innovation among staff.
CipherLab has manufactured the RS30 series to satisfy the needs of the customer-facing mobile workers in field sales, field service, retail and healthcare industries. The RS30 series touch mobile computer is a rugged smart device of which the touch-centric user interface is just like any other smartphone.
This document discusses how to build an effective multi-channel social media strategy. It emphasizes setting SMART objectives that are specific, measurable, assignable, relevant and timed. The strategy should include assessing goals and capacity, selecting appropriate channels, and generating authentic content that tells an organization's story and impact. Regularly reviewing performance and being nimble are also important for success.
Este documento describe diferentes m└todos para representar c┏nicas en perspectiva c┏nica frontal y oblicua, incluyendo dibujos de ejemplos de Sandro Botticelli durante el Quattrocento Italiano y el Cinquecento Italiano que ilustran estas t└cnicas gr│ficas para proyectar c┏nicas en perspectiva.
Succes in iedere fase van de Customer JourneyNetprofiler
In deze presentatie legt Netprofiler uit hoe door je content en boodschap af te stemmen op de behoefte van je doelgroep in elke fase van de customer journey, ervoor zorgt dat je je bezoekers gedurende hun complete journey weet te helpen van awareness naar loyalty.
Door daarnaast in elke fase KPI's meetbaar te maken zorg je ervoor dat je succes afrekent op de juiste KPI's en tegelijkertijd het profiel van je bezoeker steeds verder uitbreidt, zodat je ook steeds specifieker kan targeten.
Relaci┏n perceptiva entre sonido e imagenmargaprofe
El documento describe las diferentes funciones y usos del sonido en el cine. Explica que inicialmente el sonido se ve┴a como una "desnaturalizaci┏n" del cine mudo, pero que con el tiempo se empez┏ a usar de manera creativa para generar efectos emocionales en el espectador. Tambi└n describe los diferentes tipos de sonido como la m┣sica, el di│logo y los efectos de sonido, as┴ como su uso descriptivo, expresivo o narrativo. Finalmente, analiza el uso dram│tico y sint│ctico del silencio como recurso sonoro.
Ble invitert av Datametrix for ? holde foredrag om Sosiale Medier for Datametrix sine kunder i ?lesund. Foredraget ble levert via Telepresence fra Oslo til ?lesund.
O documento fornece detalhes sobre um artigo, incluindo sua tiragem, pa┴s, per┴odo de publica??o, │rea e escopo. Ele tamb└m fornece um ID, data e link para mais detalhes sobre o artigo.
1. The company launched several voluntary projects aimed at creating an autonomous, innovative, productive and happy work environment for employees.
2. Projects focused on reforming HR practices to remove internal competition and result-based payment, improving communication through internal social media, and promoting diversity and inclusion.
3. The overarching aim of the projects was to make employees, customers, business partners, societies, and the world happy by cultivating motivation, autonomy, and innovation among staff.
CipherLab has manufactured the RS30 series to satisfy the needs of the customer-facing mobile workers in field sales, field service, retail and healthcare industries. The RS30 series touch mobile computer is a rugged smart device of which the touch-centric user interface is just like any other smartphone.
This document discusses how to build an effective multi-channel social media strategy. It emphasizes setting SMART objectives that are specific, measurable, assignable, relevant and timed. The strategy should include assessing goals and capacity, selecting appropriate channels, and generating authentic content that tells an organization's story and impact. Regularly reviewing performance and being nimble are also important for success.
Este documento describe diferentes m└todos para representar c┏nicas en perspectiva c┏nica frontal y oblicua, incluyendo dibujos de ejemplos de Sandro Botticelli durante el Quattrocento Italiano y el Cinquecento Italiano que ilustran estas t└cnicas gr│ficas para proyectar c┏nicas en perspectiva.
Succes in iedere fase van de Customer JourneyNetprofiler
In deze presentatie legt Netprofiler uit hoe door je content en boodschap af te stemmen op de behoefte van je doelgroep in elke fase van de customer journey, ervoor zorgt dat je je bezoekers gedurende hun complete journey weet te helpen van awareness naar loyalty.
Door daarnaast in elke fase KPI's meetbaar te maken zorg je ervoor dat je succes afrekent op de juiste KPI's en tegelijkertijd het profiel van je bezoeker steeds verder uitbreidt, zodat je ook steeds specifieker kan targeten.
Relaci┏n perceptiva entre sonido e imagenmargaprofe
El documento describe las diferentes funciones y usos del sonido en el cine. Explica que inicialmente el sonido se ve┴a como una "desnaturalizaci┏n" del cine mudo, pero que con el tiempo se empez┏ a usar de manera creativa para generar efectos emocionales en el espectador. Tambi└n describe los diferentes tipos de sonido como la m┣sica, el di│logo y los efectos de sonido, as┴ como su uso descriptivo, expresivo o narrativo. Finalmente, analiza el uso dram│tico y sint│ctico del silencio como recurso sonoro.
