The students in class P-5 began a project to learn about cats. They discussed what they already knew about cats, such as how many bones cats have compared to humans. The students then explored what skeletons look like for cats and humans. They observed a human skeleton in the classroom and watched a video that explained the human skeletal system. The students discussed key points about bones and skeletons from the video. They also learned that while most cats have tails, there is a breed called the Manx cat that is born without a tail.
The students in class P4 A have chosen to name their class "Els Gats" (The Cats). They have been learning about cats through books, videos, and observations. Some of the key things they have learned about cats include their physical characteristics like teeth, eyes, ears, claws; what they eat; how they play and live; and different cat breeds and colors. The students plan to continue their research on veterinarians and other topics related to cats.
This document provides an overview of cats in 3 paragraphs. It describes some key physical characteristics of cats such as being mammals with four legs and a short snout. It mentions some famous cat characters like Garfield. It also notes that while cats and dogs are often portrayed as enemies, this is not always true. Cats enjoy hunting like other felines and rodents.
This document summarizes a classroom project about cats undertaken by students in P-5 class at a school. The students learned about cats' anatomy, behavior, diet, and other facts. They visited with a student's pet cat and a woman who cares for stray cats. The class debated whether the character of the Cat in the Hat exists. They engaged in art, music, and drama activities related to cats and had fun learning through the project.
The students in class P-4B studied fish and shared what they learned. They explored how fish live in water, breathe through gills, are covered in scales and propel themselves with fins. The students measured different fish, observed how objects float and sink in water, and learned that fish have an air bladder that allows them to float. They also discovered that most fish lay eggs and the young develop into small fish called fry. The class enjoyed learning about fish and was grateful for help from parents.
This document contains information about frogs presented by a class of young students. It includes facts about frogs such as how they live both on land and in water, what they eat including insects and other small animals, their colors and patterns which serve as warnings to predators, and their lifecycle from eggs to tadpoles to adult frogs. The students shared what they knew about frogs, asked additional questions they had, and presented their findings through songs, diagrams, and descriptions.
Three bones - a large bone, medium bone, and small bone - lived together in a cabin in the woods. They each had their own bowl of soup, chair, and bed sized appropriately for their size. While they went for a walk, a mischievous girl named Rinxols d'Or discovered their home. She tasted all their soups, broke the small bone's chair by sitting in it too hard, and fell asleep in the small bone's bed. When the bones returned, they discovered what had happened. Rinxols d'Or woke up and fled through the window when she saw the bones.
This document provides instructions and materials for students to practice single-digit addition using colorful cubes. It includes problem cards with addition equations for students to solve using the cubes. It also includes recording sheets for students to write the problems and color the appropriate number of cubes for each sum. The materials are designed for use in math centers, independent practice, enrichment, and skill review of single-digit addition.
Ingezonden powerpoint spreekbeurt over poezen en katten door Anneloes. Lees verder op SuperSpreekbeurt:
El documento presenta un juego de bingo para practicar un vocabulario de verano. Incluye una lista de palabras relacionadas con la estación como "intxaurrak", "sagarra", y "botak" junto con sus correspondientes imágenes. Proporciona instrucciones para imprimir y jugar el juego de bingo usando las palabras y pictogramas provistos.
El documento describe las caracterÃsticas fÃsicas y de comportamiento de los lobos. Explica que tienen colmillos afilados para capturar presas, y molares y premolares para desgarrar y masticar carne. Los lobos pueden correr a 10 km/h trotando y hasta 60 km/h persiguiendo presas, y dar saltos de hasta 5 metros. Se alimentan de fruta silvestre y animales como muflones, ciervos y jabalÃes. Viven en manadas de 10 lobos lideradas por una pareja alfa, que son
This document summarizes a classroom project about cats undertaken by students in P-5 class at a school. The students learned about cats' anatomy, behavior, diet, and other facts. They visited with a student's pet cat and a woman who cares for stray cats. The class debated whether the character of the Cat in the Hat exists. They engaged in art, music, and drama activities related to cats and had fun learning through the project.
The students in class P-4B studied fish and shared what they learned. They explored how fish live in water, breathe through gills, are covered in scales and propel themselves with fins. The students measured different fish, observed how objects float and sink in water, and learned that fish have an air bladder that allows them to float. They also discovered that most fish lay eggs and the young develop into small fish called fry. The class enjoyed learning about fish and was grateful for help from parents.
This document contains information about frogs presented by a class of young students. It includes facts about frogs such as how they live both on land and in water, what they eat including insects and other small animals, their colors and patterns which serve as warnings to predators, and their lifecycle from eggs to tadpoles to adult frogs. The students shared what they knew about frogs, asked additional questions they had, and presented their findings through songs, diagrams, and descriptions.
Three bones - a large bone, medium bone, and small bone - lived together in a cabin in the woods. They each had their own bowl of soup, chair, and bed sized appropriately for their size. While they went for a walk, a mischievous girl named Rinxols d'Or discovered their home. She tasted all their soups, broke the small bone's chair by sitting in it too hard, and fell asleep in the small bone's bed. When the bones returned, they discovered what had happened. Rinxols d'Or woke up and fled through the window when she saw the bones.
This document provides instructions and materials for students to practice single-digit addition using colorful cubes. It includes problem cards with addition equations for students to solve using the cubes. It also includes recording sheets for students to write the problems and color the appropriate number of cubes for each sum. The materials are designed for use in math centers, independent practice, enrichment, and skill review of single-digit addition.
Ingezonden powerpoint spreekbeurt over poezen en katten door Anneloes. Lees verder op SuperSpreekbeurt:
El documento presenta un juego de bingo para practicar un vocabulario de verano. Incluye una lista de palabras relacionadas con la estación como "intxaurrak", "sagarra", y "botak" junto con sus correspondientes imágenes. Proporciona instrucciones para imprimir y jugar el juego de bingo usando las palabras y pictogramas provistos.
El documento describe las caracterÃsticas fÃsicas y de comportamiento de los lobos. Explica que tienen colmillos afilados para capturar presas, y molares y premolares para desgarrar y masticar carne. Los lobos pueden correr a 10 km/h trotando y hasta 60 km/h persiguiendo presas, y dar saltos de hasta 5 metros. Se alimentan de fruta silvestre y animales como muflones, ciervos y jabalÃes. Viven en manadas de 10 lobos lideradas por una pareja alfa, que son
Este documento resume las actividades realizadas por una clase escolar durante el curso 2013-2014, incluyendo talleres de cerámica, conciertos, excursiones, competiciones, obras de teatro y proyectos de solidaridad. Destaca la participación exitosa de una alumna en varios concursos de lectura en voz alta a nivel regional y nacional. El maestro expresa haber disfrutado trabajando con los estudiantes durante el año.
• Va aparèixer: fa 12 milions d’anys
• Alimentació: CarnÃvor
• Vida social: Viu amb els humans
• Reproducció: VivÃpar
• Desplaçament: Corren, salten i caminen
• Hà bitat: A les cases dels humans
• Quan dura l’embarà s? Uns 65 dies
• Quantes cries pot tenir? Entre 1 i 5 gats
• Qui les cuida? La gata
• Què mengen les cries? Llet de la mare
• Com es diuen les cries? Cadells de gat o
• Els gats són coneguts per la seva neteja.
Les seves papil·les i saliva els ajuden molt
a netejar-se.