The document provides information about rabbits. It describes their physical characteristics such as having 2 eyes, long ears, a short tail, whiskers, and 4 feet with the back feet being longer and stronger. It discusses what rabbits eat, including pellets, carrots, grass, corn, apples, dried bread, and that they need fresh water and branches to gnaw on. It also notes that rabbits live in cages, woods, or burrows and describes the skeleton of a rabbit.
The document discusses several facts about rabbits:
1) Rabbits eat plants like grass, lettuce, leaves and carrots. They live in fields and forests.
2) Baby rabbits are called kittens. They are born blind and hairless from their mother's womb. The mother nurses the kittens once a night.
3) Rabbits can start reproducing from 3-6 months after birth. Females can have litters of 10-12 kittens every 31 days, so the rabbit population can grow quickly.
The students in class P4 A have chosen to name their class "Els Gats" (The Cats). They have been learning about cats through books, videos, and observations. Some of the key things they have learned about cats include their physical characteristics like teeth, eyes, ears, claws; what they eat; how they play and live; and different cat breeds and colors. The students plan to continue their research on veterinarians and other topics related to cats.
The students in class P-5 began a project to learn about cats. They discussed what they already knew about cats, such as how many bones cats have compared to humans. The students then explored what skeletons look like for cats and humans. They observed a human skeleton in the classroom and watched a video that explained the human skeletal system. The students discussed key points about bones and skeletons from the video. They also learned that while most cats have tails, there is a breed called the Manx cat that is born without a tail.
1) Octopuses have 8 arms with two rows of suckers around their soft body which lacks a skeleton. They have a large head containing two large eyes, a brain, and 3 hearts.
2) They eat small fish, crustaceans, algae. Females lay up to 150,000 eggs in a den and guard them for a month without eating, dying of exhaustion afterwards.
3) Octopuses live in oceans hidden among rocks and coral, coming to coastal areas to reproduce in spring. They are strong, intelligent but timid, hunting at night after camouflaging during the day.
Los estudiantes de la clase P5B est叩n realizando un proyecto sobre los leopardos. Han aprendido que los leopardos son carn鱈voros y solo comen carne. Tambi辿n han aprendido a medir su tama単o y a camuflarse como los leopardos gracias a un gusano con manchas. Adem叩s, simularon ser leopardos comiendo solo carne para entender mejor su dieta.
The document describes a class of students naming their classroom. They debated between calling it "Dinosaurs" or "Butterflies". After presenting arguments for each choice, they voted and the name "Dinosaurs" won by one vote. They then began learning about dinosaurs by bringing in books from home and planning to research different aspects of dinosaurs like how they lived and went extinct.
This document lists and categorizes fruits that are common in the fall season in Catalan. It separates the fruits into two categories: dry fruits and fleshy fruits. Some of the fruits listed are raisins, pears, oranges, chestnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnuts, codorniz eggs, apples, mandarins, and persimmons.
The students in the class studied fish as their class project. They researched fish, created an index of what they wanted to learn, organized the information on a classroom mural, and experimented. They learned about how fish breathe, move, are born, eat and digest food, float, and more. They decorated their classroom door and set up an aquarium as part of their project.
This document provides an overview of cats in 3 paragraphs. It describes some key physical characteristics of cats such as being mammals with four legs and a short snout. It mentions some famous cat characters like Garfield. It also notes that while cats and dogs are often portrayed as enemies, this is not always true. Cats enjoy hunting like other felines and rodents.
The students in class P-5 began a project to learn about cats. They discussed what they already knew about cats, such as how many bones cats have compared to humans. The students then explored what skeletons look like for cats and humans. They observed a human skeleton in the classroom and watched a video that explained the human skeletal system. The students discussed key points about bones and skeletons from the video. They also learned that while most cats have tails, there is a breed called the Manx cat that is born without a tail.
1) Octopuses have 8 arms with two rows of suckers around their soft body which lacks a skeleton. They have a large head containing two large eyes, a brain, and 3 hearts.
2) They eat small fish, crustaceans, algae. Females lay up to 150,000 eggs in a den and guard them for a month without eating, dying of exhaustion afterwards.
3) Octopuses live in oceans hidden among rocks and coral, coming to coastal areas to reproduce in spring. They are strong, intelligent but timid, hunting at night after camouflaging during the day.
Los estudiantes de la clase P5B est叩n realizando un proyecto sobre los leopardos. Han aprendido que los leopardos son carn鱈voros y solo comen carne. Tambi辿n han aprendido a medir su tama単o y a camuflarse como los leopardos gracias a un gusano con manchas. Adem叩s, simularon ser leopardos comiendo solo carne para entender mejor su dieta.
