ŠܳThe Little Art School "The Blue Bunny"Forests can be classified in different ways such as by tree species, leaf properties, and amount of light. The most common forests in Montenegro are deciduous broadleaf forests, especially beech forests, which are most widespread in the northern areas. In central and southern regions, oak forests predominate while coastal areas contain evergreen hardwood forests. Coniferous forests of spruce, fir, and pine grow in the mountainous inland regions. Forests influence the environment by preventing soil erosion, absorbing water with root systems, and releasing oxygen and chemicals that destroy microorganisms.
Temperate grassland2summermackeyTemperate grasslands have sparse trees and extensive grasses and herbs. They experience hot summers and cold winters with average annual precipitation of 20-35 inches. Common biotic factors include various grasses, flowers, rabbits, deer, snakes, birds, and insects. Abiotic factors include rolling hills and valleys at elevations usually between 2,000-10,000 feet with fertile soil and average wind speeds of 15-20 mph. Wildfires play an important role in maintaining biodiversity by preventing tree overgrowth and stimulating new plant growth.
Lišćarske listopadne šumeThe Little Art School "The Blue Bunny"This document summarizes the plants and animals that live in deciduous forests. It describes how trees like oak, hornbeam, and beech are the most common types of deciduous trees and how they provide habitat for animals in the tree canopy layer. The understory layer is home to shrubs like hazel and hawthorn, which support insects and birds. The forest floor layer contains fungi, mosses, ferns and small animals like snakes, toads, mice and hedgehogs. All the layers are interconnected through food chains.
ŠܳThe Little Art School "The Blue Bunny"Forests can be classified in different ways such as by tree species, leaf properties, and amount of light. The most common forests in Montenegro are deciduous broadleaf forests, especially beech forests, which are most widespread in the northern areas. In central and southern regions, oak forests predominate while coastal areas contain evergreen hardwood forests. Coniferous forests of spruce, fir, and pine grow in the mountainous inland regions. Forests influence the environment by preventing soil erosion, absorbing water with root systems, and releasing oxygen and chemicals that destroy microorganisms.
Temperate grassland2summermackeyTemperate grasslands have sparse trees and extensive grasses and herbs. They experience hot summers and cold winters with average annual precipitation of 20-35 inches. Common biotic factors include various grasses, flowers, rabbits, deer, snakes, birds, and insects. Abiotic factors include rolling hills and valleys at elevations usually between 2,000-10,000 feet with fertile soil and average wind speeds of 15-20 mph. Wildfires play an important role in maintaining biodiversity by preventing tree overgrowth and stimulating new plant growth.
Lišćarske listopadne šumeThe Little Art School "The Blue Bunny"This document summarizes the plants and animals that live in deciduous forests. It describes how trees like oak, hornbeam, and beech are the most common types of deciduous trees and how they provide habitat for animals in the tree canopy layer. The understory layer is home to shrubs like hazel and hawthorn, which support insects and birds. The forest floor layer contains fungi, mosses, ferns and small animals like snakes, toads, mice and hedgehogs. All the layers are interconnected through food chains.
2. Nalaze se u području oko ekvatora
Klima: topla i vlažna (25°C)
Karakteriziraju ih visoka vlažnost i velika količina oborina
Domorodačka plemena
Najveći problem: deforestacija
4. 1.kat-površina tla
Ovo područje je većinom pod sjenom. Vrlo malo sunčevih zraka dopire
do ovog dijela.
Zbog nedostatka sunca koje dopire do tla tvari se vrlo brzo razgrađuju.
List kojem bi trebala 1 godina da se razgradi u normalnim uvjetima
ovdje će nestati za 6 tjedana
Ovdje žive veliki mravojedi.
5. 2.kat-grmolika vegetacija
Mala količina svjetlosti dopire do ovog sloja pa biljke najčešće imaju
velike tamno zelene listove kako bi mogle uhvatiti što više sunca.
U ovom sloju biljke rastu do 17m.
Vlažnost je konstantno visoka zbog slabog protoka zraka
Ovdje žive životinje kao npr. jaguar, crvenooka žaba, leopard, razni
6. 3.kat-sloj niskog drveća
Ovaj sloj tvori krov nad ostalim slojevima.
Stabla su do 30m visine.
Krošnje imaju glatko ovalno lišće te stvaraju labirint lišća i grana.
Ovaj sloj obiluje hranom pa se tu nastanio velik broj životinja.
7. 4.kat-sloj visokog drveća
U ovom sloju se nalaze stabla i viša od40m.
Većina stabala ima male šiljaste listove. Ovaj sloj prima najviše
Ovdje su se nastanile životinje poput majmuna, različitih ptica te
8. Flora i fauna
Ne postoji razdoblje vegetacijskog mirovanja
Imaju najveću bioraznolikost na Zemlji
11. Amazonska prašܳ
Najveća svjetska prašܳ
Ime dobila po rijeci
Proteze se kroz 9 država
Najveći proizvođač kisika
(pluća Zemlje)
12. Sinharaja
• tropska kišna šܳ na
jugozapadu Šri Lanke
• Ima više od 60%
endemskog i rijetkog
drveća. Ima najviše
jedinstvenih vrsta
ptica. Poznata je po
prirodnim potocima,
izvorima, rijekama,
13. Daintree
• Nalazi se u
Queenslandu u
• Sadrži 30% žaba,
torbara i reptila. Čak
65% leptira i 18 %
ptica su pronađene
upravo ovdje kao i12
000 insekata.