Advantage Industrial Automation provides automation and control solutions to various industries including food and beverage, consumer products, water and wastewater, energy, material handling, and others. They help customers increase productivity and efficiency, reduce costs, improve quality and safety. Some of their solutions include process visualization, mobile access, state-of-the-art control systems, energy monitoring and reduction, network security, and predictive maintenance. They aim to add value to their customers' operations through expertise, products, and services.
Portafolio diagn坦stico que se presenta para ser evaluado por pares, como actividad de aprendizaje del Tema 1 del MOOC 束innovaci坦n educativa con recursos abiertos
The document discusses bilingual education and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) methodology. It describes a project that aims to implement these approaches to help teachers and students improve their language skills and motivate international cooperation. CLIL teaches curricular content through a foreign language, using English to teach subjects like chemistry. The document outlines benefits of CLIL for students, such as increased motivation and cultural understanding. It also provides statistics on bilingual education programs in Poland, such as the number of primary, junior secondary, and upper secondary schools that offer bilingual instruction in languages like English.
John Mitchell Skanska Low Carbon Business Breakfast Investment in the West 19...Matt Tudge
Skanska is a construction company operating in Bristol and the South West region of the UK. John Mitchell is the Business Development Manager for Skanska UK in the area. The document appears to be a brief introduction or signature from John Mitchell regarding Skanska's presence in the local construction industry.
The document discusses the DECOBIKE bike sharing program in Miami Beach and the opportunity it provides for an exclusive annual corporate sponsorship. Key points include:
- DECOBIKE is a new zero-emission public transit system in Miami Beach consisting of electric bikes and stations located throughout the city.
- The sponsorship would provide extensive outdoor advertising, branding on the bikes and stations, and guaranteed media exposure to tens of millions of impressions per month.
- In exchange for financial support, the sponsor would gain goodwill by supporting a green, healthy transportation initiative that improves the environment and community well-being.
The document provides contact information for DecoBike LLC, the operator of Miami Beach's public bicycle sharing and rental program. DecoBike can be contacted via email, office phone, or fax for additional details on the bike sharing program available in Miami Beach.
Este documento describe la evidencia electr坦nica de un curso sobre el uso de recursos educativos abiertos. Sus objetivos incluyen el uso de estos recursos por los docentes en su pr叩ctica diaria, diseminar y visualizar informaci坦n a trav辿s de ellos, y compartir videos y actividades en un blog escolar. Tambi辿n busca desarrollar competencias comunicativas y tecnol坦gicas a trav辿s de la creaci坦n e innovaci坦n de proyectos que utilicen estos recursos de manera colaborativa entre docentes, personal y directores para enriquecer el trabajo
Kuntoutuss辰辰ti旦n ja ty旦el辰keyhti旦 Varman toteuttaman kyselyn tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa kuntoutuksen asiantuntijoiden n辰kemyksi辰 kuntoutuksen kehitt辰misest辰 ja soteuudistuksesta.
Advantage Industrial Automation provides automation and control solutions to various industries including food and beverage, consumer products, water and wastewater, energy, material handling, and others. They help customers increase productivity and efficiency, reduce costs, improve quality and safety. Some of their solutions include process visualization, mobile access, state-of-the-art control systems, energy monitoring and reduction, network security, and predictive maintenance. They aim to add value to their customers' operations through expertise, products, and services.
Portafolio diagn坦stico que se presenta para ser evaluado por pares, como actividad de aprendizaje del Tema 1 del MOOC 束innovaci坦n educativa con recursos abiertos
The document discusses bilingual education and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) methodology. It describes a project that aims to implement these approaches to help teachers and students improve their language skills and motivate international cooperation. CLIL teaches curricular content through a foreign language, using English to teach subjects like chemistry. The document outlines benefits of CLIL for students, such as increased motivation and cultural understanding. It also provides statistics on bilingual education programs in Poland, such as the number of primary, junior secondary, and upper secondary schools that offer bilingual instruction in languages like English.
John Mitchell Skanska Low Carbon Business Breakfast Investment in the West 19...Matt Tudge
Skanska is a construction company operating in Bristol and the South West region of the UK. John Mitchell is the Business Development Manager for Skanska UK in the area. The document appears to be a brief introduction or signature from John Mitchell regarding Skanska's presence in the local construction industry.