The document describes a class of students naming their classroom. They debated between calling it "Dinosaurs" or "Butterflies". After presenting arguments for each choice, they voted and the name "Dinosaurs" won by one vote. They then began learning about dinosaurs by bringing in books from home and planning to research different aspects of dinosaurs like how they lived and went extinct.
This document lists and categorizes fruits that are common in the fall season in Catalan. It separates the fruits into two categories: dry fruits and fleshy fruits. Some of the fruits listed are raisins, pears, oranges, chestnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnuts, codorniz eggs, apples, mandarins, and persimmons.
The students in the class studied fish as their class project. They researched fish, created an index of what they wanted to learn, organized the information on a classroom mural, and experimented. They learned about how fish breathe, move, are born, eat and digest food, float, and more. They decorated their classroom door and set up an aquarium as part of their project.
This document provides an overview of cats in 3 paragraphs. It describes some key physical characteristics of cats such as being mammals with four legs and a short snout. It mentions some famous cat characters like Garfield. It also notes that while cats and dogs are often portrayed as enemies, this is not always true. Cats enjoy hunting like other felines and rodents.
La pantera negra es una variaci坦n de los grandes felinos que vive en climas c叩lidos de frica y Asia, habitando bosques, sabanas y selvas. Es un mam鱈fero solitario excepto para reproducirse, cazando presas como ciervos y monos para alimentarse. Siendo una especie en peligro de extinci坦n, sus mayores depredadores son los humanos que la cazan por su piel.
Dolphins are aquatic mammals that live in both saltwater (oceans and seas) and freshwater (rivers and aquariums) around the world. They have soft skin, a long beak-like snout, and short, wide fins. Dolphins are blind and can only distinguish between day and night. They are born from their mother's womb tail-first and must quickly swim to the surface after birth to breathe. Baby dolphins nurse for about 1.5 years then eat fish, squid, and crustaceans. Dolphins use echolocation to locate prey from long distances and have over 100 sharp teeth. They swim using their tail and can leap from the water. Dolphins must
This document provides an overview of guinea pigs as pets. It describes guinea pigs' physical characteristics including their robust, tubular bodies covered in fur, small ears and eyes, and short legs with claws. It notes that guinea pigs are social herbivores originally from Peru that live in open spaces and use burrows for shelter. Proper care for guinea pigs as pets includes feeding them a balanced diet, providing fresh water and vitamin C, keeping their cage clean, playing with and handling them.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de tejidos, fibras y hilos. Resume las fibras animales (lana, mohair, alpaca, angora, seda), vegetales (algod坦n, lino, c叩単amo) y minerales (amianto), as鱈 como las fibras artificiales (ray坦n) y sint辿ticas (poli辿ster, poliamida, acr鱈lico). Tambi辿n explica los diferentes tipos de tejidos como los tejidos planos realizados en telar, los tejidos de punto hechos en tricotosa y los tejidos
Els conills s坦n animals herb鱈vors i
s'alimenten generalment de vegetals:
pastanagues, civada, fulles de col i herba
seca. Han de beure molta aigua.
Necessiten rosegar branques de pi i
escor巽a per tenir sempre les dents sanes.
N'hi ha de camp, de llocs tan freds com Groenlandia, de llocs calorosos i
humits, n'hi ha de diferents climes. Viuen en caus.
Es reprodueixen sexualment, el conill salta sobre la conilla i quan copula, el
conill cau de costat.
La conilla triga un mes a parir.
T辿 entre dos i deu llorigons(que 辿s el nom dels conills acabats de n辿ixer)
Nhi ha de diferents races. Algunes d'elles s坦n races per a mascota pels
seus colors i grandria, unes altres tenen certes curiositats com la
grandria de les orelles.
Altres esp竪cies s'utilitzen per la producci坦(de carn, pell i/o p竪l)
Nhi han de diferents colors: De totalment blancs, blancs amb puntes
(d'orelles, nas i cua) negres, caf竪s, grisos, blancs amb taques, caf竪s tirant a
vermell, gris tirant a blau...
Mosteles, fures, mofetes, serps, aus rapaces, gats, gossos, coiots,
cacomixtles, humans i llops.
No 辿s un rosegador com tots creuen, 辿s
com un cos鱈 segon. Pertany a un grup
d'animals anomenats lap嘆rids. Si no
roseguen alguna cosa dura, com una
fusta, li creixen les dents fins a fer-se mal i
no deixar-los menjar.