Ble invitert av Datametrix for ? holde foredrag om Sosiale Medier for Datametrix sine kunder i ?lesund. Foredraget ble levert via Telepresence fra Oslo til ?lesund.
Hvordan jobber Microsoft Norge med sosiale medier og hvorfor? Her er noen praktiske r?d.
Foredraget ble holdt p? Dialog Forum 2.5.2010 mens jeg jobbet som Online Marketing Specialis i Microsoft Norge.
I regi av SRF i Bergen ble det gjennomf?rt innf?ringskurs i sosiale medier og omd?mmekontroll tirsdag 16. mars. Presentasjonen inneholder slider til Ove Gjelsvik, Sverre og Lea Bech Sj?thun.
Peter H?ie, Facebook - Page post ads premium and marketplace specs slidesVidar Osa
The document discusses how to promote a Facebook page post as an ad and provide more engagement opportunities for fans such as status updates, photos, videos, questions and links to external content. It recommends testing different types of posts to see which generate the most interactions and monitoring performance to inform future posting strategies. The goal is to increase followers and engage existing fans through varied social content.
The document discusses using Facebook to build your brand. It provides statistics on Facebook usage in Norway, with over 2 million daily active users. It then discusses developing a long-term Facebook strategy and pages, focusing on connecting with customers through welcome posts, customer service, products, and other topics while thanking visitors and engaging audiences. Social plugins are also mentioned as a way to add social features to existing sites. The document concludes with discussing Facebook ad strategies for reaching audiences and driving connections, actions, and transactions.
The document is a presentation on optimizing engagement on Facebook. It discusses strategies for improving news feed optimization through frequent posting, leveraging word of mouth at scale (WOMAS) by expanding reach from fans to friends of fans, using sponsored stories to amplify word of mouth, and defining a WOMAS strategy that incorporates owned, earned and paid channels. It also addresses adapting the organization to focus on acquisition, branding and engagement metrics, and implementing strategies in a step-by-step process.
Nils petter nordskar facebook oppsummeringVidar Osa
This document discusses Facebook and its business model. It mentions that Facebook originally started as a college social network, was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2005, and is now on its way to having 1 billion users, with 350 million active mobile users and over 2.5 million users in Norway. It goes on to discuss ways people can make money on Facebook, including selling electronics, coupons, and consulting services via Facebook pages and posts. The document raises questions about whether growth on Facebook is happening too quickly and if addiction could become an image problem.
8. Instagram/Pinterest
Solid Publication
Meltwater Buzz
Google Plus
9. Obs!
Foto verkt?y for smartphones.
Ta bilder, redigere og bruk effekter.
Send og del med andre,
gjerne direkte p? Facebook, osv.
13. Obs!
Oppslagstavler til inspirasjon
og deling med andre.
Ta bilder av mat, drikke, kl?r, ting, osv,
osv C samle og sortere oppslagstavler.
16. Bambuser
Live streaming av video
fra din mobil C til din Bambuser-side,
Facebook eller andre nettsider.
26. Path
Personlig og (litt) privat utforder
til Facebook. For ditt aller n?rmeste
nettverk, max 150 venner.
51. Companybook
Globalt ustillingsvindu
og global networking for bedrifter
som s?ker andre bedrifter.
53. ? Bedriften er allerede oppf?rt
? Lag din egen hjemmeside
? Gratis basistjeneste
? S?k etter tall og info
? S?k etter produkt
? S?k etter bransje
? Filtrere ned p? ulike markeder, osv
? Sjekk hva media skriver om deg og andre
? F?lge bedrifter og personer
? F? mediaomtale inn p? din feed
? Send ut informasjon til prospects
? Ta kontakt for kj?p/salg/samarbeid
69. Twitter
Nettverks-kanal for tanker, meninger
OG - enkel informasjon.
Max 140 tegn pr melding C ca 150.000
(eller´?) aktive i Norge.
Sende direkte meldinger til Followers.
121. Obs!
Som et  ̄internt Facebook ̄
for virksomheter/organisasjoner.
Status, sp?rsm?l, felles info, spesielle
interesser, avstemminger, innkallinger,
grupper, m.m.m.
135. Solid Publication
Norsk suksess med
verkt?y for utvikling av Facebook-sider.
Solid Social = monitorering og verkt?y
for all aktivitet p? sosiale medier.
185. Meltwater Buzz
Et norsk eventyr av en internett-
virksomhet. Suksessen
med Meltwater News fortsatte
med Buzz C lansert 2009.
202. Fanbooster
Etablert publiserings-system
for utvikling av Facebook Pages for
209. Designe
Lage skjemaer.
Skredders?m Kuponger.
Legge til flere valg Legge til musikk,
Bestem ikoner. videosamlinger,
grafikk, etc.
218. Google Plus
Et  ̄Facebook ̄ fra Google.
Elegant og med mange fine l?sninger.
Ogs? popul?r blant portefolio-
til visning av bilder og video.