The document discusses the DECOBIKE bike sharing program in Miami Beach and the opportunity it provides for an exclusive annual corporate sponsorship. Key points include:
- DECOBIKE is a new zero-emission public transit system in Miami Beach consisting of electric bikes and stations located throughout the city.
- The sponsorship would provide extensive outdoor advertising, branding on the bikes and stations, and guaranteed media exposure to tens of millions of impressions per month.
- In exchange for financial support, the sponsor would gain goodwill by supporting a green, healthy transportation initiative that improves the environment and community well-being.
The document provides contact information for DecoBike LLC, the operator of Miami Beach's public bicycle sharing and rental program. DecoBike can be contacted via email, office phone, or fax for additional details on the bike sharing program available in Miami Beach.
Este documento describe la evidencia electr坦nica de un curso sobre el uso de recursos educativos abiertos. Sus objetivos incluyen el uso de estos recursos por los docentes en su pr叩ctica diaria, diseminar y visualizar informaci坦n a trav辿s de ellos, y compartir videos y actividades en un blog escolar. Tambi辿n busca desarrollar competencias comunicativas y tecnol坦gicas a trav辿s de la creaci坦n e innovaci坦n de proyectos que utilicen estos recursos de manera colaborativa entre docentes, personal y directores para enriquecer el trabajo
Kuntoutuss辰辰ti旦n ja ty旦el辰keyhti旦 Varman toteuttaman kyselyn tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa kuntoutuksen asiantuntijoiden n辰kemyksi辰 kuntoutuksen kehitt辰misest辰 ja soteuudistuksesta.
Flow leadership serious games master class by buzady.pptxZoltan Buzady
This document provides an introduction and overview of a master class on flow, leadership, and serious games taught by Dr. Zoltan Buzady. It discusses the concepts of flow and how creating a flow-promoting environment can benefit individuals, groups, and organizations. It also introduces a new business simulation game called FLIGBY that is designed to develop flow-based leadership skills through gameplay. The document outlines some key lessons from flow theory and leadership, including the importance of clear tasks, balancing skills and challenges, giving and receiving feedback, and focusing without multitasking. It provides an example of the game's dashboard and assessment of leadership skills.
2. Enuntul problemei Se consider un triunghi de numere naturale format din n linii. Prima linie con釘ine un numr,a doua dou numere, ... ,iar ultima,n numere naturale. Cu ajutorul acestui triunghi se pot forma sume de numere naturale 樽n felul urmtor: Se pornete cu numrul de pe linia 1; Succesorul unui numr se afl pe linia urmatoare plasat sub el(aceeai coloan) sau pe diagonal la dreapt(coloana crete cu 1);
3. Pentru linia i pentru i<n se obtine astfel: C[i,j]=max{T[i,j]+C[i+1,j],T[i,j]+ +C[i+1,j+1]} i:=1,n-1; j:=1,i;
6. Algoritmul Pentru etapa i se trateaz linia i a triunghiului. Fie un ir de n numere care respect condi釘iile prolemei i care formeaz suma maxim, de aici considerm numrul care a fost preluat de pe linia i;vom forma un triunghi de la baz la v但rf cu sumele maxime care se pot forma cu fiecare numr.ntr-o matrice T citim t riunghiul de numere si 樽ntr-o matrice C vom avea urmtoarele rela釘ii:
8. Implementarea programului: Pentru a tipari numerele luate 樽n calcul se folosete o matrice numit drum 樽n care pentru fiecare i,j se ob釘ine coloana 樽n care se gasete succesorul lui T [i,j]; n-num rul de linii ; t,c, drum -de tip matrice;
9. Programul program triunghi; type matrice=array[1..10,1..10]of integer; var t,c,drum:matrice; i,j:integer; Begin write(n=);readln(n); for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to I do begin write(t[,i,,,j,]=);readln(t[i,j]);end; for j:=1 to n do c[n,j]:=t[n,j]; for i:= n-1 downto 1 do begin for j:=1 to I do if c[i+1,j]<c[i+1,j+1] then begin
10. c[i,j]:=t[i,j]+c[i+1,j+1]; drum[i,j]:=j+1;end else begin c[i,j]:=t[i,j]+c[i+1,j]; drum[i,j]:=j;end;end; writeln(suma maxima este,c[1,1]); i:=1;j:=1; while i<=n do begin writeln(t[i,j]); j:= drum[i,j]; i:=i+1;end; readln; End.